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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I'd racked up some hefty CC bills though so I
made a tight budget and swore I'd be debt free
by 2024. Well, it's now August 2024 and I owe
no one a damn dime and actually socked some
cash away too.
Good for you. I love these "Cash Back" commercials....some people thinks it's a good deal......Apparently they can't do math. Credit cards today are north of 20%.....What a deal....you get 5% back and run up debt in a credit card.....You are paying 15% net. If you only pay the minimum and many do you will never get out of debt.....

I still pay cash for most of my running around expenses....gas, dinner.....exec. Still use checks to pay bills. I rarely use a credit card.


Well-known member
But is a way Better way to spend your wait time in the docs office as long as you keep the sound down (some don’t). Way better than those germ riddin magazines or the ED ad they run constantly at my urologists office.
I always take a book. Been doing so for 40yrs. plus now.
That way I need not touch any thing laying about in those places :)

I've had a mobile device for about 14 years now. I was told I needed
to have one for 'emergencies', sigh. Driving a hooptie, being on my own
whilst out and about etc., etc. So, I gave in.

Having one has saved my biscuits a couple of times when ye
old Chevy didn't want to start or... when my brakes went out.
Was glad for it then.
All these years later, I will still leave the house and forget my
phone. I go back for it now though.

Most of us grew up w/ a phone attached to a plug/ wall and an
annoying curly cord. I'm of that era and agree w/ Pute...
there is a time and place for mobile phones/ tablets.

Driving and texting is my pet peeve.
I see the gal down the street leave her house and
is texting as she's pulling out and down the road.
I'm thinking... you couldn't have done that prior
to entering your several ton machine?
Instant karma came a knocking one day.
She rear ended someone and totaled her nice
Lincoln. No one was injured.
What angered me is... she didn't learn, I still see
her pulling out w/ her phone in her hand.

Just can't fix stupid.


Well-known member
Jan. 2022 I went back to paying cash for everything.
Bills are auto paid through my bank, I w/d the rest.

I began saving $$ as it's much harder to let loose of
those bills than to swipe the debit card for sure.

I'd racked up some hefty CC bills though so I
made a tight budget and swore I'd be debt free
by 2024. Well, it's now August 2024 and I owe
no one a damn dime and actually socked some
cash away too.
So... owe no more in '24 has come to fruition for
this retired old cookie.

Now that said, I don't own much of value either.
Thinking I rather like it that way too. I have
a 26 yo Chevy S10 truck. It's a rust bucket
but runs well. Most of what needed replaced
along the way, has been. Now, I'll just stack some
cash for a new vehicle and meanwhile, run the truck til she dies.

All my lawn/ snow equipt and tools are well cared
for, in good shape and well... paid for.

I've found I need for very little as I've reached this juncture
in aging and want for even less as far as material items.
Now I only want time and the cash flow, to do as I danged well please.

Feeling rather free and giddy today :)
The last truck I owned which I bought off the lot new, I drove it a bit longer than yours, close to 30years. I sold the truck for parts. Which in return would allow another truck to have an extended life.

hello and good day to you imiubu

Unca Walt

Well-known member
@Dogster -- this looks like the opening scene of "Quest For Fire"


Well-known member
Premium user
Hello my good man, it's always a pleasure to share some kind words with you. Family lore dictates that Grandma had a child from an Italian man, making my mom 1/2 Italian, in regards to that, it means I am 1/4 Italian. I hope my Heinz 57 lineage is acceptable to you.

May the smiles of a thousand youngish female chefs brighten your day👩🏻‍🍳
. "I hope my Heinz 57 lineage is acceptable to you."
Acceptable☝️ FFS ! Most enjoyable😊


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
right, its like a form of add or something where if you are not constantly stimulated" then life is just blah?
live your life more

i still read books and enjoy picking up the occasional magazine when i can
or i just sit there and enjoy my down time

/im betting those phone people you see are just browsing the porn sites
You're probably right although I'd like to believe people haven't gtten so depraved as to do that so publically as a doctor's office waiting room with dozens of people nearby. That would be kind of disturbing to me. Maybe a step up from that like surfing Only Fans sites? :biggrin:
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hey there Unca Walt, that was a good movie(Quest for Fire), the first scene in my mind, was down at the water. For the lack of talking it was still an engaging movie.

Hope your day is going well, is fancy pants still standing tall over his domain at night?
The first scene showed the wilderness with a tiny light visible way off. You find out it is a fire being tended in front of a cave full of sleeping people. This is the morning that the wagaboo** attacked, looking for some hot booty.

** This movie came out when I was brewing my own beer. I made labels for the beer bottles: Wagaboo Beer.

Fancy Pants and Beau have lost nearly all their sex feathers over the last week. There are even some long ones on the roof; they fall off his butt as he lays on my chimney top.

You would not believe how many peacock feathers I have gathered. My two resident peacocks have left me literally hundreds of long feathers. They are in vases all over Chateau Sneakydicker.

And now there is a huge pile on the dining room table. Some are 5 feet long.

Anybody that stops by can have a bouquet. Jeez. I've seen these things sell for several bucks apiece at swap meets.

Cats, kids, and ladies love them.
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Well-known member
OH... @SubGirl Congrats on your well earned status :)

Even though I've only been a member here just shy of 5 years,
I have been reading and learning here since '09.
All the information I've gleaned from the page/ members
here taught me how to grow my own cannabis and be
a better grower along the way.
I became comfortable and confident over the years to
even begin helping other gain their confidence also.
That ^^ is the best part... to give back.

This year I've been seriously considering giving back
monetarily. There is no way I could ever pay $$ for
all I've learned here but... It is damn time I at least
pay my dues.

Now that I've finally got my finances in order, I am
going to celebrate my 5 year membership by showing
appreciation for all the benefits IC Mag has bestowed
upon me by putting my money where will help to
support the site and keep the lights on :)

Gypsy should never need to dip into his personal
coffers to keep things going here. I aim to do my
little part to help that not to happen again.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
You're probably right although I'd like to believe people haven't gtten so depraaved as to do that so publically as a doctor's office waiting room with dozens of people nearby. That would be kind of disturbing to me. Maybe a step up from that like surfing Only Fans sites? :biggrin:
so its just me!?

i like interacting with people for the most part and if nothing else i just wait my turn and go on with my day
its fun meeting new people


Well-known member
Premium user
Yup - I can't understand why people would risk their lives by walking around staring into a smart phone - they have absolutely no situational awareness - and could get run over - mugged - robbed - fall down a hole - tread on a child or dog - or walk slap bang into another PHONE ZOMBIE - amongst other things 🤔 - it's just plum crazy 🤪
Or have some scum bag snatch their daughter while in your car ,on your phone watching it ,instead a play ground with both your kids playing.


Well-known member
Premium user
OH... @SubGirl Congrats on your well earned status :)

Even though I've only been a member here just shy of 5 years,
I have been reading and learning here since '09.
All the information I've gleaned from the page/ members
here taught me how to grow my own cannabis and be
a better grower along the way.
I became comfortable and confident over the years to
even begin helping other gain their confidence also.
That ^^ is the best part... to give back.

This year I've been seriously considering giving back
monetarily. There is no way I could ever pay $$ for
all I've learned here but... It is damn time I at least
pay my dues.

Now that I've finally got my finances in order, I am
going to celebrate my 5 year membership by showing
appreciation for all the benefits IC Mag has bestowed
upon me by putting my money where will help to
support the site and keep the lights on :)

Gypsy should never need to dip into his personal
coffers to keep things going here. I aim to do my
little part to help that not to happen again.
I know though he likes snacks🙄


Well-known member
Premium user
Good for you. I love these "Cash Back" commercials....some people thinks it's a good deal......Apparently they can't do math. Credit cards today are north of 20%.....What a deal....you get 5% back and run up debt in a credit card.....You are paying 15% net. If you only pay the minimum and many do you will never get out of debt.....

I still pay cash for most of my running around expenses....gas, dinner.....exec. Still use checks to pay bills. I rarely use a credit card.
I like using other peoples credit cards especially when they work.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
But is a way Better way to spend your wait time in the docs office as long as you keep the sound down (some don’t). Way better than those germ riddin magazines or the ED ad they run constantly at my urologists office.
Well obviously it's far more entertaining or else there wouldn't be so many doing it. I mean I get the doctor's office because you're bored and just sitting there twiddling your thumbs as you wait up to an hour after your appointment time where you have to reschedule and be billled anyway if you're 15 minutes late. So that's not as odd to me as while grocery shopping. It's just how quickly people adapted to doing that, that was/is shocking to me.

It probably coincided with the point in time that cellphones became easily affordable by the masses or became a give away for signing up with a service. I'm old enough to remember the time when the only people who had smart phones or black berries as they were known back then were business people with high paying jobs and that were busy enough to actually need such devices and be able to afford them.

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