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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Good Morning peoples :)

For those who may, in in the future; face the time when needing to help a pet to cross over,
if the situation allows:
I highly suggest an in home euthanasia service.

It's not yet hit me, I'm still numb I suppose.
The experience for her I hope, was that she was safe and loved.
I didn't allow myself to break down for the two days of hospice care
prior to her passing on nor while the service was here.
I refused to have her feeling a sad vibe.
I'm sure it will hit me soon however.
Change = grieving and I'll have to go through the paces to heal.

I didn't post this to cause sadness for others.
Just an update and a PSA for pet lovers.

Now, on to the mundanities of life, sigh.
Like... seeing the doc today for my yearly commitment
to the 'health care system', meh.

Have a good day folks!
Sorry for your loss, imiubu.
You gotta look at this way she's not suffering and in a better place
It was good you were not selfish trying to keep her around for your ownself like some other people I've seen

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My younger half sister Yasmin called me last night and asked me if I wanted a puppy - since she is an experienced dog groomer and has a dog grooming school even - and she makes a few bob breeding usually smaller dogs too and said that she can't sell this pup atm because he's got a fractured leg - and he's currently only 4 months old - and my boy has been lightly nagging me for months for us to get a dog -

I've always had larger breeds in the past - security dogs mainly - and used to breed them when I was in S.E.Asia well over a decade ago - never had a small dog 🐕 - but thought to myself - why not? - could be a fun and enjoyable thing to do - whilst making the kids and wife happy too - 😊
Here's a pic of the pup and one of my nephews -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I shoot every day for 30 min..by myself mostly
I would love to have a pool table. I used to play a solitaire game with two balls at each pocket (straight out for side pockets, side-by-side for corners) and three equally spaced center to dot dot.

If you put the right English on your first shot, you can get one ball in the left side pocket and two in left end pocket.

This leaves you (if you are lucky and pure of heart) with a setup to shoot the spot ball and sink three in the right side pocket. Gotta use monstrous top to get two whacks to push all three in.

So a "qualifying start" is six balls in two shots, with nothing disturbed except the original side pocket ball on the left which is still close to where it started.

Then you try to do exactly the same thing going the other way on the other side of the table. Success means you have sunk 12 balls in four shots, and you have one ball on each center pocket and one ball in the center of the table.

Bestest score: 7 shots.

I tried a gazillion combinations, but never ever got the last three in less than three shots. Even when a shot caused the centered ball to move... It never gave me a double.

Bitchin' game. Haven't played it in forty years. I recommend you try it a coupla times.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Take care of yourself doober. Your weight, diet and exercise will surly be brought up. May try to stay away from so many carbs to bring down your weight a bit to see if your chest is a bit less taxed. A squeezing pain is not good and is a good reason to visit the ER if it happens again before your appointment. I know many folks that ignored it thinking it would just pass again that ended up calling 911.
It seems to happen a couple times everyday it usually happens when I'm at rest just like sitting there and then I get like a really bad pain it's like a vice like squeezing in my heart and my chest but then it goes away it usually happens after I smoke


Well-known member
Premium user
It seems to happen a couple times everyday it usually happens when I'm at rest just like sitting there and then I get like a really bad pain it's like a vice like squeezing in my heart and my chest but then it goes away it usually happens after I smoke
If it’s happening twice a day, you should go into the ER. Your body is telling you something. Time is on your side…


Well-known member
It seems to happen a couple times everyday it usually happens when I'm at rest just like sitting there and then I get like a really bad pain it's like a vice like squeezing in my heart and my chest but then it goes away it usually happens after I smoke
Maybe you're smoking vascular constriction weed. We used to get it in the 70's and 80's. Switch varieties and see if it helps.


Well-known member
Premium user
My younger half sister Yasmin called me last night and asked me if I wanted a puppy - since she is an experienced dog groomer and has a dog grooming school even - and she makes a few bob breeding usually smaller dogs too and said that she can't sell this pup atm because he's got a fractured leg - and he's currently only 4 months old - and my boy has been lightly nagging me for months for us to get a dog -

I've always had larger breeds in the past - security dogs mainly - and used to breed them when I was in S.E.Asia well over a decade ago - never had a small dog 🐕 - but thought to myself - why not? - could be a fun and enjoyable thing to do - whilst making the kids and wife happy too - 😊
Here's a pic of the pup and one of my nephews -
View attachment 19030785
Cute doggo

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