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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
What happens if you have to suddenly run for some reason or another 🤔?



Well-known member
No but I am aware of all great bakeries within 40 miles of me☝️
hello jokerman and a good day to you.

When I was young I use to have to walk past an Italian bakery(National Bakery), all these decades later I can still smell the fresh baked bread and all the pastries. I grew up in a neighbourhood that included many Italians. My mom sending me to the bakery for Italian bread...miss you mom.

The National Bakery should have been a national treasure, instead they put all the mom and pops businesses out of business.
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Well-known member


Well-known member
Good morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 19030264 View attachment 19030265

Another gorgeous day and starting to cool down, starting at 65F but predicted to only reach 90F today.

Grayfox is off for a week at the Ashland Shakespearean Festival, with me and the girls batching it.
Good day GW, with the wife gone be sure to get to bed on time, wash behind your ears and don't forget to take your medication:)

When I use to live in Ontario I would occasionally attend the theatre although never big on Shakespearian plays. They have the Stratford Theatre which was big on Shakespearian plays. The last play I seen was a musical comedy in Vancouver when the company I worked for took us out for an evening of entertainment.
The last play in Ontario was, Play It Again Sam

Take care GW all this time to yourself, enjoy, not that we don't miss our wives. Lola will be there to remind you of her importance.
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
JUST WHO supplies the input the engenders these Sapphic AI pronouncement/rules/reading of entrails???

The AI got its input from some dude with a bent. Just like the AI's that told you it was good to be black and proud, but white people should never mention that white people are white. <-- Remember that? GIGO.

As a writer, I can commit to youse that I could write a cogent list that is wildly different from the above Delphic Words, but even more logical -- while being a shitload more reasonable and pleasant.




One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
What kind of things are there to do in Denver? Are you a Rockies fan? Ever been to Coors Field? Were you a John Elway fan?
Ok .... question #1 we can watch illegal immigrants being dropped off downtown.....42,000 and counting

#2 Rockies are bad and have been bad for so long most here don't know we have s team.....

#3 I know Elway...he owned a Nissan dealership as I did. Not friends just acquaintance. Great QB....bad in business....dumb jock....but in all honestly he was a very nice personable guy.
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Well-known member
@BrassNwood -- You are in a nadir right now. Without bullshit, this will pass. I was in a deep hole that I thought I might never get out of:

I spent two Christmases in an electric wheelchair. <-- TINS Run over at 15MPH on my motorcycle in a school zone by a kid in a car late to school.

I walk without a limp. I've got a metal knee and a metal shoulder and upper arm, and my neck has some of my hip bones in it (so I can fart through my neck). I even learned to fly while in a leg cast. Got my Instrument Pilot Rating and never crashed much.

Oh. Yeah. And I am older than your father, Luke.
Thanks for the encouragement Uncle Walt. At least my improvement is coming fast enough that I can see it everyday. I can pick up my knee today where I couldn't yesterday. I can get my toes to curl back which they didn't do that yesterday. Now if we can just get the insurance nightmare half-assed ironed out I'll quit having high blood pressure spikes. Using the veterans administration has turned around and bit me in the ass with Tricare not wanting to pony up any more money for out of network services. Thankfully I do have options with Medicare part a and b and we're working that angle now to stay in private healthcare. The damn left leg still feels like it belongs to somebody else. If I close my eyes or don't actually look at it. I have no idea where it's going to land. When I'm out with the Walker it takes three people to get me walking. Myself, the chase person with a rolling chair and a walk along to make sure I don't Fall over.


Well-known member
Good morning oddsters :D

Decided to roll up a doob of GG4 last night.
Most often I smoke from a steamroller but for
some reason rolled one up instead. After a couple
of tokes, I thought to blow some nose hits to Luna.
She was barfing and the vet said she would be in
time experiencing extreme flu symptoms.
My thought was to perhaps reduce the nausea
and help her relax as her muscles were shaky.

Not sure if it was because I too now had an altered
perception or if it did help her. To me, she did relax
and seemed to have relief from the stomach spasms.

So... same treatment for her today. I allowed myself
1 toke as I want to be sober and alert.
I didn't know if the herb would help her but I did know
it would not harm her.
She is resting easily now and her breathing is less
Thank goodness for the kind.

Vet will be here at 1:15, sigh.
Now that another pot of coffee is ready,
ma's potty break and thread reading/ posting
is complete...
it's snuggles time <3

Hope all have a good day :)
My heart goes out to you imiubu, it is sad that this day had to be. I have experienced this loss and know it's sadness.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Thanks for the encouragement Uncle Walt. At least my improvement is coming fast enough that I can see it everyday. I can pick up my knee today where I couldn't yesterday. I can get my toes to curl back which they didn't do that yesterday. Now if we can just get the insurance nightmare half-assed ironed out I'll quit having high blood pressure spikes. Using the veterans administration has turned around and bit me in the ass with Tricare not wanting to pony up any more money for out of network services. Thankfully I do have options with Medicare part a and b and we're working that angle now to stay in private healthcare. The damn left leg still feels like it belongs to somebody else. If I close my eyes or don't actually look at it. I have no idea where it's going to land. When I'm out with the Walker it takes three people to get me walking. Myself, the chase person with a rolling chair and a walk along to make sure I don't Fall over.
If you take your meds and do your rehab you will be ready for the Olympics in no time.