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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I have watched Comfortably Numb from Pink Floyd a hundred times at least.
Last evening I did two whips of my
Highland Nepalese Grape crossed to Blue Thai, besides be some form of invisible for close to two hours.

I had tears of joy running down my face as that song hit me like the first time I ever hear the album Dark Side of the Moon. The Wall is as amazing in as many ways as they are different from each other.

It was 100f here today, in the greenhouse one thermometer was pegged at 125ish? It didn't move for hours. The main extraction fan aided by two square box fans earned their keep today.
The girls had two sets of smoothies at different times and hand watered again a third time today.
The ladies are looking good.
Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
Good old manual steering. It's good that you found a way to use it until repaired.
Never fails. Nothing to break.
Jan. 2022 I went back to paying cash for everything.
Bills are auto paid through my bank, I w/d the rest.

I began saving $$ as it's much harder to let loose of
those bills than to swipe the debit card for sure.

I'd racked up some hefty CC bills though so I
made a tight budget and swore I'd be debt free
by 2024. Well, it's now August 2024 and I owe
no one a damn dime and actually socked some
cash away too.
So... owe no more in '24 has come to fruition for
this retired old cookie.

Now that said, I don't own much of value either.
Thinking I rather like it that way too. I have
a 26 yo Chevy S10 truck. It's a rust bucket
but runs well. Most of what needed replaced
along the way, has been. Now, I'll just stack some
cash for a new vehicle and meanwhile, run the truck til she dies.

All my lawn/ snow equipt and tools are well cared
for, in good shape and well... paid for.

I've found I need for very little as I've reached this juncture
in aging and want for even less as far as material items.
Now I only want time and the cash flow, to do as I danged well please.

Feeling rather free and giddy today :)
My rust free, low mile, (60k) 1955 Ford F 250 was $500 with blown engine. Rebuilt at a pro shop it was another $450 and the interior job was $300. It'll be the last vehicle I own. Still sporting the faded and pealing $29.95 Earl Shibe paint job it got back in 1965 when the original owner sold her. I'm 3rd owner.
I’m baaasck… this has been quite possibly the easiest week I’ve had in years. Between the issues of getting my truck fixed, cleaning up at the warehouse, meeting with engineers and the well driller to put some water out on my property at my old office. I spent the day yesterday hauling this box out of the woods in order to have a well installed… that’s another $20,000 out of my pocket I didn’t count on. I’m still fighting severe fatigue but I get as much as I can get done when I’m able to… The last time I left the house other than the gym was to go to the fights last Saturday night with Lesso and a bunch of my friends… I miss you guys dearly and hope to be able to post more frequently than I have been…
Welcome back Boo.
The corn bread saga.
I am so screwed.
I visit the planet of " Corn bread" whilst cruising in a nearby galaxy. ( at a good altitude)
We break corn bread and before you know it I have a case of 26 packets of corn bread.
I then buy 2 jumbo silicone muffin pans and jumbo muffin cups.
So I start with one packet and I make 3.
I increase and got up to 3 packets but never filled a dozen.
My Honey would take them to work for her and a coworker still warm.
I would go and give the gal next door 2 still hot .
I notice mild poundage had increased.
Done with that case I order a new case.
Case comes in and I go all out 4 packs and put it together .
was a wittle stoned and was not sure if I put 1 or 2 cups .,it looked different.
Baked all 12 , when done radically different.
I look at the pack and its biscuits
I was sent a case of biscuit mix.
I call the next day to the Shawnee mill co and explain my situation.
She remembered me and was a sweetheart and sent me a new case of corn bread.
Here is where I get screwed. I ask what is your best seller?
She replied our pepper corn gravy . I say really .What do you put it on ? She says "Biscuits!"
I say really. She said she was going to send me a sample of said gravy.
My Honey said her brother from the south loved biscuits and gravy.
So ,I now have a case of corn bread ,a case of pepper corn gravy coming to me and a case of biscuits and a case of biscuit gravy going to him.
I worry about my figure.

Shit on a shingle (Army mess hall chow) was my introduction to the whole Biscuits and gravy world.
View attachment 19042368
I've got a giant chrome dome in front of me
Could be worse with a huge fluffed up afro 3 feet wide.


Well-known member
I have watched Comfortably Numb from Pink Floyd a hundred times at least.
Last evening I did two whips of my
Highland Nepalese Grape crossed to Blue Thai, besides be some form of invisible for close to two hours.

I had tears of joy running down my face as that song hit me like the first time I ever hear the album Dark Side of the Moon. The Wall is as amazing in as many ways as they are different from each other.

It was 100f here today, in the greenhouse one thermometer was pegged at 125ish? It didn't move for hours. The main extraction fan aided by two square box fans earned their keep today.
The girls had two sets of smoothies at different times and hand watered again a third time today.
The ladies are looking good.
Peace farmerlion
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I tear up at the first notes of "Wish You Were Here", every single time.
Just can't help myself.
Pink Floyd was not simply music, it has always been an out of body experience.
At least, for me.


Well-known member
Let’s give ‘em the real weed song

We have a local part about 8 blocks from me where they've been holding
music concerts since the mid 70's. Use to be free but... well, time marches
on. Those free concerts were some of the best, and sadly, their time is gone by.

For the last 20 yrs or so they have an 8 day music event down there w/ several
stages and many genre's of music. I've seen so many artists there that I can't
even recall them all now.

The acts they have been bringing in lately though, meh. I haven't attended in
many years now and it used to be something to look forward to.
The night Snoop played I sat on my porch and watched his copter fly in then
fly back out though haha.

We walked down one night however to watch Luda. He put on one hell of a show.
Blueberry Yum Yum started and every one lit up and sang along.
The police just stood back and didn't harass any of us.
Was a fun night.


Well-known member
Premium user
I tear up at the first notes of "Wish You Were Here", every single time.
Just can't help myself.
Pink Floyd was not simply music, it has always been an out of body experience.
At least, for me.
This Thursday we are seeing "The Machine" a PF cover band which is over 30 years playing.
We make it a tradition to see them every year and feast somewhere next to the Riverhead Theater.
We have seen them 14 times

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