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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Not here. Have to take both vehicles in semi annually. $30 down the drain. Pushing electric cars here big time. So, anything they can do to farg with a gas driven car.

Can you imagine a 4 x 4 pickup fully loaded towing a boat up in the mountains. Bet the damn thing couldn't go 100 miles without a charge.....only problem...you can't find a charging station in the mountains. If you do find one how long of a line...I see a night spent at a hotel just to get a charge and a $200 hotel bill.

No thanks.
The landfills for EV batteries in about 5 years will be the next decades Superfund cleanup sites if they can put the fires out…😡


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
executed some cannabis plants today

the Supreme Leader signed an Executive Order stating Zero Male Species Act of 2024



knee high by the 4th of July

right knee , left knee , weenie , who really knows?..



Well-known member

A 15 pound dumbbell rolled off the bench at the gym and landed on my foot. And naturally, it hit right on my bone spur. A little swollen and getting black and blue. Better put a cold beer on it. :)

Damn, old people don't have enough pain and suffering to deal with save having to deal with shit like dropping weights on yourself. LOL

Well, at least it's warming up a little today. 115F today and tomorrow. Getting close to pool weather. :)
Who's the dumbbell who put the 15lb dumbbell on the bench???


Well-known member
The landfills for EV batteries in about 5 years will be the next decades Superfund cleanup sites if they can put the fires out…😡
I think the innards from the batteries are too valuable to just throw in a hole. Maybe they'll be stripped?

We have a hybrid (wife's company car) and it will cost close to £5k for new batteries when they lose the will to work.

We do get 60mpg out of the thing (our gallons are bigger than yours I think)... I used to get 20mpg out of my old Jeep Cherokee. :biglaugh: Expensive driveway ornament that was for me.

I'll stick to my motorbike thanks.

But I would love one of them Jurassic Park softtop Jeeps. If anyone can USPS me one to the UK please?


Well-known member
Funny story...When I worked as a provincial park natural interpreter we would have hundreds of students come on field trips in early June. They would show up by the bus load, students could be from 6-18 years old. They would come to learn about the flora and the fauna of the park. There was a board walk through a wet area where I would point out and give some characteristics of the plants. There was a big patch of Skunk Cabbage which I would give some detail on.
This young fellow 6-7 years old spoke up and said, "my dad grows skunk at home and he puts it in bags."

Adults in the group kind of pretended they didn't know what the student was referring to.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Yeah, I know, after 2 years of being sedentary because of the hernia, it's going to take time to get back some endurance. I have been out doing the grocery stores, flea market and walking the parks in the city. Yesterday after my 2 load laundry day and bed making I was done in. Today many body parts are not working well, I need to pace myself.

In the city we love the parks, 4 of them are on lakes. It's fun walking and meeting friendly people.

One of the parks has a doggy park on the edge of the lake, it's fenced in so people can let their dogs loose on the beach and in the lake. After being tired from walking we will sit and watch the dogs play in the water.
Walk every day....do it at your own pace, own distance and a little farther every day. 10,000 steps at our age. No running or jogging .... to hard on you joints.


That 's good.
Morning dogzter
Good morning!
And so it has begun :(

Scoots has luxating patella in both back knees.
She has absolutely no thigh muscles either.
No matter how much we (used) to walk, she never
developed any muscles there.
For several months now she has had difficulty coming up
the stairs, she just doesn't have the push from her hind legs.
So I now carry her, of course.
There are times recently, that her little legs just buckle under her.

A few hours ago, she came down her steps off the sofa
and I heard a weird flopping sound. Mom runs to the
rescue. She had gotten about 2 ft. from the sofa
and her little legs buckled and she wasn't able to gain
purchase to rise and was just flopping.
I picked her up and she was breathing in a frantic
manner. I cooed to her and told her she was okay,
mama's got you.

I ordered her a stroller today, sigh.
Gonna need to be hyper vigilant now
for slips/ collapsing indoors too.

This stage of pet guardianship is what is referred
to as anticipatory grief :(

I knew this day would come, only hoped it would
be later rather than sooner.
She is only 11 but came to me with several health issues, sigh.

Sorry folks, even I can't be all sunshine and lollipops %100.
I am very sorry to hear that.
cant speak for others , but I have seen them puke and pass out…ghosted , white out…doing dabs
Lay down in the dirt next to the truck on the job site after smoking a bowl of hash........kid layed there for 3 hours.
It would in the state of Florida. We do not have a missions or inspections for motor vehicles so if you can get it down the road you can drive it legally…
Same here we don't need no stickers!
Walk every day....do it at your own pace, own distance and a little farther every day. 10,000 steps at our age. No running or jogging .... to hard on you joints.
Start small and it will grow with each day.


Well-known member
Sounds like a business opportunity if you can figure out how to do it.
I did read a piece the other day or week (my concept of time is a little off these days) about a French firm that can recycle near enough all of a solar panel.

I'll have a look for the link. I may just googly to see about th lithium cells too. Be right back!

EDIT - yeah, I knew I'd read something... https://ngre.co.uk/solar-pv/recycling-solar-panels-factory-france/

EDIT #2... Wrong linky... https://www.rosi-solar.com/2008-2/


Well-known member
Sounds like a business opportunity if you can figure out how to do it.
I should say that in the US, recycling is a scam. Most garbage collection companies(I had to put ‘collection’ in there otherwise ‘garbage’ describes the vast majority of big companies) have us separate out our ‘recyclables’ from general trash then that gets dumped in with everything else and burned at power plants. It is a myth(conspiracy theory) that any of that sh!t get recycled here.



90 degrees out right now a rare moment of no arguments to get them inside.........Bubba especially likes outside.
Supposedly gonna be below freezing with some possible snow day after tomorrow.
Have I mentioned we get some really wild weather here?
I have seen snow at least once in all 12 months of the year.
40 miles due west of Yellowstone park.......pro tip stay in your cars around the bears,bison and elk no matter how cute they may be.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
View attachment 19017563
90 degrees out right now a rare moment of no arguments to get them inside.........Bubba especially likes outside.
Supposedly gonna be below freezing with some possible snow day after tomorrow.
Have I mentioned we get some really wild weather here?
I have seen snow at least once in all 12 months of the year.
40 miles due west of Yellowstone park.......pro tip stay in your cars around the bears,bison and elk no matter how cute they may be.
Freezing temps??? Darn, that stinks. Wonder what the story is. Hang in there dogzter👍
Forecast here in Boston for next week is 90s


Well-known member
Walk every day....do it at your own pace, own distance and a little farther every day. 10,000 steps at our age. No running or jogging .... to hard on you joints.
I wouldn't say I am fragile, yet, but almost. I sure ain't the man I use to be when it comes to a days work,
it sucks. I also know that a person who does nothing will soon atrophy and getting back from that as you age is so much more difficult. I do my best to stay as active as I can without hurting myself, of which I do not seem to always accomplish. I get disappointed in myself when I do that.
10,000 Steps Per Day is How Many Miles Per Year?
Here's how far you would travel if walked 10,000 steps a day for different periods of time:
for a 5′ 10″ man
1 Day4.585 miles
1 Week32.09 miles
1 Month139.6 miles
1 Year1,675 miles
10 Years16,750 miles
20 Years33,490 miles
40 Years66,980 miles
80 Years134,000 miles