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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I actually picked one up the other day and put it in my bike bag to put in my basket of interesting things I find on my walks. I wonder if there are wasps hatching in my bike bag now. I just remembered it was in there when you posted the pic
I do the same thing lol
Collect all kinds of 'interesting' stuffs on walks.
I will know now if I find one of these and feel compelled
to bring it home, I should not leave it in my pack :)


Well-known member
Would you please post a link/ links to support this statement?
I would be very interested in reading them.

I do know that high BP which about 72 million Americans have
may result in Renal Hypertension. Meaning... it can and does
effect the kidneys in appox. 2% of people with High BP.
I'll provide one link:

I have been eating "that diet" for close to 1 1/2 years. I had labs done
just as I began in Mar. '23 then again in Apr. 24 that shows zero decline
in kidney function. I also no longer have high BP.
It's a Keto diet Infos all over the place and keto diets have all kinds of nicknames.
Keto diets are all protein meats, bacon yadda yadda yadda.
You like blts?
There ya go ya can all you like just leave off the bread, lettuce, tomatoes and miracle whip this is alla no no


Well-known member
I got COVID 19 last year anyone else get it? I even had the vaccines. I got really sick and one day I had a tremendous fever and the thermometer read 106. I went back to bed. Was fine few days later. Never had such a high fever. I guess I would have died without the vaccines? Damn I had like 5 vaccine shots.
I've never had covid, have had numerous shots, as many as there has been available. My partner she had it, hers was not too bad, she has had the same shots as me. We both have lung disorders and do what we can to protect ourselves. That's a very high fever you had DB, good thing that didn't persist. You would have cooked your brain cells.


Well-known member
Sorry you have to deal with that brother, glad you went to the burn clinic, and have the wherewithal to properly take care of a burn that bad! That's how life-threatening stuff gets started............

Your second-degree burns remind me of the period where buildings were being blown up regularly by indoor BHO extraction, where some did die.

View attachment 19044044
That's fucked up get well soon, grafts?


Well-known member
I actually picked one up the other day and put it in my bike bag to put in my basket of interesting things I find on my walks. I wonder if there are wasps hatching in my bike bag now. I just remembered it was in there when you posted the pic


Well-known member
Good day OF, life goes on another day no matter what happens to any of us. My morning coffee is tasting good, I have some chores laid out. Every couple of months I give the kitchen a thorough cleaning and wipe down. I mean I clean it other times in between but not to the same extent.
The sun is coming up over the mountain, it won't take long for the heat to work itself up.
I should hear from my partner this day with some news about what's going to happen next.

Hope all is well for you.

I wonder if LittleLeaf got any rest last night, poor guy, burns hurt terribly.
No I did not get much rest. Tossed and turned trying to get comfortable.

So it's now nap time.....QUIET on the set lol


Well-known member
Better and cheaper than paying for enlarged boobs at the doc's office, for some.



Well-known member
Good morning OF's :)

Received a text from my niece last night with a link to the house
she and her now husband are purchasing. Lovely 3 bd 2 bath
home in the Ann Arbor area. It is a beautiful first home.
I looked at the asking price and nearly fell off my chair.
$419,000. Holy eff!

She came from very little and worked like a mad dog
to achieve National Honor Society accolades in her
Jr. & Senior years, went on to put herself through
4 years of College to earn a business degree
graduating Cum Laud. Landed herself a job
at Hersey Corp. and worked her way up the ladder.
Married her love of 10 years just this year.
and now they are buying their first home.

From meager beginnings in a little cow dunk village.
Raised by her father who was and still is a working
alcoholic ( :( ) and a mother who is a toxic narcissist
who (thankfully) relinquished all custody of her daughter
when she was 2yo. My niece learned early on just what
her mom was and has had zero to do with her and IMO
is all the better for it... obviously.

Hard work and determination, knowing that she wanted
to live a better life... drove her to become the accomplished
Woman she is today. Her mother in law is not the typical evil
ML so often portrayed. She is a kind loving woman who
adores my niece and has taken her in as her own from
the very start. So... she now has a mother :)

At 28 yoa. she is living the American dream through
having a dream and working diligently to achieve it.
No one handed her anything... she's earned it all.

I am so happy for her, I cried.

Perhaps there is hope for the younger generation after all?
When I managed the installation telecommunications crew, I'd get called in on certain installs.
This younger generation are buying expensive house and not being able to furnish them.
Drive up to a nice house nothing inside but the basics.
Beds, kitchen table maybe a couch, maybe a chair in the bedrooms

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
I hope they do get reined in but I am doubtful the US DOJ or even the legislature will do anything about it(revising or revoking section 230 immunity for example). I don’t know a lot about the UK govt but over the last year, news stories I have read indicate your slavers seem in lock step with our slavers. Free speech is challenging here but it sounds like it is worthy of prison in the UK. I would like to hear from all you folks across the pond about the current unrest as I don’t believe any of the MSM to provide an unbiased reporting on, well, pretty much anything.
It’s about a very small number of people who travel around the country causing unrest then run away, like S.Yaxley-Lennon hiding in Cyprus but dog whistling his ex football hooligan friends to do what he’s afraid of

That Afrikaner musk is not helping a situation that he knows nothing about and is ensconced many miles away

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