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The Original O'l Farts Club.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
The world watches on, as one teams supporters make intelligent discussion, and the others pulls faces.

Pulling out of the Ukraine, in some ultra-nationalist drama, will be very harmful for America. Many countries like the idea of a friend that could back them up in a fight. Non want a friend that turns tails. The new world order, isn't the future world order. It is the latest/current order. Where being at the top requires the mutual support of others. How would the petro-dollar be the world currency, if your a ultra-nationalist state. Talk about nazi behaviour. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
the us does not nead russian/euro oil
/we get our oil from mex and canada!
the us is known for cutting and running, so why not now
pull out of the ukraine, let europe un'f their own s'
its not our fight


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i like you kat, but lets be real here; biden has been a joke
the cost of everything has skyrocketed during his term, but now he has CUT inflation
View attachment 19032836
source: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
how much are you paying for gasoline today? how about your utilities or rent

the wage hikes you mention are only cutting the into middle class because its mostly targets at the low end worker
/ now i can make $20 an/hr flipping burgers in california
the working person is getting f'd and it only gets worse for the working poor
It shows it right there in your graph see 7 in 2021 now 3 in 2024 that's down 4%. I think you are misunderstanding how inflation works. When it comes down prices don't return to what they used to be because inflation created a new normal. Eventually over time those prices will come down some but it's very slow, the manufacturers don't want to lower prices unless they have to to keep business. Things like food that people feel the most come down the slowest because it's not like you can just stop buying food unless you happen to be a farmer. Even there though prices are coming down because people can't afford to buy as much food as they used to.

I'm currently paying 3.25 per gallon on gas but it used to be closer to $5.00 per gallon. Rent doesn't affect me bcause I own y hom, utilities are pretty much the same at .11 per kilowatt hour which is the same it's been where I'm at for the past 5 years or more. As for salary increases I'm not talking by the hour but here where I'm at minimum wage is only $15 per hour. I can't give you numbers on salary increases because I'm on disability and have no first hand experience with that.

Yes the working person especially on the low end is getting screwed but not as badly as it was 3 years ago. Oh and gas prices would be better if it weren't for the oil companies having not reopened all the refinaries after covid. The 2 or 3 running are at max capacity if we somehow doubled oil production or imports the prices would stay the same because the refineries can't produce any more then right not, it's got nothing to do with the amount of oil. They are creating an artificial imbalance on supply and demand keep gas price roughly stagnent. Also that whole bit about OPEC moving away from the Petro Dollar. That's because Biden would take oil out of the reserves when price were high and then filling them back up when prices were low keeping the per barrel prices roughly the same which was defeating OPECs attempt to rig supply and demand. Not only did he keep prices on the world market lower then they wanted but he made profit for the US treasury when he sold while it was high.
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Well-known member
I remember paying $1.80 a gallon for gas when Trump was in office. Nothing below $2.50 since O bidumb be in there sniffing kids...
Major players and their corporation's who control the oil futures market are determining what you pay at the pump. Here it is today / now. We are talking hundreds of billions / trillion dollars, to play this oil futures game ($/BBL):


Your boy preaches dropping current corporate tax rates from 21%, to a 15% rate. Do you know how many trillions of dollars that adds up to in not such a short time? And, just who does he propose will be making up this tax burden loss difference .. Oh, he's not talking about that, eh? Better keep them quiet, and keep them confused, and dumbed down. Personally, I am not going to willingly allow my kids to be unknowingly further farked in the butt by anyone, of any Brand, while they gleefully talk over the heads of their masses. He's nothing more than another corporate puppet, trying to further enrich himself too. And to diminish, and enslave. Make all of these glib two-faced jack asses genuinely care about you, and prove it in fact, before you give them one bit of your valuable time of day. Enuf said.

"Meet The New Boss. Same As The Old Boss."

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the us does not nead russian/euro oil
/we get our oil from mex and canada!
the us is known for cutting and running, so why not now
pull out of the ukraine, let europe un'f their own s'
its not our fight
Actually it is our fight, go read up on the buddapest accords I think is the name. It's a treaty we and the UK signed when we convinced Ukraine to give Russia back it's nukes when they broke away from the USSR. It basically requires the US to help defend Ukraine if a country tried to invade it snce they would be waker without nukes and just like Russia is doing. In fact they could force us to put troops on the ground in Ukraine if they wanted, according to that treaty.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
It shows it right there in your graph see 7 in 2021 now 3 in 2024 that's down 4%. I think you are misunderstanding how inflation works. When it comes down prices don't return to what they used to be because inflation created a new normal. Eventually over time those prices will come down some but it's very slow, the manufacturers don't want to lower prices unless they have to to keep business. Things like food that people feel the most come down the slowest because it's not like you can just stop buying food unless you happen to be a farmer. Even there though prices are coming down because people can't afford to buy as much food as they used to.

I'm currently paying 3.25 per gallon on gas but it used to be closer to $5.00 per gallon. Rent doesn't affect me bcause I own y hom, utilities are pretty much the same at .11 per kilowatt hour which is the same it's been where I'm at for the past 5 years or more. As for salary increases I'm not talking by the hour but here where I'm at minimum wage is only $15 per hour. I can't give you numbers on salary increases because I'm on disability and have no first hand experience with that.

Yes the working person especially on the low end is getting screwed but not as badly as it was 3 years ago. Oh and gas prices would be better if it weren't for the oil companies having not reopened all the refinaries after covid. The 2 or 3 running are at max capacity if we somehow doubled oil production or imports the prices would stay the same because the refineries can't produce any more then right not, it's got nothing to do with the amount of oil. They are creating an artificial imbalance on supply and demand keep gas price roughly stagnent. Also that whole bit about OPEC moving away from the Petro Dollar. That's because Biden would take oil out of the reserves when price were high and then filling them back up when prices were low keeping the per barrel prices roughly the same which was defeating OPECs attempt to rig supply and demand. Not only did he keep prices on the world market lower then they wanted but he made profit for the US treasury when he sold while it was high.
thanks champ!
if you look a few years back, you will see it was a steady 3% or less
/ thats why i included the 10y model
but tell me more about economics?
go joe
im glad you are doing so well and i wish you all the luck
nice little rant on oil,
gas prices across the nation are up, but that just the summer blend
like i said, the us gets most of its oil from n.am
oil graph.jpg

but nice pivot
/there is so much more going on with the price of gasoline, but i wont bore you with facts
i own my home too
the sad thing is i have kids i love and i wonder if they will ever own their own homes
but enjoy your cake
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Well-known member
typical fascist commie strategy , accuse your enemy of whT you are doing
they are a slippery lot
I think you are misunderstanding how inflation works. When it comes down prices don't return to what they used to be because inflation created a new normal. Eventually over time those prices will come down some but it's very slow, the manufacturers don't want to lower prices unless they have to to keep business.
Inflation is cumulative.

If your statement on inflation were true I could still buy fungible gasoline for 15c a gallon...

Oh wait, I guess I can still buy a gallon of gas for $0.15!

Of course one would have to have two 1964 90% silver dimes to do that.

$2.24 is the total melt value for the 1946-1964 silver dime on July 14, 2024.

Fiat money is inflationary. Commodity money is fairly stable which is why it's in Article I Section 10 of the Constitution.

Which is a whole 'nother story....

Probably snoop4truth could sus it out for us...?
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Polarisation - pulls us apart - whoever you vote for the government gets in - one government might be better for someone and worse for another - it all depends on who or what is controlling it - and those that control the money and the media have the real power to control whoever we think is the most powerful politician/president or prime minister - take a trip to Davos in Switzerland - for the annual World Economic Fund summit - and see if they will let you in to find out about it -

Let's get back to ignoring all of that anyway - because there is nothing any of us can do to change it really - the people are divided - because that's the way those with real power want it - so long as we are fighting each other - we ain't fighting them -

I'd rather talk about pets and food and meds and 'erb and family lifestyles with humour anyway - rather than being a pawn in their game -


Well-known member
the us does not nead russian/euro oil
/we get our oil from mex and canada!
the us is known for cutting and running, so why not now
pull out of the ukraine, let europe un'f their own s'
its not our fight
Has your need for oil got anything to do with my post?
You swapped 85% of your oil for more suitable stuff, in the last year. How does that fit your narrative.

I'm not trading any more words with you. Vote for Trump, and let chivalry die. The world will know you for who you are.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
And the words of this song - it pretty much sums it up -

We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
A change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that's all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war
I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again, no, no
I'll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half-alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do you?
There's nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again, no, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss -
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Awright -- This is NOT politics. It is groundbreaking fargin NEWS.

The Secret Service had the shooter sighted and in crosshairs. The Secret Service shooter is on video, actually sighted on the assassin... and just watching. <-- WTF?

The assassin was photographed by people in the crowd at the same time.

The SS did NOT shoot until after the shooter cut loose with four shots, killing one person, wounding Trump and two others.

Complete failure/incompetence on Secret Service part. I watched one DEI fat lady SS agent -- she could not even reach across her fat!?!? belly to get her gun. Jeez.
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Well-known member
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Well-known member
The gas price would be way higher if he hadn't turn us into an energy independent country and made us the largest energy producer in the world. And spare me your pearl clutchin about keystone, you Canadians only wanted that to make it easier for you to export your crappy oil sands gas on our dime. Hell when we were ffirst negotiating that the US even asked if you would give us fist shot at the oil during times of oil shortages to which your greedy oil companies said no to but I do give them slight credit for honesty. Which jobs did he bring you? None I imagine since you live in Canada, He's the President of the US not of North America. You want jobs you go talk to that Trudeau guy. Minimum wage, again talk to Trudeau. Inflation higher then Trumps, no Trump created it with his stupid tariff wars. Was about 10% back then now it's less then 3%. This country has always been flooded with non vetted immigrants since going back to the days of Reagan and oddly enough it's always the same 11-15 million no matter which President you ask. Again though and up you way, talk to Trudeau maybe he'll build you a canadian wall? You clearly don't understand flat taxes if you think they are fair for ease of numbers lets imagine a flat tax of 20,000 now for a person who only makes $100,000 that's 20 percent of his income but you someone who makes 1,000,000 it's only 2% how is it fair that the weaalthier person pays less?
Reagan was right,if you could reason with a liberal,there wouldn't be any


Well-known member
The gas price would be way higher if he hadn't turn us into an energy independent country and made us the largest energy producer in the world. And spare me your pearl clutchin about keystone, you Canadians only wanted that to make it easier for you to export your crappy oil sands gas on our dime. Hell when we were ffirst negotiating that the US even asked if you would give us fist shot at the oil during times of oil shortages to which your greedy oil companies said no to but I do give them slight credit for honesty. Which jobs did he bring you? None I imagine since you live in Canada, He's the President of the US not of North America. You want jobs you go talk to that Trudeau guy. Minimum wage, again talk to Trudeau. Inflation higher then Trumps, no Trump created it with his stupid tariff wars. Was about 10% back then now it's less then 3%. This country has always been flooded with non vetted immigrants since going back to the days of Reagan and oddly enough it's always the same 11-15 million no matter which President you ask. Again though and up you way, talk to Trudeau maybe he'll build you a canadian wall? You clearly don't understand flat taxes if you think they are fair for ease of numbers lets imagine a flat tax of 20,000 now for a person who only makes $100,000 that's 20 percent of his income but you someone who makes 1,000,000 it's only 2% how is it fair that the weaalthier person pays less?
Trudeau is destroying Canada just like Biden is the US ,we are the test bed and whatever trudeau gets away with Biden tries to put into action. What's unfair about a flat tax? Why do libs insist on punishing success and rewarding failure? Get your own money and quit stealing others. How much of others money is enough for you people?