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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I tried that, but my flowering moms never yielded that well, unless a plant I just took a cut or two from, then into flower. Long term moms just didnt yield for me, I just went with new clone.
Well that's essentially what I'm saying, don't keep Moms long term. Start a Mom from clone, grow it until it's big enough to take the number of clones you need (if you need lots then you need more then one Mom from clone). Let's say for the sake of the example you need 10 rooted clones to fill your flower room. Take however many clones you need to end up with 12 rooted clones. 10 go into the flower room along with the mom the clones came from and the other 2 out of 12 become the new moms for the next batch, wash rinse and repeat. If you do it like I'm saying then the only difference between the mom and the clones will be that the mom had a full veg period to develop it's rootball. If anything because of the extra veg time the mom will produce more not less then it's clones. Or in the worst case scenario it will produce the same because it's technically an identical copy of what the clones are. If you do what I'm suggesting here and you're just dead set against flowering the mom then don't just throw it away since you'll have the two extra clones to replace it.
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I water when I want how I want.
The whole water shortage thing is........not exactly the case.
We have the same volume of water on earth we always had.
Our issue is pollution,potability and access.
We live in a closed system where nothing really escapes.........we all drink the pee water.


Well-known member
Premium user
Well that's essentially what 'm saying, don't keep Moms long term. Start a Mom from clone, grow it until it's big enough to take the number of clones you need (if you need lots then you need more then one Mom from clone). Let's say for the sake of the example you need 10 rooted clones to fill your flower room. Take however many clones you need to end up with 12 rooted clones. 10 go into the flower room along with the mom the clones came from and the other 2 out of 12 become the new moms foor the next batch, wash rinse and repeat. If you do it like I'm saying then the only difference between the mom and the clones will be that the mom had a full veg period to develop it's rootball. If anything because of the extra veg time the mom will produce more not less then it's clones. Or in the worst case scenario it will produce the same because it's technically an identical copy of what the clones are. If you do what I'm suggesting here and you're just dead set against flowering the mom then don't just throw it away dince you'll have the two extra clones to replace it.
wish the government worked as efficient


Well-known member
Fk water restrictions! I water when needed. I don’t waste but I’m not gonna let my plants suffer. Why do they keep building more and more houses if they are worried about water shortages, Also why is Colorado responsible for supplying a third of the country’s water. Golf courses in Arizona And California come to mi

if I buy anymore silver I will need a forklift to move it around

nowadays I stick to Au unless I can find silver eagles around $30 ea……..but I now believe buying silver under $30 an oz is gone
I wont pay the premium for eagles, usually get Sunshine Rounds and Bars. about 31 per oz now, looking at a kilo bar, about a grand.


Well-known member
Hi oldfogey8,
businesses never give things away or they wouldn't be in business. So who pays for that 5% you get back, who down the chain of people is paying for it?

I was married to a banker for 15 years, she taught me some good things about money handling. Unfortunately, some lessons regarding money had to be learned the hard way.

Hope things are OK with your life
My guess(and it is only a guess) is that AmEx doesn’t charge a higher rate to grocers, gas stations and pharmacies. I believe they charge a standard percentage on all transactions(let’s say 3% as that is what it was back when my father owned a store). My bill monthly averages about $3k so their transaction fee plus my yearly fee makes them about $1200. I get about $1000 back so they are making money on me though not much. If there are 10,000 people like me using the card, they make over $2 million/year. Not a bad chunk of change. However, if I didn’t have the cash back perk, I wouldn’t keep the card so a little profit is better than no profit and I am pretty sure I am an exception not the rule. I use cash for most other purchases which I know helps the small businesses I support.


Well-known member
Premium user
it’s true…..than can now take parts of a liver and grow livers in labs , at least that is what I heard…

when I was diagnosed with hep c about 20 years ago I was forced to address my liver

long story short , doc said I was a rare bird cause after about 7 years I no longer tested positive and was even cleared to donate blood

this is a supplement that a lot of people need to be taking for liver maintenance , milk thistle and what I give a lot of credit to in my recovery….
we have a lot of natural remedies growing on your lawn ,the only bad part about it is its free and the drug co cant make any $ on it


Well-known member
Well, not a bad view for them lucky hosses.


They are kinda like a shit boy band.


This is our big baby.


And dumbass has to have the final say.


And dumbass was wanting to play chase me with the hosses. He's finally growing up, but still on the lead as there's sheep in the next field and he can be a twat with them at times. He just wants to play.


Well-known member
Premium user
My guess(and it is only a guess) is that AmEx doesn’t charge a higher rate to grocers, gas stations and pharmacies. I believe they charge a standard percentage on all transactions(let’s say 3% as that is what it was back when my father owned a store). My bill monthly averages about $3k so their transaction fee plus my yearly fee makes them about $1200. I get about $1000 back so they are making money on me though not much. If there are 10,000 people like me using the card, they make over $2 million/year. Not a bad chunk of change. However, if I didn’t have the cash back perk, I wouldn’t keep the card so a little profit is better than no profit and I am pretty sure I am an exception not the rule. I use cash for most other purchases which I know helps the small businesses I support.
My Honey works for a co that does sprinklers and what they have to shell out to credit card co is appalling i


My guess(and it is only a guess) is that AmEx doesn’t charge a higher rate to grocers, gas stations and pharmacies. I believe they charge a standard percentage on all transactions(let’s say 3% as that is what it was back when my father owned a store). My bill monthly averages about $3k so their transaction fee plus my yearly fee makes them about $1200. I get about $1000 back so they are making money on me though not much. If there are 10,000 people like me using the card, they make over $2 million/year. Not a bad chunk of change. However, if I didn’t have the cash back perk, I wouldn’t keep the card so a little profit is better than no profit and I am pretty sure I am an exception not the rule. I use cash for most other purchases which I know helps the small businesses I support.
I wonder what they call me........never had a credit card,taken a loan or made payments.
I own my house and land outright no banks just taxes.
Same with vehicles never made a single payment aside from purchase in cash.
Started out at 13 with the clothes on my back and then again at 30.
Skipped fourth grade and dropped out in fifth.........not even sure what level of education that is.
I do have 3 GED diplomas though thanks to the Florida dept. of corrections.
Life is tough........ but it's tougher when you're stoopid.
Hopefully at some point one wakes up and sees the world for what it is but sadly so many simply stay intheir slumbers.


Well-known member
My guess(and it is only a guess) is that AmEx doesn’t charge a higher rate to grocers, gas stations and pharmacies. I believe they charge a standard percentage on all transactions(let’s say 3% as that is what it was back when my father owned a store). My bill monthly averages about $3k so their transaction fee plus my yearly fee makes them about $1200. I get about $1000 back so they are making money on me though not much. If there are 10,000 people like me using the card, they make over $2 million/year. Not a bad chunk of change. However, if I didn’t have the cash back perk, I wouldn’t keep the card so a little profit is better than no profit and I am pretty sure I am an exception not the rule. I use cash for most other purchases which I know helps the small businesses I support.
Your right, what might seem like small profit but multiply that by thousands and you have big profit. We know there are mountains of credit cards. Credit cards are handy when used properly.

take care oldfogey8


Well-known member
I had a texting session with one of my oldest son’s friends yesterday. I wish more young people felt like he does. His ‘radical’ positions are oddly in line with my ‘radical’ positions. This is his text:

Here’s a few extreme radical ideals.

I would prefer if a lot of people weren’t dying around the world from unnecessary wars right now. I would prefer it if there were some notable action for diplomacy which I’ve seen no public displays of. I would prefer it if racism ideas weren’t being perpetuated. I would prefer if there weren’t so much unnecessary government spending of our tax paying dollars, largely money just being sent to foreign nations for minimal congressional oversight as to how it’s appropriated. I would like for manufacturing to return to the United States, and I would like strong leadership from the United States, which means not bending over to nations for whatever backroom deals. I would like free and fair elections and I would like a strong border, which seems super reasonable to me. I want inflation to be controlled because that’s strange. How can that be unpopular? and I would like reasonable cost for energy. energy independence is also good idea in my opinion. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have never seen a vape in person, so I am just guessing but is it not just a fancy electronic way to smoke?
This might be an over simplification but basically a vape is a way to "burn" bud/hash/kief/resin at a temp lower then full combustion.. Essentially the resin is vaporized but any plant material in what is being vaped is left behind. Since it's not being combusted you're not inhaling all the stuff the plant material becomes as it's combusted. What you do end up inhaling is therefore not as harmful to your lungs because you're not inhaling any of the byproduct of burning plant material. It's also usually more potent because what you are inhalng is just vaporized resin which is the part of what you smoke that gets you high. Also it's more concentrated because no part of it is that other stuff from burning the plant, that doesn't get you high. Because of this, people usually report that hit for hit they are getting higher then burning cannabis. To be fair though, people just starting with vaporizing often say it feels like something is missing. They've gotten so used to having that byproduct of the burning plant material that the experience feels different when that's not present in what they inhale. I've never gotten into vaping long term enough to speak from experience but my guess is that once a person adjusts to just vaping that feeling of something missing goes away.

Now yes, vaping is usually done in some sort of electronic form so that temps can be controlled and kept at a low enough value to not cause combustion but high enough to vaporize the resin. Also true is that vapes do tend to be more fancy then rolling papers, pipes or bongs. Some can even get pretty elaborate but that's not always the case, some vapes are fairly simple in their design.


Well-known member
My Honey works for a co that does sprinklers and what they have to shell out to credit card co is appalling i
I pay cash for that sort of stuff. The benefit of paying cash goes both ways. If I can’t afford something, I either save up for it or go without. A lot of times businesses will give me a discount for using cash but I don’t ask for it as I know running a business is hard and expensive.