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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Damn! I almost never have flats and had one Saturday on the Jeep from a bad valve stem and this morning have low pressure alarm showing on the Ford. Since I just recently checked all the tire pressures, it suggests I am losing air somewhere.

After my dental appointment, I'll air it up and take it to a tire shop, so they get to R&R it for repairs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hello and a good day to you GW,
I hope Boo is OK, my heart goes out to him if Dutch has passed away. I know this sadness and it's heartbreaking.

I just watched a 3 part series on TV about octopus, I will never be tasting octopus again.

Why is it that even a simple flat tire can get complicated, it's happened to me, one thing leads to another.
A little thing called Murphy's Law is why.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Just got offa the phone after a long talk with @Boo.

Starting at the top: He is still in the game. He does have someone who comes by regularly. (*whew*) He also forgot that he was no longer 30 years old, and went out and mowed the north forty and so on until he wound up totally out of ammo.

But he has lung problems on toppa that, and the beloved Old Sojer Dog is fading before his eyes.

The love he sees in the dying doggy's eyes goes right back. Boo cannot put him down.

And he cannot get much help for his own very real problems, because there are no real pills or treatments to directly affect them.

With luck, he'll show up in a day or two.
Thanks for the update Unca Walt, I'm glad to hear it wasn't anything I was imagining although sounds like it's still pretty rough from Boo's perspective. He's tough though and all that gym work he does will allow him to bounce back pretty quickly given the size of his yard.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thanks old man! Mom came over with presents and things to cook for brunch - French toast with strawberry and whipped cream, hash browns... Lots of money like 400 bucks plus nice sweater I wanted and $50 guitar processor and a couple jerseys and a couple pairs of real nice nylon shorts
Not a bad birthday haul especially from one person. How was the game? Any attractive females sitting in the seat next to yours? :biggrin:


Well-known member
A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: that’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen,the woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming mad. She says to a man next to her: The driver just insulted me,I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.The man says:do it,you go up there and tell him off. I’ll hold the monkey for you.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Does anyone have any suggestions on cooking boneless chicken breasts?
My favorite way for enjoying boneless chicken breasts is to slice them into long thin pieces and cook them in with a nice teriyaki flavored sauce in a stir fry full of typical oriental stir fry veggies. Then serve on top of a pile of freshly steamed rice, preferably long grain.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good Moonday morning brothers and sisters! Let the mooning begin! View attachment 19039919 View attachment 19039920

Rain here starting at 59F and predicted to soar to 69F.

Gym and then the dentist first thing this morning for a cleaning. It got rescheduled from last Thursday due to a power outage.

I've decided to stop tying off my tomatoes to see if I can stop them from growing any taller. They are already taller than I am and it has already gotten dangerous to try to tie them off reaching over from a step ladder.

I've picked up the parts and next year I will use string for their trellis, that attaches to a reel that I can relax and lower the plant for tending.
I planted my tall ones usually cherry tomatoes that grow to the top of my roof if I let them plant them close then when they get over my head tie them off to eachother like an arbor and just keep tying them off so that they grow down instead of up so I can reach everything. It worked pretty good last year anyways. the tops are pretty bendable especially when they get long.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
About 10 years ago I got rid of 95% of those danged dust collectors.
I kept just a few that had sentimental attachments and just a couple
that I really liked and were well placed.
I do not miss them one iota and especially do not miss all that extra
moving those things around to dust, then to have to dust them too :)
I wish I could get Mrs. Pure get rid of a bunch of her knickknacks. Unfortunately, she has become a hoarder.


Well-known member
A man does to the grocery store and buys a very small tube of toothpaste,a single soda,a loaf of bread,a tomato, and one disposable razor. The female clerk says,let me guess ,you're single. The man say's how did you know? The clerk says cause you're really fucking ugly.


Well-known member
Premium user
About 10 years ago I got rid of 95% of those danged dust collectors.
I kept just a few that had sentimental attachments and just a couple
that I really liked and were well placed.
I do not miss them one iota and especially do not miss all that extra
moving those things around to dust, then to have to dust them too :)
I got rid of heaps of them dust collectors when we moved from Georgia. Still have a few more tho but the are up high on two long ceiling shelve which get dusted only about twice a year. Need to get rid of more of them…

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