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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
You probably saved your liver and pancreas,that stuff will kill you.
Yep. 6 months w/ out relief from the 'depression' and my hair falling out...
yeah, that was proof enough for me to stop taking them.
They also gave me benzo's for the anxiety and those are highly
addictive + made me loopy at the prescribed dosage.

I still have an old script and will use them in extreme circumstances
and luckily those happen very rarely. 1/8 th of .5 mg is plenty to have
helped me a couple of nights after my dog died recently.

Benzodiazapine's are dangerous as well as the 'head med's'.


ICMag Donor
That's quite the stage setup, it took me a bit to figure that out
I couldn’t figure it out either till I blew it up …now that inner circle is where all the privileged people are either that or they’re also paying a lot of money to be there…

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Never heard of Pantera, but that's not unusual, I don't get out much.

Enjoy yourself DB, did you try some edibles before the concert.

That's quite the stage setup, it took me a bit to figure that out
No I had a piece of delicious brownie that was gifted to me but that was around noon. I smoked my ice hash I get down the street. Mom rented a car and drove me. She's at the movie theater here and I have to meet her after the concert


Well-known member
Some of those antidepressenst have a disclaimer on the bottle that says "may lead to suicidal thoughts and do not stop taking them" It's amazing they prescribe stuff like that.
One of my good friend's went into this very strange seizure.
I went up to the hospital to see her and she wasn't seizing in
the way we think of a seizure. She was hallucinating more
like. I don't remember what they called it but it was scary.
They took her to another hospital and detoxed her from head
med and benzos. She was comatose for 2 days.

Last Chrismas my ex sister inlaw went off her head and I
mean really bad. Way out of her character. She was foul
mouthed and violent. Her sons were here visiting and they
called 911. Paramedics had to strap her to the gurney
as she also tried to attack them, all 115lbs of her.
Another 14 day forced detox from xanax.

Neither of these women remember a thing about loosing
it nor the initial days in the detox center.
Both ladies took the meds as prescribed by their doctors.
Nearly 10 years they took those drugs.