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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


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Only problem with theat diet is it will f'up your kidneys
If you said 30 years ago I would share a egg sandwich with someone I would say you are on better drugs then I get. I always loved a nice fresh buttered bagel while I wait for them to make me a egg sandwich. Not no more .
I can share a bagel and now are starting a 1/4 hero when the need for award winning chicken cutlet parm heros is present.
Took me enough weight to fill a small dump truck ( F 350 size) to just eat the fuk less


Well-known member
Morning :yoinks:

Doc's gave me a compression glove to wear. Said it would help with the swelling and it did. I guess. The only problem is pealing it off the dried ooze. :cuss: More pain than the initial burn. Now to add insult to injury. Cleaning/cutting more of the dead skin off. Once the pain pills kick in.

Won't be going outside much today as we're under and excessive heat warning again. Don't need to be sweating with bandages on. It hurts enough as it is.

Thanks for all the well wishes. It does help. :thank you:

Now on with the pics of the gore.:whistling:

burn 3.jpg
burn 4.jpg


Well-known member
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This is Everette my buddy Spetzals first grandchild.
He is the closest guy around me like Boo.
He can bury yo at 2 depth deep and very deep.
Everettes dad is a Medical Dr who got his degree and financing all by himself .
Being Spetzs son he also can change a alternator ,install a new light post 75 feet from the front door after talking it over with me.
His grandpa bought him his first gun

You should eat something like she said so she does not have you to worry about too. Is she feeling any relief?
I would ,I usually listen to Subie and when I dont ,I dont tell Her


Well-known member
Good morning OF's :)

Received a text from my niece last night with a link to the house
she and her now husband are purchasing. Lovely 3 bd 2 bath
home in the Ann Arbor area. It is a beautiful first home.
I looked at the asking price and nearly fell off my chair.
$419,000. Holy eff!

She came from very little and worked like a mad dog
to achieve National Honor Society accolades in her
Jr. & Senior years, went on to put herself through
4 years of College to earn a business degree
graduating Cum Laud. Landed herself a job
at Hersey Corp. and worked her way up the ladder.
Married her love of 10 years just this year.
and now they are buying their first home.

From meager beginnings in a little cow dunk village.
Raised by her father who was and still is a working
alcoholic ( :( ) and a mother who is a toxic narcissist
who (thankfully) relinquished all custody of her daughter
when she was 2yo. My niece learned early on just what
her mom was and has had zero to do with her and IMO
is all the better for it... obviously.

Hard work and determination, knowing that she wanted
to live a better life... drove her to become the accomplished
Woman she is today. Her mother in law is not the typical evil
ML so often portrayed. She is a kind loving woman who
adores my niece and has taken her in as her own from
the very start. So... she now has a mother :)

At 28 yoa. she is living the American dream through
having a dream and working diligently to achieve it.
No one handed her anything... she's earned it all.

I am so happy for her, I cried.

Perhaps there is hope for the younger generation after all?


Well-known member
Premium user
My crews would sometime cook on the job for lunch or if away for supper, out would come the grill.
They'd slice potatoes like Subby does but they'd put them in foil with butter and woercesthire sauce and fold them up in stick them in the coals.
They were mighty fine
Yes, I love those. We add carrots an onions to the foil packs too


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning OF's :)

Received a text from my niece last night with a link to the house
she and her now husband are purchasing. Lovely 3 bd 2 bath
home in the Ann Arbor area. It is a beautiful first home.
I looked at the asking price and nearly fell off my chair.
$419,000. Holy eff!

She came from very little and worked like a mad dog
to achieve National Honor Society accolades in her
Jr. & Senior years, went on to put herself through
4 years of College to earn a business degree
graduating Cum Laud. Landed herself a job
at Hersey Corp. and worked her way up the ladder.
Married her love of 10 years just this year.
and now they are buying their first home.

From meager beginnings in a little cow dunk village.
Raised by her father who was and still is a working
alcoholic ( :( ) and a mother who is a toxic narcissist
who (thankfully) relinquished all custody of her daughter
when she was 2yo. My niece learned early on just what
her mom was and has had zero to do with her and IMO
is all the better for it... obviously.

Hard work and determination, knowing that she wanted
to live a better life... drove her to become the accomplished
Woman she is today. Her mother in law is not the typical evil
ML so often portrayed. She is a kind loving woman who
adores my niece and has taken her in as her own from
the very start. So... she now has a mother :)

At 28 yoa. she is living the American dream through
having a dream and working diligently to achieve it.
No one handed her anything... she's earned it all.

I am so happy for her, I cried.

Perhaps there is hope for the younger generation after all?
Great story🥰


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning OF's :)

Received a text from my niece last night with a link to the house
she and her now husband are purchasing. Lovely 3 bd 2 bath
home in the Ann Arbor area. It is a beautiful first home.
I looked at the asking price and nearly fell off my chair.
$419,000. Holy eff!

She came from very little and worked like a mad dog
to achieve National Honor Society accolades in her
Jr. & Senior years, went on to put herself through
4 years of College to earn a business degree
graduating Cum Laud. Landed herself a job
at Hersey Corp. and worked her way up the ladder.
Married her love of 10 years just this year.
and now they are buying their first home.

From meager beginnings in a little cow dunk village.
Raised by her father who was and still is a working
alcoholic ( :( ) and a mother who is a toxic narcissist
who (thankfully) relinquished all custody of her daughter
when she was 2yo. My niece learned early on just what
her mom was and has had zero to do with her and IMO
is all the better for it... obviously.

Hard work and determination, knowing that she wanted
to live a better life... drove her to become the accomplished
Woman she is today. Her mother in law is not the typical evil
ML so often portrayed. She is a kind loving woman who
adores my niece and has taken her in as her own from
the very start. So... she now has a mother :)

At 28 yoa. she is living the American dream through
having a dream and working diligently to achieve it.
No one handed her anything... she's earned it all.

I am so happy for her, I cried.
Good morning OF's :)

Received a text from my niece last night with a link to the house
she and her now husband are purchasing. Lovely 3 bd 2 bath
home in the Ann Arbor area. It is a beautiful first home.
I looked at the asking price and nearly fell off my chair.
$419,000. Holy eff!

She came from very little and worked like a mad dog
to achieve National Honor Society accolades in her
Jr. & Senior years, went on to put herself through
4 years of College to earn a business degree
graduating Cum Laud. Landed herself a job
at Hersey Corp. and worked her way up the ladder.
Married her love of 10 years just this year.
and now they are buying their first home.

From meager beginnings in a little cow dunk village.
Raised by her father who was and still is a working
alcoholic ( :( ) and a mother who is a toxic narcissist
who (thankfully) relinquished all custody of her daughter
when she was 2yo. My niece learned early on just what
her mom was and has had zero to do with her and IMO
is all the better for it... obviously.

Hard work and determination, knowing that she wanted
to live a better life... drove her to become the accomplished
Woman she is today. Her mother in law is not the typical evil
ML so often portrayed. She is a kind loving woman who
adores my niece and has taken her in as her own from
the very start. So... she now has a mother :)

At 28 yoa. she is living the American dream through
having a dream and working diligently to achieve it.
No one handed her anything... she's earned it all.

I am so happy for her, I cried.

Perhaps there is hope for the younger generation after all?

Wow ,You could write a song about that☝️

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