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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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I did read a piece the other day or week (my concept of time is a little off these days) about a French firm that can recycle near enough all of a solar panel.

I'll have a look for the link. I may just googly to see about th lithium cells too. Be right back!

EDIT - yeah, I knew I'd read something... https://ngre.co.uk/solar-pv/recycling-solar-panels-factory-france/

EDIT #2... Wrong linky... https://www.rosi-solar.com/2008-2/
The key phrase in that link is ‘up to 99%’. I am old enough to remember being told a certain pharmaceutical was 95% effective and that has slowly been walked back from 95% to ‘safe and effective’ to ‘just take it and stop doing your own research you white supremacist’…😁


On a mailtrain.
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I wouldn't say I am fragile, yet, but almost. I sure ain't the man I use to be when it comes to a days work,
it sucks. I also know that a person who does nothing will soon atrophy and getting back from that as you age is so much more difficult. I do my best to stay as active as I can without hurting myself, of which I do not seem to always accomplish. I get disappointed in myself when I do that.
10,000 Steps Per Day is How Many Miles Per Year?
Here's how far you would travel if walked 10,000 steps a day for different periods of time:
for a 5′ 10″ man
1 Day4.585 miles
1 Week32.09 miles
1 Month139.6 miles
1 Year1,675 miles
10 Years16,750 miles
20 Years33,490 miles
40 Years66,980 miles
80 Years134,000 miles

I had to take a break after reading that


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A 15 pound dumbbell rolled off the bench at the gym and landed on my foot. And naturally, it hit right on my bone spur. A little swollen and getting black and blue. Better put a cold beer on it. :)

Damn, old people don't have enough pain and suffering to deal with save having to deal with shit like dropping weights on yourself. LOL

Well, at least it's warming up a little today. 115F today and tomorrow. Getting close to pool weather. :)
Everytime I feel the need to exercise I lie down and wait till it passes.


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