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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good day jokerman, did I ever tell you about the day back in 1963 when I took down a grizzly with a finger nail file:)
I remember that one.
In the rugged wilderness of British Columbia, nestled deep within the ancient forests where towering pines whispered tales of ages past, lived an old man named oldmaninbc. oldmaninbc was a weathered soul, his face etched with lines of countless stories, his hands calloused from years spent in harmony with nature.

One crisp autumn morning, as the golden leaves danced their farewell waltz from the trees, oldmaninbc set out on his usual trek through the wilds. Armed only with his seasoned wit and a trusty nail file tucked into his pocket, he ambled along a well-worn trail that wound through thickets and across babbling brooks.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar shattered the tranquil symphony of the woods. oldmaninbc froze, his keen eyes scanning the underbrush. There, amidst a patch of berry bushes, loomed a massive grizzly bear, its fur a testament to its dominance in these untamed lands.

Heart pounding but mind steady, he remembered an old trick passed down from his father—a trick born of necessity in a land where danger lurked behind every rustling leaf. With the steady grace of a man who knew the forest's every secret, he slowly withdrew his nail file.

The bear, sensing a challenge, bellowed again and charged with the fury of nature itself. oldmaninbc stood his ground, his weathered face a mask of determination. In the fleeting moment before the bear reached him, oldmaninbc lunged forward with surprising agility, driving the nail file into a vulnerable spot between the bear's ribs.

The beast roared in pain and confusion, momentarily stunned by this unexpected defiance. In that crucial instant, oldmaninbc swiftly dodged aside, letting the bear's own momentum carry it past him and into the bushes. The grizzly, wounded and disoriented, thrashed through the undergrowth before retreating deeper into the wilderness.

oldmaninbc stood there, adrenaline still coursing through his veins, a testament to the resilience of a man who had faced the wild with nothing but his wits. Slowly, he straightened up and continued on his way, the nail file now a symbol of survival and a tale to be shared around the crackling fires of the village.

And so, in the heart of British Columbia's untamed wilderness, the legend of the old man who took down a grizzly bear with a fingernail file was born—a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who call the wild their home.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Back from today's excursion. Slam bam thank you mam. Traffic was not only bad but scary. I have been retired to long.....can't keep up with today's traffic pace. I was in the way.....What the farg is the hurry.


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Not really the language is crazier than the people who made it.
My mom's maiden name was Huffine, so I have some insight to the crazy people and learned enough German to get along when I was doing business there. I always used a translator for serious discussions and haven't used it since, so have lost most of it.

Ist Ihre Vorfahrengeschichte Deutsche?