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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
My tablet is toast so I have to sit at my desk top. Tablet is nice cause you can carry it around....But I do like the desk top....I can actually type like they taught us in HS.

Will order a new tablet tomorrow.
A few years back I bought a Samsung something or other. It was on sale, and came with a free lifetime data perk. I did not plan on using it much, maybe for an upcoming surgery or something, and basically did not. Last time I tried to open the thing, it was more or less bonkers in trying to load. Seems it was a maximum 4G model, and somehow they saw fit to age it out. Now it's basically junk. So much for the selling feature of free data. Fkers. Live and learn.:alien:
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Well-known member
Ain't It Good To Be (An O'l Fart) Old ... Apparently So! (y):giggle:


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good Saturn Day morning brothers and sisters!

Gorgeous here starting at 64F and predicted to reach 94F.

Haircut day for me here. Alas my stylist is down to working only Saturdays and I hate the thought of breaking in another one. While I don't wear an elaborate style, my hair grows so thick that it has to be thoroughly thinned in addition to cutting or it turns into an unruly haystack within a short time.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
curiosity question here Unca

what was it that caused you to study and learn the Cantonese language? …why not Latvian or Estonia?……🤓
Uncle Fargin Sam "decided" me to learn the Mandarin language. Completely an accident. The only foreign language I ever took in school was English. There was a day when several hunnert GI's were given a weird test:

A page with 200 words in Kurdish with their definitions was handed to each of us. We were to study the words and definitions for ten minutes (do the math: 200 words into 600 seconds = 3 seconds per word).

Weird it was. I am not particularly smart, but some people can juggle, some people can write music. I had a knack for language of which I was totally unaware. Harry Flashman personified (read the book series, funny as hell). Anyway, that got me pulled out of regular training and put into Yale University <-- TINS. I studied Mandarin under Tharp ("Tharp thorn in the thide" as he referred to hisself. Learned nasty fighting, too.

Here is how intense the program was: When I walked in the first day, I did not even know the word for China (Junggwo). By the end of the THIRD day, I could read, write, and speak 300 sentences in Mandarin. <-- Again, TINS. Even I don't believe it.

For trivial background, the ossifer corps, and 90% of VC/NVA leadership spoke Mandarin...

So at least when the Chicoms take over America, I can open an American Hand Laundry.


Well-known member
Had squash, peppers, onions and scrimp on the grill for dinner. Veggies hear I come. Have a Cherokee Purple mater starting to have a red haze ....won't be long until it it tomato season. I am about to become the most popular guy in the neighborhood.
Popular... Sht mine are dodging mater bombs. My trebuchet can sling them 300' :ROFLMAO:

The grape shot is in the bottom half of the basket.



Well-known member
Premium user
Good Saturn Day morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 19035521 View attachment 19035522

Gorgeous here starting at 64F and predicted to reach 94F.

Haircut day for me here. Alas my stylist is down to working only Saturdays and I hate the thought of breaking in another one. While I don't wear an elaborate style, my hair grows so thick that it has to be thoroughly thinned in addition to cutting or it turns into an unruly haystack within a short time.
Damm ,some guys have all the luck !
Good Morning Gw and associates!
Looks like a good day ,hope no one fuks it up☝️😊( especially me)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I think tomato pudding may be a southern thing. It’s really good 😊
I gotta say it (as a tomato lover) -- it so happens the tomato is poisonous. Yeah, honest to Pete poisonous. The alkaline toxin level in tomatoes is such that our bodies can handle a "normal" load of it.

But eating a LOT of tomatoes will most ricky tick overload yer bod's ability to absorb it.

Lookit this:

"While it's true that tomatoes are members of the nightshade family, they actually produce a slightly different alkaloid called tomatine. Tomatine is also toxic but less so. However, when ingested in extremely large doses, it may cause gastrointestinal problems, liver, and even heart damage."

So yer Unca is axin' you to ease off a tad... [/Dr.'s Daddy]


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I gotta say it (as a tomato lover) -- it so happens the tomato is poisonous. Yeah, honest to Pete poisonous. The alkaline toxin level in tomatoes is such that our bodies can handle a "normal" load of it.

But eating a LOT of tomatoes will most ricky tick overload yer bod's ability to absorb it.

Lookit this:

"While it's true that tomatoes are members of the nightshade family, they actually produce a slightly different alkaloid called tomatine. Tomatine is also toxic but less so. However, when ingested in extremely large doses, it may cause gastrointestinal problems, liver, and even heart damage."

So yer Unca is axin' you to ease off a tad... [/Dr.'s Daddy]

what about those of us who are all washed and used up , in our 70’s……ain’t it to late to save our old hides from something so peaceful and kind looking , the tomato?..

I say it’s getting late and damn the torpedoes , imma have tomato sammiches with real Mayo with my coffee……and then some chocolate cake…I weigh 181 lbs by gawd , I can eat bacon every day cause I am a lucky man!…

check out that Mitchell Garcia 300



Well-known member
Premium user
so what is a tomatoe pudding? i have never heard of this
1 quart (32. oz.) fresh tomatoes, or canned do not drain (if buying store bought, buy the crushed tomatoes)
8 slices of day old white bread (like sandwich bread)
1/2 cup sugar white or brown
1 t vanilla
1 t salt unless you are using canned tomatoes
4 Tbs. butter (1/2 stick)

remove skins from tomatoes and add 1/2 c water. Cook down a bit and add sugar, vanilla and salt. Med heat for about 10 mins

cut up bread in small cubes and fill the bottom of a 2 quart baking dish sprayed with oil

pour tomato mix on top

then thin slice butter on top of that.

put in center rack in oven on a pan in case it spills over as it will tend to swell up a bit

bake for 1 hour at 350. Let stand until it settles down if will fall a bit out of the oven


Well-known member
Premium user
I gotta say it (as a tomato lover) -- it so happens the tomato is poisonous. Yeah, honest to Pete poisonous. The alkaline toxin level in tomatoes is such that our bodies can handle a "normal" load of it.

But eating a LOT of tomatoes will most ricky tick overload yer bod's ability to absorb it.

Lookit this:

"While it's true that tomatoes are members of the nightshade family, they actually produce a slightly different alkaloid called tomatine. Tomatine is also toxic but less so. However, when ingested in extremely large doses, it may cause gastrointestinal problems, liver, and even heart damage."

So yer Unca is axin' you to ease off a tad... [/Dr.'s Daddy]
So far I’ve eaten tomatoes almost every day of my life. I always have them all year round usually but the grape tomatoes in the winter when it’s hard to find good ones. I’m sure some are affected more than others and some may even be allergic to them. Although I eat them everyday, I don’t think I eat too many except maybe in the height of summer when they overwhelm me. So far I still living large with no adverse problems