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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
My younger half sister Yasmin called me last night and asked me if I wanted a puppy - since she is an experienced dog groomer and has a dog grooming school even - and she makes a few bob breeding usually smaller dogs too and said that she can't sell this pup atm because he's got a fractured leg - and he's currently only 4 months old - and my boy has been lightly nagging me for months for us to get a dog -

I've always had larger breeds in the past - security dogs mainly - and used to breed them when I was in S.E.Asia well over a decade ago - never had a small dog 🐕 - but thought to myself - why not? - could be a fun and enjoyable thing to do - whilst making the kids and wife happy too - 😊
Here's a pic of the pup and one of my nephews -
View attachment 19030785
Cute pup and nephew!
And there, Class, we have the demo for F=mA

Instead of working on Artificial Intelligence, shouldn't we be expending some effort to do something about Natural Stupidity?
As well as E=1/2MV2.

I say we start by removing all the safety labels and let nature take its course!
no you didn't, I snuck away and scarfed them down...got me more cocoa almonds... :)
I am so enjoying cherry season here, my favorite fruit!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
With Grayfox over the hill and far away, Miss Layla and have fallen back on old habits and have started raiding the tennis courts across the street at the crack of dawn and scoring the discarded balls for the Humane Society pups.

Only two balls yesterday, but eight this morning.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Branch manager and assistant branch manager for @Boo .

Branch management.jpg


Cabana’s bitch
Cute pup and nephew!

As well as E=1/2MV2.

I say we start by removing all the safety labels and let nature take its course!

I am so enjoying cherry season here, my favorite fruit!
I assume that the Rainier cherries come from the Pacific Northwest, I find them far more yummy than the sweet red cherries. When I get up, Ivan is always by my side, looking for handouts, but he knows when it comes to cherries and almonds he doesn’t get any. Truly amazed at how attentive and loyal Ivan has become, while there will never be a substitute for Dutch, Ivan owns my heart at this point… I was talking via PM with Dog last night and I told him that I’ve got a line on two different lineages of German Shepherds. Ivan has relatives in Texas and the breeder in Chicago has got some beautiful red dogs. I dream about a new puppy, but all my efforts are here at home with my boys now…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Feeling chest or heart pain more and more. It used to just be after I smoked...would be a squeezing pain. Now it happens when I wake up. Doctor appointment tomorrow I will ask for a referral for cardiologist
Smart move, it could be something minor, maybe not even heart related, but chest pain in terms of your heart is called Angina:

Angina, also known as angina pectoris, is a type of chest pain or pressure that's usually caused by a lack of blood flow to the heart muscle. It can feel like squeezing, heaviness, tightness, burning, or an upset stomach. Angina can be sudden or come and go over time, and episodes can last from seconds to minutes. It can happen when the heart is working hard or at rest, and common triggers include: Physical exertion, Emotional stress, Cold temperatures, and Eating a large meal.

It can be a warning sign of an eminet heart attack. Like I said though it can also be other things for example it can be what is called a Hiatal Hernia, which commonly gets mistaken for a heart attack.

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen, and into the chest. This can happen due to weakened surrounding tissues, obesity, smoking, injury, or being born with an unusually large hiatus.

Given that one of the potential causes can lead to something very serious (heart attack) it's best to get it checked out by a cardiologist, especially if it happens frequently. The fact that you say you experience it when you wake up could be an indication of the less serious Hiatal Hernia since being in the sleeping position can make it easier for the stomach to push thru the diaphragm. I'm just saying that to give you hope it's not more serious but since I'm no doctor having a cardiologist check things out is the way to go. If your lucky and you catch it early enough it can be treated with medication and a change in diet. Good luck with your doctor tomorrow.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That came orginally as recruitment bait for the US marines ,then the fitness industry adopted it
In the movie it came from a martial arts instructor who liked to have his son savagely beat up younger less experienced students and when the kid who just got pummeled walked off the mat looking dejected he slapped him on the back and uttered that line. Not in a helpful coach like way but more like he was saying, "suck it up whimp".
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