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The Original O'l Farts Club.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Thought that I lost my debit card last Friday - after a trip up to St Thomas's hospital in Central London - so reported it lost - and the bank said it'll take 4-5 working days to replace it - so they cancelled that card - it's the only one I have - then it shows up on Sunday in a small zip pocket in a pair of trousers - when the laundry was being done - and I'm still waiting for the post to deliver the new one - duhh!
it always sucks when you lose a important card (drivers licence, cc, etc.) and it drives you mad
its best to report it as soon as you can just to let them know if there are any strange charges the were not yours, but the hassle of waiting to get new documents (card) = sux
Yeah aeroplanes ✈️ spread disease - just takes one or two sick passengers - to spread whatever illness they have throughout the other passengers - the old and infirm seem to suffer the most methinks -
airplanes are the worst, especially intercontinental travel where you are stuck in a tube with strangers for many hours
its always worse for older people, things you could just shake off tend to stick more as we age
also the circumstances behind the visit put strain on a person as well
i hope she is up and at em soon

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
it always sucks when you lose a important card (drivers licence, cc, etc.) and it drives you mad
its best to report it as soon as you can just to let them know if there are any strange charges the were not yours, but the hassle of waiting to get new documents (card) = sux

airplanes are the worst, especially intercontinental travel where you are stuck in a tube with strangers for many hours
its always worse for older people, things you could just shake off tend to stick more as we age
also the circumstances behind the visit put strain on a person as well
i hope she is up and at em soon
Ya - she was sooo stressed - but she had to fly all the way back there for her sister-in-laws funeral - the heat really got to her too in the USA - she said it was way too hot and sweaty down south - where she is originally from - but arrived back in England in what I deem as perfect weather today - sunshine 🌞 all day - but only 75F - with a nice light breeze - cooling down nicely this evening - will warm up more by this Friday - to possibly mid 80'sF - so says the forecast - looks like we might be getting a bit of proper summer - finally - my plants are in for a treat -


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Ya - she was sooo stressed - but she had to fly all the way back there for her sister-in-laws funeral - the heat really got to her too in the USA - she said it was way too hot and sweaty down south - where she is originally from - but arrived back in England in what I deem as perfect weather today - sunshine 🌞 all day - but only 75F - with a nice light breeze - cooling down nicely this evening - will warm up more by this Friday - to possibly mid 80'sF - so says the forecast - looks like we might be getting a bit of proper summer - finally - my plants are in for a treat -
i like temps in the mid 70-80 myself, add in a breeze and thats just jelly on your bread
changes in climate can mess with people, but good to hear she is back home safe and sound
enjoy the nice weather!


Well-known member
I’ve only had a couple of zoom calls. I just had to answer it not start it. It was pretty cool. Enjoy your first zoom old man 🥰✌️
The zoom call is done, at first there was a glitch but once that was worked out the rest proceded smoothly. Next time will be glitch free.
Thanks again for the cat photos, I just adore cats, they make me smile and feel calm, mostly.
And you Sub for being a good a friend to the animals:)


Well-known member
If the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT WAS SUPPOSED TO REDUCE INFLATION ....why is our national debt increasing by a trillion dollars every 100 days. That is over 8 billion dollars a day! That is after the cost of the New Green Deal and Inflation Reduction Act. Which was approximately 3 trillion.

Just saying

93 degrees out there. Did my morning walk and came back with my shirt soaking wet and exhausted. Good to be in the AC. Smoked some ice hash. Playing with the Motorola, listening to classic rock (Tiny dancer playing now) and watching the local news. Smell from the garbage truck this morning made me gag. Still stinks horribly where it was stopped, like up and down the street. Smelled like liquid fish fertilizer and poop in the hot morning sun. What the fuck man. Gagged. Couldn't barf anything up. That garbage truck. Worst ever. Like a rolling turd.

I'm so knackered - after a very physical day - I'm defo gonna sleep well tonight - must have walked more than 5 miles today - plus the gym/swim with my daughter -

- an old American friend of mine flew back to London where she lives after attending her brothers wife's funeral in Wynn Arkansas - arrived back in London this morning - and said she was so relieved to 'Get outta Dodge City' - (as if it was the 1800's) - drove to Memphis to start her journey back here via Atlanta Georgia - and said that there were so many little stores along the route selling ammo - that she reckons a civil war is in the offing - telling me that - 'You can just feel the tension building over there'

- to make it worse she picked up some sorta bug/virus from the journey/flight - a week ago when she flew out there - and is now on antibiotics and nasal spray - which I picked up for her after she saw her UK doctor at one of the local pharmacies - she's a mess - taken to her bed - and I hope she recovers soon - older than me - and not in good shape at all - poor thing -

Maybe her illness is making her so negative about everything in the USA - I wonder - 🤔
A lot of the South is like that. You'll pass one little mom and pop store after another and It'll either be selling guns and ammo and flowers or guns and ammo and household goods or guns and ammo and trinkets or guns and ammo and guns and ammo

I've now been here 22 days and no end in sight. Trapped between what the VA is willing to pay and their insistence on me taking my rehabilitation in their facilities which only hold five people and it's full. I'm top of the list but I've been top of the list for over 10 days. God get me out of here. I can actually wipe my own ass again, put on my own shoes and walk with a walker and not fall down. I must be good to go.

They actually offered and took me outside today. Good God I'd forgotten what green trees and grass looks like. I want to go home. This is not what I signed up for. None of the paralysis was what I signed up for. It was supposed to be like 3%. Lucky me, I won the lottery.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Who knew hoarding was illegal...?

Cops breach Sun Valley 'hoarder house'​

hoarder houses.jpg

this has become a huge thing here in san diego recently and in some places is an actual safety hazard
hoarding is a mental disorder for a lot of these people


Well-known member
Speaking of hoarding...

I sold real estate for 10 years. One property was an 8 plex. One of the units was packed to the gills...

By 'gills' I mean there was an animal trail through the apartment. If you've ever walked through the woods and seen an animal trail you know what I mean? Stuff was packed on both sides from the trail to the walls. Over the couch as if the 'stuff' was bushes. It was in all the rooms! Some old lady lived there.

That was a hoarder!


Well-known member
The name might possibly come from Levon Helm from the Band
According to Gus Dudgeon, Taupin named the character in the song after The Band's co-founder, drummer and singer Levon Helm. The Band were apparently John and Taupin's favourite group at the time. In 2013, however, Taupin said that the song was unrelated to Helm.[5] According to fellow Band member Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm did not like the song, quoting him as saying "Englishmen shouldn't fuck with Americanisms".[6]

The "Alvin Tostig" mentioned in the song (Levon's father) is, according to Taupin, fictional.[7]


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this has become a huge thing here in san diego recently and in some places is an actual safety hazard
hoarding is a mental disorder for a lot of these people
It truly is I have done a few cleanouts where it was shocking on just about every level........beyond my imagination that people can live that way.
My compulsions run the otner way shit needs to be done right.


Well-known member
A lot of the South is like that. You'll pass one little mom and pop store after another and It'll either be selling guns and ammo and flowers or guns and ammo and household goods or guns and ammo and trinkets or guns and ammo and guns and ammo

I've now been here 22 days and no end in sight. Trapped between what the VA is willing to pay and their insistence on me taking my rehabilitation in their facilities which only hold five people and it's full. I'm top of the list but I've been top of the list for over 10 days. God get me out of here. I can actually wipe my own ass again, put on my own shoes and walk with a walker and not fall down. I must be good to go.

They actually offered and took me outside today. Good God I'd forgotten what green trees and grass looks like. I want to go home. This is not what I signed up for. None of the paralysis was what I signed up for. It was supposed to be like 3%. Lucky me, I won the lottery.
Baby steps BNW. That was a major operation. I bet they'll release you as soon as you're ready my friend. The folks over on the other site are asking about you.

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