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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No not just because of that,although obviously it makes a difference,polling sources come into play as well,is there an honest poll? Especially now that Trump was shot at ,all candidates should receive it ,it's just the right thing to do.
Hey I got no problem with that and I agree seeing as how there are batshit crazies running around now shooting at candidates. But I'm not the one who sets up the rules they play by. Of course at some point you'll run out of secret service agents and they'll have to start spreading them thinner anyway.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
good then leave. You are not welcome .....our president just got shot by one of you
Fuck off asshole, this started with me standing up for your candidate and trying to get the facts out to people. You want me out then grow a pair and kick me out.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I remember paying $1.80 a gallon for gas when Trump was in office. Nothing below $2.50 since O bidumb be in there sniffing kids...
The only time it was that cheap during Trumps term was when everyone had to say at home during Covid and most of you Trump supporters hate that. If you think it was because of anything Trump did you're delussional.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Hey I got no problem with that and I agree seeing as how there are batshit crazies running around now shooting at candidates. But I'm not the one who sets up the rules they play by. Of course at some point you'll run out of secret service agents and they'll have to start spreading them thinner anyway.
Are you really still here.....must be lonely two tired justice system.....get ready for some payback come november....and we won't do it with violence and a New Green Deal Bottomless credit card running up our national debt. We will do it without war and property.


Well-known member
He's lowered gas prices, he's driven inflation down, he kept the country from going into a recession when everyone was sure it was going to go into a recession. He significantly reduced the costs of medications. I could go on but you probably won't believe me because you're even asking. All his accomplishments are well known and well documented. So for you to ask me what has he done that effects me personally you're likely counting on things like I'm on disability so I don't benefit from historically low unemployment, also since I'm on disability and stated here in the past I don't have money left over at the end of the month you know I don't benefit from a stock market that's been setting records for weeks now. Also being on disability I don't benefit by a rise in salary averages. I don't live in the states where the CHIPS act is bringing electronic manufacturing back to the state. I do live in a state that has a lot of new infrastructure being built which I gather is because of the historic investment in Infrastructure which I believe was in the inflation reduction bill. Need I go on? How about you dazlle me with Trumps legislative achievements? As far as I know his only on is the tax cut for the wealthy lower them to 8% while most other taxpayers are about 3 times that much. Oh and that achievement added 8 trillion to the deficet over 10 years whereas everything Biden has done only adds about half that over the same time priod.
Yes go on. Lowered gas prices? Everyone is bitching about gas prices since he took office and he canceled keystone the first day. Which sort of jobs did he bring? Min wage shit? Biden's inflation is far higher than Trump's. 10 drugs are cheaper for people on medicare. Flooding the country with non vetted immigrants will steal jobs and bring wages down. He's not the hero you make him out to be. Most working class people feel the hit of this administration daily because they pay for all the social services while their wages aren't keeping up,you can only get so much blood from a stone. Socialism doesn't work. A flat tax is appropriate,when you start gouging the "wealthy" they close shop and everyone gets poor .


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
One problem there braniac, I'm nt making it up. You just to pathetic to admit it[s the truth because you're so in love with a convicted felon for candidate, that wants to be a dictator and terminate the constitution. You actually think I'm worried about how I look to the likes of you? :ROFLMAO:

typical symptoms of TDS , thinks 45 wants to be a dictator when in fact that is the accusers plans

thinks 45 wants to terminate the contrition when in fact that is the plan of the globalists , or as George Sr said The New World Order

typical fascist commie strategy , accuse your enemy of whT you are doing

Put her there friend , let’s show these fascists what a couple hillbillies can do



Well-known member
Hey I got no problem with that and I agree seeing as how there are batshit crazies running around now shooting at candidates. But I'm not the one who sets up the rules they play by. Of course at some point you'll run out of secret service agents and they'll have to start spreading them thinner anyway.
Right now there are 5 candidates running,there's probably enough ssa to cover them.
Anyway work in the morning,have good one ,everybody be safe.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes go on. Lowered gas prices? Everyone is bitching about gas prices since he took office and he canceled keystone the first day. Which sort of jobs did he bring? Min wage shit? Biden's inflation is far higher than Trump's. 10 drugs are cheaper for people on medicare. Flooding the country with non vetted immigrants will steal jobs and bring wages down. He's not the hero you make him out to be. Most working class people feel the hit of this administration daily because they pay for all the social services while their wages aren't keeping up,you can only get so much blood from a stone. Socialism doesn't work. A flat tax is appropriate,when you start gouging the "wealthy" they close shop and everyone gets poor .
The gas price would be way higher if he hadn't turn us into an energy independent country and made us the largest energy producer in the world. And spare me your pearl clutchin about keystone, you Canadians only wanted that to make it easier for you to export your crappy oil sands gas on our dime. Hell when we were ffirst negotiating that the US even asked if you would give us fist shot at the oil during times of oil shortages to which your greedy oil companies said no to but I do give them slight credit for honesty. Which jobs did he bring you? None I imagine since you live in Canada, He's the President of the US not of North America. You want jobs you go talk to that Trudeau guy. Minimum wage, again talk to Trudeau. Inflation higher then Trumps, no Trump created it with his stupid tariff wars. Was about 10% back then now it's less then 3%. This country has always been flooded with non vetted immigrants since going back to the days of Reagan and oddly enough it's always the same 11-15 million no matter which President you ask. Again though and up you way, talk to Trudeau maybe he'll build you a canadian wall? You clearly don't understand flat taxes if you think they are fair for ease of numbers lets imagine a flat tax of 20,000 now for a person who only makes $100,000 that's 20 percent of his income but you someone who makes 1,000,000 it's only 2% how is it fair that the weaalthier person pays less?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
He's lowered gas prices, he's driven inflation down, he kept the country from going into a recession when everyone was sure it was going to go into a recession. He significantly reduced the costs of medications. I could go on but you probably won't believe me because you're even asking. All his accomplishments are well known and well documented. So for you to ask me what has he done that effects me personally you're likely counting on things like I'm on disability so I don't benefit from historically low unemployment, also since I'm on disability and stated here in the past I don't have money left over at the end of the month you know I don't benefit from a stock market that's been setting records for weeks now. Also being on disability I don't benefit by a rise in salary averages. I don't live in the states where the CHIPS act is bringing electronic manufacturing back to the state. I do live in a state that has a lot of new infrastructure being built which I gather is because of the historic investment in Infrastructure which I believe was in the inflation reduction bill. Need I go on? How about you dazlle me with Trumps legislative achievements? As far as I know his only on is the tax cut for the wealthy lower them to 8% while most other taxpayers are about 3 times that much. Oh and that achievement added 8 trillion to the deficet over 10 years whereas everything Biden has done only adds about half that over the same time priod.
i like you kat, but lets be real here; biden has been a joke
the cost of everything has skyrocketed during his term, but now he has driven inflation down"?

source: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
how much are you paying for gasoline today? how about your utilities or rent
do you like to eat food?

the wage hikes you mention are only cutting the into middle class because its mostly targeted at the low end worker
/ now i can make $20 an/hr flipping burgers in california
the working person is getting f'd and it only gets worse for the working poor
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Well-known member
The world watches on, as one teams supporters make intelligent discussion, and the others pulls faces.

Pulling out of the Ukraine, in some ultra-nationalist drama, will be very harmful for America. Many countries like the idea of a friend that could back them up in a fight. Non want a friend that turns tails. The new world order, isn't the future world order. It is the latest/current order. Where being at the top requires the mutual support of others. How would the petro-dollar be the world currency, if your a ultra-nationalist state. Talk about nazi behaviour. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

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