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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
At first, I thought that was a young Micky Dolenz.

Okay, I'm not crazy lol

Edit to add:

Well crap, site doesn't support the file.
Noodled around a bit cuz now it bugs me lol
Found the pic in a different place.
He actually has a new book out.
There is a photo of him younger.



Well-known member
Ima believer
Okay... now, I'm high AF and way deep down this rabbit hole LOL
If that is an original Beach Boys video, it is very possible that is
indeed Micky Dolenz. He was born in LA and part of the 'scene'
since he was a young child. Could very possibly been cast
for that video.

I never forget a face, never. Ask any one who knows me :)

Couldn't find a suitable movie so instead I'm chasing the
past and a hunch I have. Go figure haha
I need to get a life. :giggle:


Well-known member
Premium user
Okay... now, I'm high AF and way deep down this rabbit hole LOL
If that is an original Beach Boys video, it is very possible that is
indeed Micky Dolenz. He was born in LA and part of the 'scene'
since he was a young child. Could very possibly been cast
for that video.

I never forget a face, never. Ask any one who knows me :)

Couldn't find a suitable movie so instead I'm chasing the
past and a hunch I have. Go figure haha
I need to get a life. :giggle:
Mickey was a Monkey
not to be confused with a Beatle


Well-known member
Premium user
Okay... now, I'm high AF and way deep down this rabbit hole LOL
If that is an original Beach Boys video, it is very possible that is
indeed Micky Dolenz. He was born in LA and part of the 'scene'
since he was a young child. Could very possibly been cast
for that video.

I never forget a face, never. Ask any one who knows me :)

Couldn't find a suitable movie so instead I'm chasing the
past and a hunch I have. Go figure haha
I need to get a life. :giggle:
Ahh never forgets a face but forgets movies. I can remember the face but not always the name that goes with it. 🙁
‘and I’m the same with movies



Another hot,smoky day today one more week and fall should be here.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I'm sitting in a mini cannabis jungle - here on my balcony - with only 7 plants - 🪴 - that all came into flower this week - have had to pull 2 of the Zamaldelica's over - with some string tied to the other collapsible chair - so as not to risk my security - they have stretched so much - and I'm hoping that they will stop stretching soon -

The 4 Malawi x NL are better behaved - stockier than the Zamaldelica's - but still pumping out flowers -
View attachment 19042147
My tallest and so far most mature Zamaldelica -
View attachment 19042148
A Malawi x NL - in her first week of flower -
View attachment 19042150
Group shot - minus one Zamaldelica - tied down - in the other corner of the balcony -
View attachment 19042151
That "balcony" is not what I had previously pictured in my mind's eye.

Third floor up. A balcony extension 6' x 6' mebbe, where you grow a pot of pot.

BZZZZZZTTT !! 'Tis huge. :good:

Where it aint concrete, it's astroturf. And room for a bucket of aloe, yet.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I could spot your balcony and imagine weed growing from a mile away. Do many cover their patio like that for privacy? Because I’m a weed grower it’s a sign like my vegetable garden filled with perlite
I wuz gonna suggest the concept of ivy. Real or plastic. Have it all along the top and over the outside. [/Camo 101]

Dark green. <-- The human eye deflects from that. (WHERE does Unca get this esoteric and totally useless trivia???) <-- Hey! Watch it!! In this case it is useful trivia. <-- I tend to argue with myself becuz I am schizophrenic. Hey, I'm good people.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Spot on Ben. That's the one thing I didn't count on or even consider. Growing old and my body wearing out. I was fine until I hit 70......Sure speed bumps before 70 but I suddenly hit a wall.

Energy level isn't anything like it use to be. I get worn out after almost nothing. Constant Dr visits. Plus it is hard to get a good nights sleep.....I dwell on things that aren't getting done. Plus I had 80 employees. Today I am Mrs Pute's employee. My balance is unsteady at best. I have to be careful not to fall now. Frustrating. Plus stairs....I can still get up them but slowly.

I will keep on Truck'n as long as I can but every year things move a bit slower.

Hold my beer.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is Saturday and we're upon the weekend & Sunday. Am glad for the two day break. TGFW!!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I remember when my son was a little boy(latter 80s), I would take him to the Penticton Game Farm in the spring when there was lots of baby animals.

On one trip we were by the peacock pen and the keeper was in there doing some work. He gave my son a few peacock feathers, I don't know if he still has them but he kept them for as long as I know.

The peacock feathers are rather stately, maybe I should have some on my back side, tucked under my belt.
Five long would do the trick. Not for sexual purposes but just to look good.
You can have fifty if you come pick 'em up.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I use my credit card frequently but pay it off each month, so it is free and keeps tax records.
Back when Chateau Sneakydicker was being built, I put tens of thousands of dollars on the CC each month... and paid it off at the end of each month. The bank had a deal; get cash credit for large transactions. <-- They were banking on 99% of people not paying off huge cash levels each month. We were the 1%.

Bottom line: I essentially paid cash for my home construction, and the trip to Germany for Schneewittchen** and Himself didn't cost us a dime. So at least one fambly beat the banks at their own game.

**Schneewittchen = Snow White
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