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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Hey there Unca Walt, that was a good movie(Quest for Fire), the first scene in my mind, was down at the water. For the lack of talking it was still an engaging movie.

Hope your day is going well, is fancy pants still standing tall over his domain at night?
I am always amazed at how some ppl can recall so much of books/ movies/ TV shows etc.
I have zero recall for the most part. I do have a few favorite scenes/ quotes from some
but for the most part... I enjoy it and then it's gone.

I'm a cheap date as you could take me to the same show and I'd enjoy it just as well
the 2nd or 3rd time etc. haha. I'll remember what's happening as it happens but will
not remember what's coming next. Same w/ books, TV etc.

I've come to think of it like this:
It's entertainment and my mind is entertained yet stores very little of the content.
Now however... when I am studying up on a subject of interest, I dig in and go
as deep as I need to satisfy my curiosities or some process etc.
My mind locks all of that down and stores it for current and future reference, NP.


Well-known member
Premium user
Well obviously it's far more entertaining or else there wouldn't be so many doing it. I mean I get the doctor's office because you're bored and just sitting there twiddling your thumbs as you wait up to an hour after your appointment time where you have to reschedule and be billled anyway if you're 15 minutes late. So that's not as odd to me as while grocery shopping. It's just how quickly people adapted to doing that, that was/is shocking to me.

It probably coincided with the point in time that cellphones became easily affordable by the masses or became a give away for signing up with a service. I'm old enough to remember the time when the only people who had smart phones or black berries as they were known back then were business people with high paying jobs and that were busy enough to actually need such devices and be able to afford them.
I have gotten use to having it with me and use the thing for directions all the time when I should just figure it out on my own. Makes me stupid I don’t know where I’m going without the girl on the phone telling me every turn.
‘I don’t pick up phone calls or text while driving. It’s too crazy around here but I see everyone doing it and hope they don’t crash into me.
‘also the folks that talk on speaker phone while I’m shopping for a new dress. WTH, I have to listen to their whole conversation so they can hands free shop… 🤪


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
It probably coincided with the point in time that cellphones became easily affordable by the masses or became a give away for signing up with a service. I'm old enough to remember the time when the only people who had smart phones or black berries as they were known back then were business people with high paying jobs and that were busy enough to actually need such devices and be able to afford them.
I loved it….business meetings were now conducted on the golf course.


Well-known member
The first scene showed the wilderness with a tiny light visible way off. You find out it is a fire being tended in front of a cave full of sleeping people. This is the morning that the wagaboo attacked, looking for some hot booty.

Fancy Pants and Beau have lost nearly all their sex feathers over the last week. There are even some on the roof; they fall off as he lays on my chimney top.

You would not believe how many peacock feathers I have gathered. My two resident peacocks have left me literally hundreds of long feathers. They are in vases all over Chateau Sneakydicker.

And now there is a huge pile on the dining room table. Some are 5 feet long.

Anybody that stops by can have a bouquet. Jeez. I've seen these things sell for several bucks apiece at swap meets.
I remember when my son was a little boy(latter 80s), I would take him to the Penticton Game Farm in the spring when there was lots of baby animals.

On one trip we were by the peacock pen and the keeper was in there doing some work. He gave my son a few peacock feathers, I don't know if he still has them but he kept them for as long as I know.

The peacock feathers are rather stately, maybe I should have some on my back side, tucked under my belt.
Five long would do the trick. Not for sexual purposes but just to look good.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good for you. I love these "Cash Back" commercials....some people thinks it's a good deal......Apparently they can't do math. Credit cards today are north of 20%.....What a deal....you get 5% back and run up debt in a credit card.....You are paying 15% net. If you only pay the minimum and many do you will never get out of debt.....

I still pay cash for most of my running around expenses....gas, dinner.....exec. Still use checks to pay bills. I rarely use a credit card.
While it's best to just avoid the temptation altogether I bet most start down the lifetime of debt road telling themselves they'll only use the credit card to buy the things they normally buy in a given month and pay it all back at the end of the month so that there is no interest. I mean it seems so doable on paper yet somehow many people find ways to spend more then they can pay back in full at the end of the month and the merry go round ride starts up.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good for you. I love these "Cash Back" commercials....some people thinks it's a good deal......Apparently they can't do math. Credit cards today are north of 20%.....What a deal....you get 5% back and run up debt in a credit card.....You are paying 15% net. If you only pay the minimum and many do you will never get out of debt.....

I still pay cash for most of my running around expenses....gas, dinner.....exec. Still use checks to pay bills. I rarely use a credit card.
I don't have any credit cards either - just a debit card - did once upon a time have an American Express Platinum card - owww fancy - but cancelled it when they locked me up - I was'nt gonna flash that around in jail - quite a few inmates were in the jail for credit card machine fraud of some sort or another - installing recording devices on bank cash dispensers etc -

- saved me £400 per year in members fee's - never wanted any credit cards after that - hardly ever used them anyway - mainly used them for paying for flights and hotels around the world - 🌎 - when I was 'on the go' - years ago - but these days I'm a stay at home husband and Father mostly - and if I go shopping - it's usually for food - not fancy trinkets - don't often even take a bus or train - nor taxi's - as long as my legs are strong - I'll just walk - saves money - and makes a deposit in the 'Bank of Health' - all at the same time -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I have gotten use to having it with me and use the thing for directions all the time when I should just figure it out on my own. Makes me stupid I don’t know where I’m going without the girl on the phone telling me every turn.
‘I don’t pick up phone calls or text while driving. It’s too crazy around here but I see everyone doing it and hope they don’t crash into me.
‘also the folks that talk on speaker phone while I’m shopping for a new dress. WTH, I have to listen to their whole conversation so they can hands free shop… 🤪
I feel naked without my phone. But I never text and drive.


Cabana’s bitch
I’m baaasck… this has been quite possibly the easiest week I’ve had in years. Between the issues of getting my truck fixed, cleaning up at the warehouse, meeting with engineers and the well driller to put some water out on my property at my old office. I spent the day yesterday hauling this box out of the woods in order to have a well installed… that’s another $20,000 out of my pocket I didn’t count on. I’m still fighting severe fatigue but I get as much as I can get done when I’m able to… The last time I left the house other than the gym was to go to the fights last Saturday night with Lesso and a bunch of my friends… I miss you guys dearly and hope to be able to post more frequently than I have been…


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I’m baaasck… this has been quite possibly the easiest week I’ve had in years. Between the issues of getting my truck fixed, cleaning up at the warehouse, meeting with engineers and the well driller to put some water out on my property at my old office. I spent the day yesterday hauling this box out of the woods in order to have a well installed… that’s another $20,000 out of my pocket I didn’t count on. I’m still fighting severe fatigue but I get as much as I can get done when I’m able to… The last time I left the house other than the gym was to go to the fights last Saturday night with Lesso and a bunch of my friends… I miss you guys dearly and hope to be able to post more frequently than I have been…
Welcome back Boo. We missed you!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
so its just me!?

i like interacting with people for the most part and if nothing else i just wait my turn and go on with my day
its fun meeting new people
I'm more or less the same way, I mean I could do like everyone else and pull out my cellphone too but I just don't really enjoy the internet or gaming on screens that small. I use mine either to make calls or to take pictures of things that make you say "man I wish I had a camera right now." Once in a blue moon I might become compelled to look up something that is relevent to what I'm doing at the time. Really the most common use I put my smart phone to is for driving directions for places I've never been to before.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Bad day.jpg

Good for you. I love these "Cash Back" commercials....some people thinks it's a good deal......Apparently they can't do math. Credit cards today are north of 20%.....What a deal....you get 5% back and run up debt in a credit card.....You are paying 15% net. If you only pay the minimum and many do you will never get out of debt.....

I still pay cash for most of my running around expenses....gas, dinner.....exec. Still use checks to pay bills. I rarely use a credit card.
I use my credit card frequently but pay it off each month, so it is free and keeps tax records.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’m baaasck… this has been quite possibly the easiest week I’ve had in years. Between the issues of getting my truck fixed, cleaning up at the warehouse, meeting with engineers and the well driller to put some water out on my property at my old office. I spent the day yesterday hauling this box out of the woods in order to have a well installed… that’s another $20,000 out of my pocket I didn’t count on. I’m still fighting severe fatigue but I get as much as I can get done when I’m able to… The last time I left the house other than the gym was to go to the fights last Saturday night with Lesso and a bunch of my friends… I miss you guys dearly and hope to be able to post more frequently than I have been…
You've been just as missed and have been the constant subject of concern for the past week. It's just good to know you're okay though and you absence wasn't due to something having gone wrong in your life.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hi Boo, the posts have been flying of the shelf, you gotta have your wits about you to keep up.

Just not the same, when Boo is missing🍒🍒🍒

I use to work for a well driller, did you pay by the foot or was there something like a contract. We mostly drilled 4"-6" wells. We did uranium exploration one year, the people of the rural country community did not care for us. They came up to the exploration area and sabotaged equipment.

I had wells on 2 of my properties.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
View attachment 19042331

I use my credit card frequently but pay it off each month, so it is free and keeps tax records.
That's the way to do it if you have the discipline and you get more rewards then just the cash back. My mother was like that when she was still alive. Here she was living on her Social Security and a modest pension enjoying a perfect credit score and turning down offers for cards with $10,000 lines of credit and at single digit interest rates few people ever enjoy.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I’m baaasck… this has been quite possibly the easiest week I’ve had in years. Between the issues of getting my truck fixed, cleaning up at the warehouse, meeting with engineers and the well driller to put some water out on my property at my old office. I spent the day yesterday hauling this box out of the woods in order to have a well installed… that’s another $20,000 out of my pocket I didn’t count on. I’m still fighting severe fatigue but I get as much as I can get done when I’m able to… The last time I left the house other than the gym was to go to the fights last Saturday night with Lesso and a bunch of my friends… I miss you guys dearly and hope to be able to post more frequently than I have been…
Belly rubs and butt scratches to the boys!


Well-known member
I have no clue how to make Baklava though :LOL:

I am going to begin experimenting w/ home made
beef jerky though, once the weather cools down.
I've made my own jerky, not recently but would make it again. Now that you have brought the topic up, I think I will go along with fall as well.
I just did it in the oven, I know there are other methods but I did what I did. The beef jerky purists might think ill of me.

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