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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Heat here too. Unbearable. I got in Arlos swimming pool yesterday after cleaning it and filling it for him. May have to stay inside today
I hear you, I'm not far from you living here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, so I get pretty much the same weather as you and yes, it's been miserable here with the heat and humidity the past week or so. i mean just getting in a car that's been setting in the sun for an hour or more is so bad it takes your breath away. It's particularlyy rough for people like me with heart issues. Since the heart is not only your fuel pump (blood) it's also your water pump (body fluids) and suddenly having to work real hard to cool you when the weather is so hot and humid can really put a strain on my heart. When I was young and healthy i loved the summer time and the weather didn't seem so bad back then even though summer days were pretty much almost as hot and humid. Now I dread this period and end up staying inside as much as I can during this time so as to not strain my heart any more then necessary.

Hoprfully as that storm they're watching in the Gulf works it's way up past us it will pull the heat along with it and give us some much needed relief.
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Well-known member
Premium user
I hear you, I'm not far from you living here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, so I get pretty much the same weather as you and yes, it's been miserable here with the heat and humidity the past week or so. i mean just getting in a car that's been setting in the sun for an hour or more is so bad it takes your breath away. It's particularlyy rough for people like me with heart issues. Since the heart is not only your fuel pump (blood) it's also your water pump (body fluids) and suddenly having to work real hard to cool you when the weather is so hot and humid can really put a strain on my heart. When I was young and healthy i loved the summer time and the weather didn't seem so bad back then even though summer days were pretty much almost as hot and humid. Now I dread this period and end up staying inside as much as I can during this time so as to not strain my heart any more then necessary.
Same here. I use to spend every waking moment I could at the beach soaking in the cancer rays. Now now so much. I get my farmer tan walking the dogs and riding my bike. That’s enough for me and I live 10 minutes from the beach


Cabana’s bitch
you're closing in on the sweet spot subbie...girls are looking quite nice...just finished feeding both tents this morning before I go out and get covered in Gods knows what bugs I can bring in...a month ago I discovered thrips due to ignorant practices...no going into the tents after I walk out my doors...tropical climates give pests a chance to thrive...

I've had way too many boats and spent most of my youth chasing the sun and surf...no more of that noise...a farmers tan suits me just fine...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's really peculiar how we change as we age, foods we used to not like we now like while foods we use to love we now wonder how we loved them. Also activities we used to hate we now enjoy and things we used to enjoy sre now not as thrilling as they once were.

For example I used to really hate paying my monthly bills. I paid them but I used to really resent having to give up so much money that I worked hard for, just to have the bare necessities and comforts of life. Now I get great joy from paying my bills. In large part that's because getting a once a month fixed income (social security) I've been able to coordinate all my bill due dates to match up with when I get my income. So bill paying is quite easy. I just paid all my bills in about 30 minutes Which also includes having shopped for monthly necessities. This allows me to spend the rest of the month with no worries of late notices or services being cut off or having to get by without things I need to feel comfortable. It's just such a freeing from stress experience that I've now grown to love it. All my obligations are met and I know exactly what I have left over to plan for other things I may need or do later in the month. It was never that way in the past with paychecks spread out over the month and having to calculate what to pay now and what to put off for later paychecks. Always having to worry that if I treat myself to something was it too much and did I just screw up my ability to pay off certain obligations in time without being hit with unwanted late fees.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
This is why I hate growing from seed. Fargin male. I have know it for days but flipped him anyway. All the time and effort wasted. Beautiful plant but gotta cull him. No room, time or plant count to keep him.

I am not a breeder and never will be with the set up that I have....:cry:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
you're closing in on the sweet spot subbie...girls are looking quite nice...just finished feeding both tents this morning before I go out and get covered in Gods knows what bugs I can bring in...a month ago I discovered thrips due to ignorant practices...no going into the tents after I walk out my doors...tropical climates give pests a chance to thrive...

I've had way too many boats and spent most of my youth chasing the sun and surf...no more of that noise...a farmers tan suits me just fine...
Yeah same for me although I'm more like a 45 minute drive from the beach. It's odd, I grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC and even though i was a short distance from terrific Museums, Galleries, Monuments, Zoo etc. I rarely ever visited them. instead I spent as much of my free time as I could driving to and enjoying the beaches and the beach life. So when I got older and hit the point of buying a home, I figured hey let's move near to the beach so I don't have to spend so much time driving to get there. Yet now that the beach is about as close as the sights in DC once were I almost never get there. Although a lot of that not going there has more to do with how things in resort towns have gotten to be stupid expensive and going to the beach isn't really something I can afford too often.
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Well-known member
Linus Pauling's Vitamin C Therapy: A Personal Experience

"Please take the time out to listen to the 12-minute video below. It’s my personal story and details a simple vitamin C therapy protocol that has literally saved my life and changed the lives of all the people that care for me. The information is 100% free and I hope that in sharing it I may also help others that have been diagnosed with heart disease. If you prefer, I have also laid out the important parts below in the text as well."

I do not promote the product they are advocating here. I use large amounts of Vitamin C daily and find it helpful.:)
Oh my goodness I remember Linus Pauling from decades ago, maybe it was The Mother Earth News or Organic Gardening


Well-known member
Sort of off subject but related. Your story reminded me of my own and how I met my wife (an online virtual reality world). Anyway back then the internet was all new and shiney for the average person and the idea of meeting someone on the internet to date or get involved with seemed like such an odd thing with a large percentage of the population thinking it's not a good way to find a mate. Now flash forward to today and we've seemed to become the polar opposite with many people finding it near impossible to meet a perspective lover in the old traditional ways and that the only way to meet someone is with the help of some online service.

Just to be clear, the place where I met my wife wasn't meant for people to hook up. in fact it was pretty bad for that since the people who went there were from all over the world and your chances of running into someone geographically manageable for you was very small. Fortunately my wife was from the same country and even more fortunate she happened to be living in the same state so it was actually very easy for us to meet in person and allow cupid to work his magic.
Hello HempKat, I met my partner on a site called ICQ, her from Houston Texas and me from a village in British Columbia. She immigrated to Canada and after several years became a dual citizen... that was about 25 years ago. It did not go as simple as it sounds...there was a lot of hoops to jump through. Life has been good with my partner and I hope to be with her until one of us departs this earth.

I am glad you found the love of your life in the most unsuspecting way:)