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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
They are remarkably heat resistant for such big hairy dogs........especially Bubba.
Hard to get him indoors sometimes he needs to keep a eye on the yard at all times.
Good day dogzter, it sure is nice to have a break from the heat, I fully agree with you and fall can't come soon enough. Bubba knows his job, when a good work dog knows their job they are fully engaged.

It looks good on you for being the dedicated animal lover you are.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hello and a very good morning to you GW, who is a erudite of an older man with lots of hair still:)

Speaking of dentists, a town I lived in before here for about 30 years, there was a dentist who came there through a gov't program. We became friends, we smoked, fished and had fun with our women. He was from Portland, his last name was Wilson. We were friends for years and years and then life happened and we lost touch.

Hope your day is as enjoyable as I imagine it will be for you.
Good morning to you Old Man and best wishes to your day as well!

So far the morning has only been about an 8 because the moron at the gym flooded the jacuzzi with cold water overfilling it this morning, so no hot soak after my workout.

Planning to make that up with luncheon out with Grayfox and our friend NM at Partners, one of the premier barbeque places in the area, and leaving shortly.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Tomorrow - my 14 year old son if off to Army Cadets Summer Camp 🏕 - for 9 days we will be missing him dearly - my wife has never had him gone for longer than 2 days in the past - and she's kinda sad about that already 😢 - but the boy is over the moon with excitement with massive expectations of fun and the joy of being able to learn the practical field craft that army life brings - so I'm kinda catching a buzz from his super-upbeat attitude - and wish that I could go with him - 😆


Well-known member
Ok, I have cookies to bake, dishes to do and work on a grocery list as the wife and I will be heading to the city one day soon.

I also need to start thinking about this fall and winter crops. This could be my last grow here and I have to make it as close to perfection as I can. I need just about everything to do it, I need to take stock of what I do have.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Ok, I have cookies to bake, dishes to do and work on a grocery list as the wife and I will be heading to the city one day soon.

I also need to start thinking about this fall and winter crops. This could be my last grow here and I have to make it as close to perfection as I can. I need just about everything to do it, I need to take stock of what I do have.
You thinking of downsizing and getting a smaller place? A place in Florida?


Well-known member
Anybody here have any experience with RSO treatments specifically for pancreatic cancer? My brother in law was given the bad news yesterday.☹️ Thanks in advance.

I've supplied many folks with both RSO and the straight hash capsules for various cancers and have found that any form of high THC works equally well for it. The higher they can stand to be the faster an better it works. Keep them hammered senseless and as soon as they start to tolerate the dose increase the dose.

Democracy vs. a Constitutional Republic: Ayn Rand's Case​

Excellent explanation.
I need to play that every time I see the "Trump is a danger to our democracy" line of shit touted. We are NOT a democracy.
View attachment 19038361 We are smoked out here today.
Rolled in yesterday and gawddamn..........
According to the kids today selfed,femmed is where it's at and only old boomers use males.
Feminized plants hover all too close to the fine line of hermaphrodite plants and usually have seeds. I'll stick with old school male crossings that are truly seedless plant.

Praise Jesus I'm done with the dammed catheters and can pee on my own!!!!!!!!! The left leg has gone from pins and needles to straight pain, but I am able to sense where it is in space. Up to this point it was step out and pray it lands where I intended it to. A gain painful as it is is still a gain. Makes physical therapy a nightmare but I'm guessing it will be transitory as the pain lessens every day.

The VA wants to boot me out come Tuesday and I still can't shower standing up and need the seat in the shower. COPD from too many years of smoking cigs leaves me breathless with even minor exertion. I was 175 lbs before this started and now weight 151 lbs. I didn't have any fat to burn off so it's all muscle mass I've lost. Gonna be a slow road to put that back on. Did much the same back in 2011 with my diverticulitis surgeries and it was most of a year before I gained it back.

I've spent the last few days teaching the art of growing the weed to one of my PT team members as he is about to retire and intends on growing once that happens. This is the first day I've had the energy to set at the computer for more than a few minutes at a stretch and trying to keep up with the thread.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Almost done mowing.....would have been done a long time ago except I have been in the veggie garden spraying insecticidal soap on these little pricks.


I took out my grape bush last fall to hopefully cut down on the infestation but they have certainly taken a liking to my beans.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I forget who but somebody asked me about a picture of my cabin/house in the mountains. I miss it but glad it's gone. I have slowed to the point it is hard to keep up with everything going on here at this house.


The Colorado River is about 50 yards behind me.

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