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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I just had a thought DB, maybe it's time you took a cooking lesson, might even meet the cook of your life there.

The cake sounds fancy you can show me a photo if you have the chance.

I really like bread with pasta.
That's a really good idea Old man, lots of community colleges have low cost or even free courses for adults to pick up all sorts of skills. There would be a good chance that if Doober signed up for one of those he might meet a worthwhile young lady to spark some magic with and even if that didn't work out he might learn some new cooking skills.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Oh we're not picking up the cake until the 28th, it's for my birthday. Seeing Metallica the following Friday
Ah now the cake makes more sense. Before it seemed like kind of an odd choice? Have you ever seen Metallica live? If not you should really enjoy it, they put on a really good show. It's especially good if you can see them from the mosh pit they have (or at least used to have) in the middle of their stage.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
People are corrupt and corruptible. It is a matter of personal integrity.
I am, however, leery of 99% of the politicians. It is the nature of the job.
Should politicians be able to buy and trade stock, when they have access to insider information?
Look at what they did to Martha Stewart. It is a one sided sword. They take those jobs for access.
Access to a multitude of perks from people, data, testimony, filings, etc. You name it. Ad nauseam
They did not take those jobs for the grand salaries they offer, but for the free lunch envelope pass.
I've worked alongside some ministry folks. Some are squeaky clean honest. They seem the minority.
I tip my hat to someone like John McCain, who appeared to have done an honest job. Far too few. ..
Yes John McCain was a Republican I was able to respect, it's a shame he passed when he did.


Well-known member


Hilarious - And that is 9 ways disgusting!
Look at the tenth cat. Totally grossed out! 🙃:poop:
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Well-known member
-Over 10% of Americans aged 12 and up had Marijuana Use Disorder in 2020. 24% aged 18+ reported binge smoking last month, though a 7% decline from 2019 to 2020. Daily, 385 Americans die due to excessive marijuana use, with 84% being adults 35+. Marijuana is the culprit in 10% of deaths among 15-49 year-olds. Globally, marijuana abuse ends up to 3 million lives annually. It's linked to 5.3% - 6% of global deaths. Among 20-39 year-olds, 13.5% of deaths are marijuana-induced. Men face a triple risk of death from marijuana abuse compared to women. Americans forfeit over 3.59 million potential life years due to excessive smoking. JUST KIDDING! These are alcohol statistics, not marijuana.
For all those reasons, and more, I gave up on imbibing moons ago. One of the smartest things I've ever done. If not the. Undergrad frats taught me the ins and outs of overdoing. Before that I never liked the stuff whatsoever. At all. Did not like the feeling of loss of control. Waking up one too many times sick on the frat front lawn cured me. :sick:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Bought my dinner. I will miss sirloin. $3! And humanely raised! 👍❤️ View attachment 19034108
The secret I've found to ground turkey is to not try to replace them for hamburgers or ground steak but rather use them in dishes like chili or spaghetti sauce were the seasoning helps to hide the flavor. Not that the flavor of it by itself is bad but if you love the flavor of a good beef burger it leaves you feeling rather disappointed. In a good chili or spaghetti sauce the difference is so small you might not even notice.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A lot of the South is like that. You'll pass one little mom and pop store after another and It'll either be selling guns and ammo and flowers or guns and ammo and household goods or guns and ammo and trinkets or guns and ammo and guns and ammo

I've now been here 22 days and no end in sight. Trapped between what the VA is willing to pay and their insistence on me taking my rehabilitation in their facilities which only hold five people and it's full. I'm top of the list but I've been top of the list for over 10 days. God get me out of here. I can actually wipe my own ass again, put on my own shoes and walk with a walker and not fall down. I must be good to go.

They actually offered and took me outside today. Good God I'd forgotten what green trees and grass looks like. I want to go home. This is not what I signed up for. None of the paralysis was what I signed up for. It was supposed to be like 3%. Lucky me, I won the lottery.
That sucks, too many times hospitals just want to automatically put older folks in rehab facilities to heal. Some times it's deserved because the people live alone and they are in such bad shape that they can't care for themselves. So they go into a rehab and reteach people how to redress themselves, how to walk up and down stairs, how to bath but then once they've demonstrated they can do those things on their own they let them go home. More recently though they've started to offer options like if you have someone living with you that will stay with you and help you (after they come to the rehab and take a course or two) or if you can afford home healthcare with visits from a physical therapist and occupational therapist then they will let patients go home before full self sufficiency.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
View attachment 19034363

Hilarious - And that is 9 ways disgusting!
Look at the tenth cat. Totally grossed out!
I find cats generally to be very clean creatures - they groom and clean themselves very well - how else are they gonna have a clean butt unless they clean that area themselves? -

Humans on the other hand ( some of us) - don't have such an instinctive drive to stay on top of their personal hygiene - just take a ride on a bus or train - and you can smell what I mean -


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
iran has green lighted trump
they are pissed because he blew up some terrorist and basically said lets get this guy
this kid was a joke but how did he get so close to a former president with a gun?
That's the question everyone wants to know the answer to. There is another report I heard but it was so vague I have doubts. In it though they claimed to have gotten into his phone and found evidence that he was gathering info on events of both the President and the Former President, scheduled for his vicinity. The suggestion being that he didn't have as much of a political motivation as he did more in line with wanting to become infamous. Which supports my own personal belief that it was all just suicide by cop.


Well-known member
I find cats generally to be very clean creatures - they groom and clean themselves very well - how else are they gonna have a clean butt unless they clean that area themselves? -

Humans on the other hand ( some of us) - don't have such an instinctive drive to stay on top of their personal hygiene - just take a ride on a bus or train - and you can smell what I mean -
That's true. It's more the thought of having feces in their mouth that's probably disturbing to us humanoids! Then again, not many humans have the necessary flexibility to do that. A few do, like Putin's wife. Few and far between!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That's true. It's more the thought of having feces in their mouth that's probably disturbing to us humanoids! Then again, not many humans have the necessary flexibility to do that. A few do, like Putin's wife. Few and far between!
Obviously that's not a problem for cats - or they would all die off - and I've even heard that from a healthy human fecal matter is donated to sick humans to imbibe - to make them better - ya does sound yucky - but science says otherwise 😉 - I even knew this raw food exponent that told me that drinking your own urine has health benefits too -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That's the question everyone wants to know the answer to. There is another report I heard but it was so vague I have doubts. In it though they claimed to have gotten into his phone and found evidence that he was gathering info on events of both the President and the Former President, scheduled for his vicinity. The suggestion being that he didn't have as much of a political motivation as he did more in line with wanting to become infamous. Which supports my own personal belief that it was all just suicide by cop.


Well-known member
Obviously that's not a problem for cats - or they would all die off - and I've even heard that from a healthy human fecal matter is donated to sick humans to imbibe - to make them better - ya does sound yucky - but science says otherwise 😉 - I even knew this raw food exponent that told me that drinking your own urine has health benefits too -
Of course that is true. It is more the matter of them giving you a "kiss" right after doing so. That I frown on.
As a former cat owner myself I have watched mine do that and do understand. I have heard of folks in India, specifically, who ascribe to drinking their own urine. I have heard good and bad both ways. Poo-poo, notta. :unsure:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

I would like to point out though, that video was likely based on information circulating before the latest info and there are several definite flaws in it. He did make some good points though like the one about the water tower, I agree that a well trained sniper up there would have been in a far superior position to oversee and eprotect the whole area. The biggest problem with the point, although in the overall scheme of this is relatively minor is when he talked about the cop that climbed up the lasser and saw the shooter. The report I heard was from an interview with one of the people who brought it to the cop's attention that there was someone up there with a gun. As I said in a different post, this report (based on the eye witness that alerted the cop) had the cop climbing up to the roof with the help of another police officer. When he was able to spot the shooter he was literalluy hanging by both his hands and he pulled his head up just above the edge of the roof where he saw the shooter with the gun pointed at the cop's head. The cop had to react quickly but since he was just hanging there he couldn't simply pull his gun and shoot the guy. The only option he had was to let go and drop to the ground and then call for help. All of this came from someone there who saw everything. Not from some guy reporting second hand news from another guy who also was not there and going almost entirely of of speculation.

Now the bit about MK Ultra style training/brain washing, sure that can't be ruled out because it's been done before. But come on, any reasonable mind has to be grasping at straws to believe this because of the fact that this kid was a loner. A different report from the people investigating the shooter says the kid who works at a nursing home basically as a special diet cook, told his boss a week in advance that he needed that day off but he would be in on the next day. So clearly he had some form of plan going on in his mind. It is also reported that a day before the shooting he went to the range of the gun club he belonged to and spent several hours practicing. What he said about that time in school where he hit the wrong wall how many years ago was that? Just because he was a poor shot at one time doesn't mean he remained a poor shot. I also mentioned another report where they managed to get into his phone where they found information not only about this event but also other future events of both Trump and Biden. So when I combined all that information I come up with it being more likely the kid was seeking fame and suicide by cop. When I look into stuff like this that has many possibilities I try to apply Occam's Razor which is a philisophical approach to trying to figure things out that basically says the simplest answer is usually the right one. Could he have been setup and brainwashed? Well since I can't prove he wasn't then the answer is yes. It's just far more likely he was a disturbed kid that tried to pull off an outrageous stunt and got very, very lucky, likely figuring he would end up dead himself.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Perhaps this MKUltra theory had been done before - with Lee Harvey Oswald? - it does bear thinking about - and I still wonder if all the classified documents from the JFK assassination will ever be released - to be able to possibly link the two? - Hmmm - it is intriguing - to say the least -


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Okay I'm probably going to be wasting my time here with this post but you all have me figured out all wrong here with what I was trying to accomplish First I'm going to post a brief video (just over 5 minutes) from the owner of the channel that is referenced by the shirt the shooter was wearing. He states things pretty clearly and he demonstrates the class he has (in my opinion) by posting the following video 2 days after the shooting. Please watch.

A couple of nights ago when the drama here all started was because I simply tried to get the known facts (which were very few) out there because I was afraid of what all this might do to this guy's life and YouTube channel. He is, again in my opinion, a fine young man who unfortunately found himself at the center of something that had the potential to destroy the work he has put in over the last 10 years, that has made him into a fan of about 11 million viewers. He has done so well because he is funny, charismatic and a very good entertainer. The channel the shirt was associated with is his gun channel that explores the fun that can be had while using a gun reponsibly. He's made millions from his channel and built a successful Branding company for the main purpose of supporting the merch needs of many of the top YouTube Channels in the world. He is a good family man although he doesn't feature his family much because he has been threatend by stalkers. Something like being associated with the shooter could easily have a devestating impact on his life if people do like they often do and start spreading wild rumors. So my goal, since I am at home most of the time and can spend the time scouring multiple media sources for what was known, was to come here and try to fill in as many people as I could with what was known and real.

Unfortunately after people started picking up on some of the early rumors the conversation devolved into the drama that erupted. I apologize for my role in that as I only meant to try to help out this YouTuber who I am one of those 11 million fans of by trying to keep people focused on what was known and real. I do not apologize for the positions I took other then when I let anger get the better of me and I told dogster to F*** Off. That being said, I feel that several others who I'll not name played just as big a part in the drama that happened here. I suffer no illusions that I am going to change anyone's mind politically just as nobody will change mine. It's too late for that. We can however try to find ways to support the candidates we support and turn the temperature down on the political stuff by respecting that we all have differing opinions. I believe this to be critically important because after Nov. 5th a bunch of people will be unhappy no matter what the outcome and we need to find a way to keep on living together.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Perhaps this MKUltra theory had been done before - with Lee Harvey Oswald? - it does bear thinking about - and I still wonder if all the classified documents from the JFK assassination will ever be released - to be able to possibly link the two? - Hmmm - it is intriguing - to say the least -
Who knows? I'm of the mind that if there was anything to be released it would have been released by now. If I remember correctly I believe that everything on the JFK shooting was declassified relatively recently.

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