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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Just give me another 15 minutes then I will get up💤💤OH did someone mention food🥩🍗🍖

Hello and good day GW
Good afternoon Old Man! Let the feast begin!
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
she was not properly covered , didn’t even have a thong on , not that it would matter , really , about the same amount of flesh is exposed with or without a thong

but rules are rules
YOWZA. That's whut I was pointing out. Our morality setup is genuinely strange, and I just gotta use that photo as an example.

If you had posted nice hiney cheeks with a string between them that went up and covered a triangle of back skin above those nice hiney cheeks...

This reminds me of a song from long ago. Rules are rules.


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good discussion…I try an eat as healthy as I can but go bad 3 times a week. Plant based diet.
I agree. Good discussion. And as the oldest one here, lemme give a tad of my thinking:

The idea of living is not to see how long** you can make it. The idea is to have as much fun, self-actualization (that would mean learning to play an instrument, write a book, or learn astronomy, juggling, whatever) and other cool experiences. NOT just sit at home, measuring intakes and outgoes by the millimeter/milliliter trying to outdo Lazarus.

**The flip side is not to see how fast you can kill yourself by booze, drugs, stupid games for stupid prizes, etc.

And lest you think I am claiming sagacity... No fukkin' way! I played the game the wrong way for more decades than most of youse have been alive. It is only as I enter the Springtime Of My Senility (SOMS) that I see how many arrows I dodged by stone stupid luck. There are 6,941 people in the USA that are my age. Those odds suck for you guys.

If you are not gonna be 0.016% of the population lucky, then you better take life as a daily gift.

See the italicized above? Now YOU think back to that time when you did NOT get kilt. It coulda happened, right? So something like that could happen at any time -- whatever it was. So do your good stuff now.


Well-known member
YOWZA. That's whut I was pointing out. Our morality setup is genuinely strange, and I just gotta use that photo as an example.

If you had posted nice hiney cheeks with a string between them that went up and covered a triangle of back skin above those nice hiney cheeks...

This reminds me of a song from long ago. Rules are rules.

53 years is long ago, good song


Well-known member
Premium user
I am personally happy for your good health. I have read about, though not met, folks that drank their fill of alcohol on a regular basis, and smoked daily, and lived to 100. We all make very personal choices about our health. Nothing that I ever post has anything to do with anyone making a profit, including myself. My significant other and I eat tofu 3-4 times a week, eggs once, and chicken and fish for the other dinners. Nobody is making or losing any bags of money from us. If you do not trust an entity such as the Mayo Clinic for information, so be it. They are not selling anything. Everything they discussed is at the grocery store, like anything else. There is nothing personally directed towards you either. Differing opinions spawn expanded thinking. We are all very independent adults here, so no one would be foolhardy enough to be foolishly schooled. And, no one is promoting or selling anything. Enjoy your day!!
I’m with you. Everyone makes their own choices on their health. We prolly all have our dirty little secret habits too like I do which we don’t always talk about (well except for Joe anyways…😂). I usually cook most nights. Sometimes a delightful meal like I’m making right now

‘sometimes junk food or leftovers. Sometime too many cookies which may be tonight as I just took the last batch out of the oven. 😳
‘I try to manage my weight by not going over that spot but when I do, I know just how to eat the next couple days to bring it back down. We do a couple of dog walks a day and a bike ride but then I do like my cig after I eat too so who am I to tell anyone how to eat or live their life. I do like hearing about how certain diets are effective to those who chose to try one and have done the meat cheese and egg diet many times to lose weight and get back on track.
im glad yall are talking this out as it’s interesting how we all eat to me. Especially those in other places far from home.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I’m with you. Everyone makes their own choices on their health. We prolly all have our dirty little secret habits too like I do which we don’t always talk about (well except for Joe anyways…😂). I usually cook most nights. Sometimes a delightful meal like I’m making right now
View attachment 19043753
‘sometimes junk food or leftovers. Sometime too many cookies which may be tonight as I just took the last batch out of the oven. 😳
‘I try to manage my weight by not going over that spot but when I do, I know just how to eat the next couple days to bring it back down. We do a couple of dog walks a day and a bike ride but then I do like my cig after I eat too so who am I to tell anyone how to eat or live their life. I do like hearing about how certain diets are effective to those who chose to try one and have done the meat cheese and egg diet many times to lose weight and get back on track.
im glad yall are talking this out as it’s interesting how we all eat to me. Especially those in other places far from home.
I had a veggie pizza last night and a grilled chicken salad tonight….then I‘m gonna DRINK MY DINNER🍺


Well-known member
I’m with you. Everyone makes their own choices on their health. We prolly all have our dirty little secret habits too like I do which we don’t always talk about (well except for Joe anyways…😂). I usually cook most nights. Sometimes a delightful meal like I’m making right now
View attachment 19043753
‘sometimes junk food or leftovers. Sometime too many cookies which may be tonight as I just took the last batch out of the oven. 😳
‘I try to manage my weight by not going over that spot but when I do, I know just how to eat the next couple days to bring it back down. We do a couple of dog walks a day and a bike ride but then I do like my cig after I eat too so who am I to tell anyone how to eat or live their life. I do like hearing about how certain diets are effective to those who chose to try one and have done the meat cheese and egg diet many times to lose weight and get back on track.
im glad yall are talking this out as it’s interesting how we all eat to me. Especially those in other places far from home.
Hello and good day to you Sub...I have seen baked potatoes in photos that are sliced but have never done or tasted such a potato. What does it do to the potato, besides give it a Freddy Krueger look.
Do you lather it with salt & butter? Maybe a little parsley

That is a terrific looking meal, my favorite cut of beef is the striploin.
I have never met a potato I didn't like.
Carrot are always in the fridge