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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Ya - I ignored doctors telling me about my high blood pressure for a coupla decades - like a mug - and that's a one way ticket to The Zipper Club - once upon a time (1985) I was in a movie called 'The Bionic Ninja' - now finally I have a Bionic implant - it's called a PACEMAKER - but I ain't no ninja no more -
yeah i remember.never saw the movie though. is it hard to find? bet my mom would get a kick outta that.Remember that discussion we had on Frank Dux? i saw a pretty wild interview of him i think a year ago.wish i could remember who he was. he interviews all kinds of famous martial artists. but yeah Frank Dux is quit a character

sorry if this dont belong here but this was pretty intertaining.he does great interviews viking samurai

Unca Walt

Well-known member
awe jeez. my dad is 64. hes doing pretty good except the heavy drinking. i fear his heart will be the first problem. high blood pressure but other than that hes fine. buddy of mine just turned 70. lucky bastard has the right genes. he still kicks young punk ass sometimes. his dad lived to be 95.nicest guy in the world. must of been because he didnt have much stress.

yeah thats crazy to think about. most people didnt even make it to my age. thats a grim feeling. thanks for the wishes and right back at you

Hoomans are living a LOT longer than even "recently" <-- My Daddy was born in 1902 when the life expectancy of a newborn was 32 years.

In 2021, the global average life expectancy was just over 70 years! This is an astonishing fact – because just two hundred years ago, it was less than half that: In 1800, no region had a life expectancy higher than 40 years.

So I would guess at a conservative minimum, at least half the people reading this sentence fall into the "ahead of the game" category. Whatta happy thought! :cool:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ya - I ignored doctors telling me about my high blood pressure for a coupla decades - like a mug - and that's a one way ticket to The Zipper Club - once upon a time (1985) I was in a movie called 'The Bionic Ninja' - now finally I have a Bionic implant - it's called a PACEMAKER - but I ain't no ninja no more -
Now I gotta see you in that movie.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well outside the hospital, just had an EKG. They said my heart is excellent. Going to take the trolley home and stop at the dispensary for some ice hash. Thanks for all the concern everybody ❤️
An EKG will reveal nothing about the heart problems that cause chest pains. The bare minimum is to get an echo cardiogram aka ultra sound of your heart. That will just give them a rough idea and if something shows up they'll likely want to do a stress test next. That still doesn't give a full picture of what's going on but it will reveal if there is a definite problem. The best test to see in detail is the cardi catherization aka Angiogram. It should be the first test in my opinion but it's pretty expensive so they make you go thru the other tests first just to justify the more expensive tests for the insurance companies. Do not take them telling you that you have a strong heart after an EKG as a reason to stop worrying. All an EKG is really good for revealing is if you have an irregular heartbeat. A few months ago after I had an echo cardiogram done they told me I had a strong heart too. Yet here I am facing potential heart surgery because of a problem my strong heart has.
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Well-known member
And a fine and jolly good day to you too old man 👴 - England made it into the final of the European Football Cup - and will face Spain 🇪🇸 on Sunday - after beating the Dutch in the semi-finals - in the last minute of the game - so I'm feeling hopeful for their success - last time we kicked arse against the Spanish was in 1588 -
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Hello Gypsy and a jolly good day to you...1588 but who is counting✍🏻

You gotta love those last minute wins, they are most exciting.

You must getting to the end of tending to Spanky.

Your balcony plants are making headway and looking promising.

Hope your day goes well and I am happy for your heart surgery recovery, pip pip cheerio:)


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ok @Putembk this Is my flower tent in week 4.
View attachment 19031444
I do the same with my tomato's


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hello Gypsy and a jolly good day to you...1588 but who is counting✍🏻

You gotta love those last minute wins, they are most exciting.

You must getting to the end of tending to Spanky.

Your balcony plants are making headway and looking promising.

Hope your day goes well and I am happy for your heart surgery recovery, pip pip cheerio:)
Spanky's parents came back from Portugal for just 2 days - saw and felt the cold and windy-wet weather here in London - and hot-footed it back to their villa on the Algarve - shivering as they went - so it's still my job to feed and pet Spanky - ahh that reminds me - I'd best get over there now - it's gone 6pm already!


Well-known member
Yeah I know. But I dunno how to identify him. It wasn't the big bearded guy who got overconfident, or the monkey-guy...

Anybody make a freeze frame of Gypsy in Blood Sport and post it here?
Now now, don't make the mistake that because we are old we are blind too. We spotted the Doober was a younf whippersnapper from a mile away. :biggrin:
he left the the hobby sub and thought he might be trying to infiltrate you guys! im just here to keep an eye on him! dont need any double agents here!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i got an ultrasound a few weeks ago. i dont know all the results yet but the lady doing it said my liver dont look too bad so i guess thats good. yeah these things can just creep up on you when you get older. i guess the one thing good i can say is i dont smoke tobacco
They can also hit you out of nowhere and happen much sooner then expected. I was 32 when I had the one heart attack I had that resulted in me getting a double bypass due to two blocked arteries.


Well-known member
They say the your liver can regrow and correct itself with time. I hope so as I abused the heck outta mine in my younger days. I still drink more than once a year but can feel it way more now and find it takes more to recover physically these days so I don’t partake too often. I do smoke a heck of a lot of cannabis tho.
Good day to you Sub, when I was in my very early 20s I spent about a month and half in the hospital with hepatitis. The doctors told me you can get by with as little as about 40% of your liver or a bit less and still lead a healthy life.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Today I am culling and trimming mothers. I do not enjoy trimming mothers....get bushy and nasty after awhile.

Have more to do down here than I thought....
I solved that problem by taking a couple of extra clones when harvesting clones and once those clones rooted and I got them in soil the moms would be part of the next batch to go into the flower room.


Well-known member
They can also hit you out of nowhere and happen much sooner then expected. I was 32 when I had the one heart attack I had that resulted in me getting a double bypass due to two blocked arteries.
Dang. dont know if i knew that Kat.thats young. my blood pressure is through the roof. i take blood pressure meds. that reminds me. they only gave me 5 pills for my refill for some reason.i get tight in the chest and dizzy sometimes. i hope my body isnt trying to tell me something. how are you feeling these days? do you still smoke anything?


Well-known member
Same for me lost 85% of my liver function before I found out it was hepc.
No idea where I got it never shot dope and don't drink.
Mavyret cured mine up only cost around $30,000 for the two month supply at the time.........and they call me a drug dealer for cannabis.
Heps gone and livers recovering nicely along with the kidneys so that's nice.
I was checked for HepC because of some marker, I could not think of how I came in contact with it as I had spent about 6weeks in the hospital with hepB when I was young. So getting hep again was not on my agenda.

Then it came to me how I was exposed to hep c.
One day I was climbing over some logs in the bush and had a very sharp limbing axe with me, as I climbed over the fallen logs the axe blade brushed up against my knee, cut through my jeans and gave me a nasty flesh slice. Later I went into town stopped at a friends whose wife was a nurse. She seen the blood on my pants and asked me what happened and could she look at it. She said you need stiches, I said I didn't have time. She said, then let me clean it up and put something on it. She used her razor to shave the hair of my leg, cleaned up the cut and put some second skin over the wound. That lady dies from HepC she got at work from being poked with a needle. I must have picked up something from her razor.