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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
It’s that tone thing that some languages go with that makes it sound angry. I kinda felt that way when I visited New England for som hydraulic schooling. They seemed to talk mean up there as compared to what I was use to. Since then, I have learned it really was not that way it was just their tone
I understand that. The Germans are ALWAYS pissed off. And the French are always simping around.

Proof -- this word:

English (woman's quiet voice): "Hospital..."

French (woman's quiet voice): "Hopital..."

Chinese (woman's quiet voice): "Yeeyou-wan..."

German (Feldwebel's deep growl): "KRANKENHAUS!!"
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I have bats in me belfry lol

They have resided up there as long as I've been here (15yrs).
I ain'ta sceered of them and since the attic is storage,
I just leave them be to live their lives in peace.
Recently however, I think they've invited their entire
clan to 'hang' out in my rafters :(
Bats are ok and eat lots of bugs. But, they are way not cool in your attic. They carry rabies and other nasty stuff.

I got bit by a bat when I was 8 years old. I was climbing around the rafters in our barn and I rousted a bunch of them. One bit me on the thumb.

My mom took me to the doctor as a precaution when the doc asked me if I had the bat......stupid question! Well turned out I was the stupid one. Since I didn't have the bat I got 14 rabies shots in the stomach. One a day for two weeks.

Lesson learned! I don't have anything to do with them to this day.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Learn a coupla phrases -- here they are phonetic:

Woe aye nee <-- I love you.

Nee shr hun how-kon <-- You are very pretty/beautiful.

Guy see <-- Dammit!

Nee fung le ma? <-- Are you crazy?

None of the above are the Yale Romanization (which I learned) or the now universally adopted pinyin, and do not show the tonal levels... but they would be understood when spoke by a "da biz" <-- "Big Nose" (slur)

I am no longer conversant. Gimme a break... it's been sixty fargin years. JEEEBUS!! That's TRUE. Gawd, I am old.
Hao shangwu😎


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I understand that. The Germans are ALWAYS pissed off. And the French are always simping around.

Proof -- this word:

English (woman's quiet voice): "Hospital..."

French (woman's quiet voice): "Hopital..."

Chinese (woman's quiet voice): "Yeeyou-wan..."

German (Feldwebel's deep growl): "KRANKENHAUS!!"
When I hear somebody speaking in a foreign language I think to myself ...... speak English...I guess I am a racist.
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Well-known member
Premium user
Learn a coupla phrases -- here they are phonetic:

Woe aye nee <-- I love you.

Nee shr hun how-kon <-- You are very pretty/beautiful.

Guy see <-- Dammit!

Nee fung le ma? <-- Are you crazy?

None of the above are the Yale Romanization (which I learned) or the now universally adopted pinyin, and do not show the tonal levels... but they would be understood when spoke by a "da biz" <-- "Big Nose" (slur)

I am no longer conversant. Gimme a break... it's been sixty fargin years. JEEEBUS!! That's TRUE. Gawd, I am old.
I love you in German always sounded a bit nasty to me in a Bevis and Butthead way…
Ich liebe dich


Well-known member
When I hear somebody speaking in a foreign language I think to myself ...... speak English...I guess I am a racist.
I wouldn't think that was being racist Pute.
Just sounds like you're interested in what they've got to say and want to understand it in your own language.

I think the same whenever I hear Americans talking. :biglaugh:

(just kidding)

I'm from Birmingham UK and most people wish I'd speak english too. We get voted for having the worst accent all the time.

Arr, we dun mind loike.


Well-known member
I used to be an asshole and pretend I didn't understand English when strangers asked me questions. "Que?" One dude flipped out

I've said "Sorry I don;t speak English" in my normal english voice to folks (mostly the religious folks who stop me on the street) when I've been playing the fool in the past. I always give them the wave of my hand like in the Star Wars films for the Jedi mind trick too.

Works every time.


Well-known member
Howdy OF's, been persisting it down all day today. I'm getting cabin fever.

My puppy has had a good chase of the balls in the garden though, he says hi.

I'm going to open a beer (3.57pm here) and listen to my fave radio show in 3 minutes. Mr Bob Brainen on one of the WFMU streams. He plays some great music, always trys to slip too much Fairport Convention in for my liking, but still cool.

Hop e you're all having a good day. I'm humid. Had to shave my head and beard off to see if it helped... I look like a pickled onion now.



Well-known member
That sucks, too many times hospitals just want to automatically put older folks in rehab facilities to heal. Some times it's deserved because the people live alone and they are in such bad shape that they can't care for themselves. So they go into a rehab and reteach people how to redress themselves, how to walk up and down stairs, how to bath but then once they've demonstrated they can do those things on their own they let them go home. More recently though they've started to offer options like if you have someone living with you that will stay with you and help you (after they come to the rehab and take a course or two) or if you can afford home healthcare with visits from a physical therapist and occupational therapist then they will let patients go home before full self sufficiency.
I'm still in such rotten shape. I wouldn't want to put my significant other to that degree of having to help me a few weeks in rehab where I can actually walk without the Walker. Get out of bed without making a huge production of it.
Got a letter from the hospital today - I'm booked in for a day surgery - prostate ablation on 24th August - then I gotta wear a catheter for 4-5 days after - and pee in a bag during that time - gonna be funny wearing that at the gym and/or in the pool methinks - should get a few laughs - 😃 - oh the joys of being an old duffer -
No envy from this part of the world. We played another round of catheter catheter who's got the damn catheter they took mine out. Of course I couldn't pee so we had the joy and fun of sticking it back in son of a.
Actually I am a little confused, was it 63 with the finger nail file or was it 68 and I used a toothpick to take out a grizzly. I'm just not sure.
It's only sporting if you do it. Bare-handed with whatever you can pick up off the ground stick rock
what about those of us who are all washed and used up , in our 70’s……ain’t it to late to save our old hides from something so peaceful and kind looking , the tomato?..

I say it’s getting late and damn the torpedoes , imma have tomato sammiches with real Mayo with my coffee……and then some chocolate cake…I weigh 181 lbs by gawd , I can eat bacon every day cause I am a lucky man!…

20 plus days in the hospital has dropped me from 175 lb down to 154. Bring on the bacon. Bring on the greasy food. You're killing me here

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Oh, Lordy. Some foo' got me started on languages...

I damn' near drove offa the road laughing when I read some signs on the Autobahn.

Read this one on a fargin billboard and tell me you would not do a double-take. It is advertising to take the exit for a steamship:

DAMPF SCHIFF FARHT <-- Damned (and damp?) shit fart?

NICHT BENUTZEN <-- Don't go crazy in the elevator (actually warning posted in the elevator not to use in case of fire).

Bezirksschornsteinfegermeisterverband = Bezirk shortguy faker master fur band leader

Unca Walt

Well-known member
When I hear somebody speaking in a foreign language I think to myself ...... speak English...I guess I am a racist.
I saw a YouTube short were a woman asked,

"Why do the British use our language? Don't they have their own country?"

This -- is a graduate of our school system. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jeez. The difference between a gerund and a gerundive useta be important. Now look at the level they have fallen to... "The Brits are speaking our language..." My Gawd.

I love scuba diving.

Lobsters are for catching by hand.
Eighth grade English: define the gerund and gerundive.

Hint: scuba diving, whatcha do to lobsters. 1 & 2
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I'm still in such rotten shape. I wouldn't want to put my significant other to that degree of having to help me a few weeks in rehab where I can actually walk without the Walker. Get out of bed without making a huge production of it.

No envy from this part of the world. We played another round of catheter catheter who's got the damn catheter they took mine out. Of course I couldn't pee so we had the joy and fun of sticking it back in son of a.

It's only sporting if you do it. Bare-handed with whatever you can pick up off the ground stick rock
Holy shit you are going through some horrible stuff and still cracking jokes,awesome!