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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
They say the your liver can regrow and correct itself with time. I hope so as I abused the heck outta mine in my younger days. I still drink more than once a year but can feel it way more now and find it takes more to recover physically these days so I don’t partake too often. I do smoke a heck of a lot of cannabis tho.

it’s true…..than can now take parts of a liver and grow livers in labs , at least that is what I heard…

when I was diagnosed with hep c about 20 years ago I was forced to address my liver

long story short , doc said I was a rare bird cause after about 7 years I no longer tested positive and was even cleared to donate blood

this is a supplement that a lot of people need to be taking for liver maintenance , milk thistle and what I give a lot of credit to in my recovery….


Well-known member
Good afternoon OFs.

Grey and cool here, 19*C in modern money and a light breeze making it feel about 16*C... (double it and add 30 to get to F was what my Grandfather taught me).


I've not eaten bread for 3 days and I've had my 1st solid movements since xmas the last 2 days. I think I've some sort of aversion to bread. Or the glyphosphate they spray on the wheat. ??? Pain has gone in my gut, so I think it's bread. I was waiting for 6 months for a scan but when I chased them up I was told my cancer test was negative so they felt no need to check out what's going on, but couldn't be bothered to let me know. Gotta love the NHS, huh?
I'm still on a waiting list for my ADHD... 3 years now and have just been told I need to start the process again now that I have moved to another care provider area... They have a backlog of 3,500 cases and are seeing 200 per year, so that's another 17 year wait to be seen. I can't sit staring outof the window for that long, so may just pay to go private and be done with it. I think I need some meds as my lack of mojo is starting to get me down.

I fancied some lunch so decided to not have toast and have meat instead.

View attachment 19042986

That'll do me for my lunches for 3 or 4 days... Man, I love cow meat and eggs.

Have fun folks, I'm off to mulch the herb bed I made for the wife yesterday.
Sound like roundup poisoning to me. Next to imposable to find roundup free grains in the good ol USSA. Biggest laboratory on the planet.


Well-known member
When I lived in San Francisco all those years ago - I'd watch all the junkies lining up outside the blood bank in the Tenderloin area - getting $40 per pint of blood - and back then they never checked for HepC - but after a 12 week course of Epclusa (sofosbuvir/velpatasir) - I'm clear of the HepC now - and my liver thanks me for that too - didn't have any idea I had it for 42 years - 😀 - no symptoms whatsoever - it just sits in your system slowly making your liver harder and more fibrous -


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
While I am on my hobbyhorsie, tryna save the world (or at least youse guys)... take note of these bits of info (not opinion)

1. There was a deficit of silver (mined vs used/gone) for the last two years:

"Along with record silver demand and lower mine production, the silver market achieved its second consecutive annual structural deficit, at a significant 237.7 million ounces (Moz) last year."

2. Silver industrial demand rose by 5 percent, physical investment increased by 22 percent, and jewelry and silverware rose by 29 and 80 percent, respectively, leading to the total global [not local] silver demand milestone

MOAR -- Note that this shows the drain plug has been pulled for FOUR years now, building up a deep world shortage.

View attachment 19031380

if I buy anymore silver I will need a forklift to move it around

nowadays I stick to Au unless I can find silver eagles around $30 ea……..but I now believe buying silver under $30 an oz is gone


Morning OFC! Happy Sunday. Gotta figure out what to do with my day. Final stages doing prep work on the carpet install. Living Nightmare!!

Gotta move the grandfather clock today. Brother in law is coming over to help with that. It hasn’t moved in 25 years….
Buy a vape from,
These are the highest quality,easiest for a noob to use vapes on the market.
Not the highest quality vapor but the all around best starting point as some of the better one are a bit..........much.


Well-known member
it’s true…..than can now take parts of a liver and grow livers in labs , at least that is what I heard…

when I was diagnosed with hep c about 20 years ago I was forced to address my liver

long story short , doc said I was a rare bird cause after about 7 years I no longer tested positive and was even cleared to donate blood

this is a supplement that a lot of people need to be taking for liver maintenance , milk thistle and what I give a lot of credit to in my recovery….

A complete liver is a long ways away, likely many many, moons (or dreams) away. Certainly wish it were true. Two internal organs do not easily repair themselves: 1. Heart ; 2. Liver. Take extra special care of those 'lil babies. :cautious:



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good morning OF, it's almost time for some yard hand watering, yesterday had to break the rules and do a bit of watering. I don't water more than they tell you to but I can't just water on the days they tell you to. Some of my plants were wilting yesterday, I won't let them suffer.
Fk water restrictions! I water when needed. I don’t waste but I’m not gonna let my plants suffer. Why do they keep building more and more houses if they are worried about water shortages, Also why is Colorado responsible for supplying a third of the country’s water. Golf courses in Arizona And California come to mind.


Well-known member
I solved that problem by taking a couple of extra clones when harvesting clones and once those clones rooted and I got them in soil the moms would be part of the next batch to go into the flower room.
I tried that, but my flowering moms never yielded that well, unless a plant I just took a cut or two from, then into flower. Long term moms just didnt yield for me, I just went with new clone.


Well-known member
Fk water restrictions! I water when needed. I don’t waste but I’m not gonna let my plants suffer. Why do they keep building more and more houses if they are worried about water shortages, Also why is Colorado responsible for supplying a third of the country’s water. Golf courses in Arizona And California come to mind.
Good day Mr.Pute, the Regional District(RD) only wants me to water on Sunday and Wednesday from 6-10 AM/PM but in this hot weather that does not work. I don't water more than I should just not the hours they say.
It's the same, citizens complain of water shortages and then the RD decides to build a new housing development in the area with water shortages.

Let the water wars begin. Everybody wants it, everybody needs it.

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