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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Hey DB, it's not so much that we have a big place(we own a mobile home) but I am getting past the days of doing maintenance. I have to go up on the roof sometimes and that can be dangerous for me. Because of my spinal issues I can lose my balance easily. I am just not up to it any longer

A person I knew from where I lived previously, fell, damaged himself while doing home repairs went into the hospital and caught an infection and died. Him and I had went fishing together. We drank, smoked and had fun together. He also spoke up for me to his bosses and got me interviews with all the different management personal at the particle board plant. We worked together. One of our fishing trips was fantastic, it gave me a life long memory.

I have a marijuana possession charge from decades ago for a few joints. I am a undesirable at the border, my wife is a US/CDN citizen so it would be possible to move to the US. But I am not so sure she would want to move far. I tried to talk her into the small city down the road 30-40min but she wouldn't go along. I think she would move into the village 8min. down the road.

After listening to Boo, Florida sounds hot and humid. Because of my lung diseases hot and humid would make it hard for me to breathe. My wife has COPD and would probably not like that type of environment.
But you know something DB sometimes it's hard to predict the future.

2 days:)
Stay off the roof old man. 🙁


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Never figured out what was considered "old"... I'm a Gen X, turned 50 this yr. One of the things I love doing, falling timber, can't stand splitting it.. All hard woods, red and white oak (for cooking) hickory, birch, maple, poplar for early and late season burns and kindling and some ash. View attachment 19038619
I love a wood pile 🥰🥰🥰


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A wood pile it is... I'm supplying 3 stoves and an outdoor kitchen/cooking area that is getting built next year. All wood fired.. range, grilling area and oven.. lots of cherry wood in the wood shed for cooking with plenty more to harvest.
That sounds awesome. You don’t happen to be a red head do you? Asking for a friend. I grew up cooking on a wood stove and burning wood my dad like you in his young days piled up. Well us kids usually did the stacking part and hauling it up to the house everyday. Your generous piles of wood reminds me of my dad. We also burned coal as he was a coal inspector and brought home bags of freebies to keep the house hotter than it needed to be.


That sounds awesome. You don’t happen to be a red head do you? Asking for a friend. I grew up cooking on a wood stove and burning wood my dad like you in his young days piled up. Well us kids usually did the stacking part and hauling it up to the house everyday. Your generous piles of wood reminds me of my dad. We also burned coal as he was a coal inspector and brought home bags of freebies to keep the house hotter than it needed to be.
Jeez...........that wood pile did it for you eh?

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