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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Premium user
Doobz versus the old nasty Russian dirtballs in the building, day 20,000. Went downstairs to leave at 8, the old Russian dirtballs perfume was smeared and vibrant and overwhelmingly disgusting in the halls and in the doorways. They call them the dirty sisters here. They're old and on SSI and they bought a Lexus. About 930 I settled into watching the news in the living room only to be disturbed by the dirty Russian sisters talking in Russian on the balcony. I quick grabbed my phone and had it play Pantera Cowboys from Hell, like usual. I placed the phone near the window and they shuttered themselves back in their stinky coffins before the song ended. It was gross, I stuck my head up to the screen door and got a whiff of their cheap nasty perfume. They won't put them in nursing homes. They have like 5 apartments here that they're constantly going in and out of. They're about 90. They are a nuisance. Good riddance dirty sisters.
You could leave this note on the five apartments.

Пожалуйста, приглушите запах духов в холле. У меня аллергия, и мне приходится задыхаться, когда я прохожу через здание.

Please tone down the perfume smell in the hall. I’m allergic and have to gasp for air when I walk thru the building.

Thank you,



You could leave this note on the five apartments.

Пожалуйста, приглушите запах духов в холле. У меня аллергия, и мне приходится задыхаться, когда я прохожу через здание.

Please tone down the perfume smell in the hall. I’m allergic and have to gasp for air when I walk thru the building.

Thank you,

They just might kick his ass them russians play rough.......lolz.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Irene puts out big…she’s probably passed out in a no tell hotel…

oh no , say it ain’t so Brother Boo!…

just look at these sweet innocent eyes and there is nothing but purity i tells ya!…


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
He just turned two years old and he’s acting like a big boy now and not a goofy puppy… I believe he knows that the torch is being passed to him and he is now responsible for taking care of me…
At two he is a big boy! German Shepherds always seem to expand to fit the space, so he probably does know he has the torch.


Well-known member
Goodest of morning OF's

Feels good to smile again.
Feel also quite guilty that I'm moving on, sigh.
Life and loss are strange bedfellows and inescapable, unfortunately.

Picked up Luna's cremains yesterday. As I exited the building a
major rain torrent came down upon me. I thought "just perfect,
she passed during this same type of down pour" :(
Once in the car and pulling out onto the street... the sun came
shining through. Kinda took it as a sign that all will be well.
Hey, gotta find the positive... right?

I went with the least expensive pkg. a plastic urn and nothing
else. I don't save keepsakes from my animals and I don't keep
them boxed up. She will go out into her back yard that she loved
so much. As soon as I am ready to traverse our pathways around
the city, I will release her along the way.
She will again run free :)

They did however do a paw print on a very fine piece of linen paper.
It contained a most beautiful poem written in lovely script.
I saw that and bawled my eyes out. That... I will keep.
Thanks to these lovely folks for being so thoughtful.

Less then 24 hrs. from my Luna crossing over, my closest acquaintance/
friend/ neighbor/ movie and bingo buddy lost his human. He had been
feeling a bit ill, going to the doc to figure out what was happening.
Then suddenly last Thurs. it was a trip to the ER, straight to ICU 2 hrs.
later he passed over.
We are both experiencing grief and have been of course, in the dumps.

A very popular local pub that has been closed since '13 reopened
yesterday. We decided that we both needed a social night out and
went to check it out.
They did a fabulous job w/ the remodeling, menu et al.
It was very good to get out and while not forgetting completely we
were able to distract ourselves for awhile. Very cathartic :)

Ever onward.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Goodest of morning OF's

Feels good to smile again.
Feel also quite guilty that I'm moving on, sigh.
Life and loss are strange bedfellows and inescapable, unfortunately.

Picked up Luna's cremains yesterday. As I exited the building a
major rain torrent came down upon me. I thought "just perfect,
she passed during this same type of down pour" :(
Once in the car and pulling out onto the street... the sun came
shining through. Kinda took it as a sign that all will be well.
Hey, gotta find the positive... right?

I went with the least expensive pkg. a plastic urn and nothing
else. I don't save keepsakes from my animals and I don't keep
them boxed up. She will go out into her back yard that she loved
so much. As soon as I am ready to traverse our pathways around
the city, I will release her along the way.
She will again run free :)

They did however do a paw print on a very fine piece of linen paper.
It contained a most beautiful poem written in lovely script.
I saw that and bawled my eyes out. That... I will keep.
Thanks to these lovely folks for being so thoughtful.

Less then 24 hrs. from my Luna crossing over, my closest acquaintance/
friend/ neighbor/ movie and bingo buddy lost his human. He had been
feeling a bit ill, going to the doc to figure out what was happening.
Then suddenly last Thurs. it was a trip to the ER, straight to ICU 2 hrs.
later he passed over.
We are both experiencing grief and have been of course, in the dumps.

A very popular local pub that has been closed since '13 reopened
yesterday. We decided that we both needed a social night out and
went to check it out.
They did a fabulous job w/ the remodeling, menu et al.
It was very good to get out and while not forgetting completely we
were able to distract ourselves for awhile. Very cathartic :)

Ever onward.
Good to hear you are smiling again.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
this is true and I am very familiar with the last method

View attachment 19034556
Dad used the technique in the upper right corner to find buried pipes. He was Maintenance Superintendent of an oil refinery that had acers of them.

The current flow created by the conductive pipe being in the earth's fluctuating magnetic field, creates lines of magnetic lines of flux that cause the bent brazing rod to swing as you move them over it.

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