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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good Morning peoples :)

For those who may, in in the future; face the time when needing to help a pet to cross over,
if the situation allows:
I highly suggest an in home euthanasia service.

It's not yet hit me, I'm still numb I suppose.
The experience for her I hope, was that she was safe and loved.
I didn't allow myself to break down for the two days of hospice care
prior to her passing on nor while the service was here.
I refused to have her feeling a sad vibe.
I'm sure it will hit me soon however.
Change = grieving and I'll have to go through the paces to heal.

I didn't post this to cause sadness for others.
Just an update and a PSA for pet lovers.

Now, on to the mundanities of life, sigh.
Like... seeing the doc today for my yearly commitment
to the 'health care system', meh.

Have a good day folks!
Yeah when you have the time to carefully prepare for the inevitable and part of that preparation requires you to be strong for the loved one passing, it can have kind of a numbing effect on the grieving process. I went thru something similar when my mother passed from cancer at age 93. She felt she had lived long enough and she had already outlived all her siblings and spouses as well as many of her friends. So when she was diagnosed with cancer she refused any treatment other then pallatative care and then when the end was near she switched over to hospice care. She discussed her diagnosis and her choice on treatment about a month before her passing with me and my two brothers. That gave us all about a month or so to come to terms with her impending death. As a result we all took it quite stoically at first but then each of us had our own more emoptional experience quietly at a later date. For me it was when I went to make my weekly Sunday call to her to touch base and realized she wasn't there to answer the phone, as I was dialing her out of habit. It will likely come for you at some time in the near future when something reminds you that she is gone. The thing I found most helpful at times like that was to try not to focus on the loss but instead force myself to think of all the happy memories I had.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My younger half sister Yasmin called me last night and asked me if I wanted a puppy - since she is an experienced dog groomer and has a dog grooming school even - and she makes a few bob breeding usually smaller dogs too and said that she can't sell this pup atm because he's got a fractured leg - and he's currently only 4 months old - and my boy has been lightly nagging me for months for us to get a dog -

I've always had larger breeds in the past - security dogs mainly - and used to breed them when I was in S.E.Asia well over a decade ago - never had a small dog 🐕 - but thought to myself - why not? - could be a fun and enjoyable thing to do - whilst making the kids and wife happy too - 😊
Here's a pic of the pup and one of my nephews -
View attachment 19030785
Yeah he looks like he would make for an adorable and fun pet.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Going tomorrow. I just realized I've had these heart pains for a few years now, so no emergency. 😎
I hear what you're saying but that's not a wise way to look at it. Just because it's been happning for a while doesn't mean it okay to kind of ignore it. Especially since you are saying it's happening more frequently. All having it for two years means is that you've already put it off way too long. If it is heart disease the sooner you catch it the better.It's possible you've already put it off long enough that you too might need a stent or to become a member of the zipper club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Front is mowed, trimmed and blown. Will do the back tomorrow.

Have a meeting on Estate Planning with my Son In Law. Just heard that if I want to pass the house on to my daughter I need a living Trust.....WTF. I have a living Will but apparently some things have changed. I will pessimistically listen to what the guy has to say......used car salesmen if you ask me. But I will listen.

Am also getting info on Tax Exempt Bonds. Sounds good but I don't like the term or yield. If you saw Wolf Of Wall Street ......that is how I look at all these guys. Fiduciary.....my ass.....looking for that commission.


Well-known member
I love lamb...to each their own I guess...here's a few pics of the cabin on 06...the pup is Rainman, a Czech import that was Dutch's predecessor...he had a massive stroke in the back of my Infinfi on the way up to the mountains...I spent most of the summers in that stream...you can see Linda up on the porch
I like the big rock along the creek, looks like someone put in some rock to create some pools.
You also mentioned there was a lake as well.
Like your Florida home, the cabin was looked after with pride.

That must have been awful for your dog to have had stroke in that particular situation.

I was driving my cat to the Vet, the poor thing had kidney failure, I was beside myself with panic almost. When I got to the Vet's office there was a sign saying they had moved their business to the other side of town. The cat was having seizures, I really had to get myself to calm down and get this poor suffering animal put down. She was 20years and had been healthy all her life. I'll never forget that day.


Well-known member
Premium user
Front is mowed, trimmed and blown. Will do the back tomorrow.

Have a meeting on Estate Planning with my Son In Law. Just heard that if I want to pass the house on to my daughter I need a living Trust.....WTF. I have a living Will but apparently some things have changed. I will pessimistically listen to what the guy has to say......used car salesmen if you ask me. But I will listen.

Am also getting info on Tax Exempt Bonds. Sounds good but I don't like the term or yield. If you saw Wolf Of Wall Street ......that is how I look at all these guys. Fiduciary.....my ass.....looking for that commission.
My momma had a living trust. After seeing how much it helped me as the trustee, Mr sub and I did the same for eachother and our kids. It’s not cheap and I agree some used car salesman talk too but am glad we did it and also that it’s over. They get all up in your business tho, I didn't like that. There are weird rules in every state tho to watch out for.


Well-known member
The last 4 digits of my phone number is 1999…I get a lot of comments about Prince…

Boy do I love me a good cheesesteak…hot and dripping cheese…white American only or it’s not a cheesesteak…
OH YEAH, I like the old new avatar, if indeed that is your old avatar. Kind of like a wise person who has experienced much in their life. The eyes have a sadness but at the same time an understanding.
Good avatar Boo.


Cabana’s bitch
That someone was me in my strong years…I spent 15 years digging out rocks from the stream floor and building water features and a retaining wall…1100’ of wall to strengthen the bank walls an 400’ of terrace wall to elevate my home…I work like a madman possessed…I ate norco tabs to deal with the pain…blew out the back because I couldn’t feel the damage…

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Take care of yourself doober. Your weight, diet and exercise will surly be brought up. May try to stay away from so many carbs to bring down your weight a bit to see if your chest is a bit less taxed. A squeezing pain is not good and is a good reason to visit the ER if it happens again before your appointment. I know many folks that ignored it thinking it would just pass again that ended up calling 911.
Stop right there. Do that.

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