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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Bingo last night was a hoot.

NOTHING like any other bingo "hall" games I've attended in previous years.
No one at our table won but that didn't actually matter. We had a fun time is what does.
There was a pretty good crowd surprisingly for a Thur. night.
Going back next week. The caller reminded ppl that next week is pride so come
in your pride colors.

On the way home, I commented that while being an ally, I do not own anything rainbowish.
I also said that I will attend as a 'proud' hetero... are there any pride colors one might wear
for that designation? :D

Also... I did have 3 shots of Stoli :D :D JS
I remember going to Bingo with one of my X wives, I'd sit there with 3-6 cards and become baffled while watching some play with 30+ cards and talking at the same time.
I lost a few hundred bucks one time because I didn't realize I had winner until too late.


Well-known member
And so it has begun :(

Scoots has luxating patella in both back knees.
She has absolutely no thigh muscles either.
No matter how much we (used) to walk, she never
developed any muscles there.
For several months now she has had difficulty coming up
the stairs, she just doesn't have the push from her hind legs.
So I now carry her, of course.
There are times recently, that her little legs just buckle under her.

A few hours ago, she came down her steps off the sofa
and I heard a weird flopping sound. Mom runs to the
rescue. She had gotten about 2 ft. from the sofa
and her little legs buckled and she wasn't able to gain
purchase to rise and was just flopping.
I picked her up and she was breathing in a frantic
manner. I cooed to her and told her she was okay,
mama's got you.

I ordered her a stroller today, sigh.
Gonna need to be hyper vigilant now
for slips/ collapsing indoors too.

This stage of pet guardianship is what is referred
to as anticipatory grief :(

I knew this day would come, only hoped it would
be later rather than sooner.
She is only 11 but came to me with several health issues, sigh.

Sorry folks, even I can't be all sunshine and lollipops %100.


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Premium user
Words of advice


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good morning everyone. I’m at the eye doc waiting to be called. Doing measuring today for my upcoming cataract surgery. Hope y’all are staying cool and high today. ✌️🥰
Severe storms coming through this afternoon. NO HAIL!!!

Dirt work is done, High Chew, BruceBsnner and Chem 91 are now in 5 gal pots and in flower.

Deamon Fruit and Blueberry are in solo cups.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Work done in the basement. Now that I can take some time I am calling my security company and adding title lock to my coverage. Read in the local news where somebody had hacked into a homeowners private info and took out loans against their home equity. Scares me.


Well-known member
Sorry OM some things ya gotta do for yourself...I walk for life.
Yeah, I know, after 2 years of being sedentary because of the hernia, it's going to take time to get back some endurance. I have been out doing the grocery stores, flea market and walking the parks in the city. Yesterday after my 2 load laundry day and bed making I was done in. Today many body parts are not working well, I need to pace myself.

In the city we love the parks, 4 of them are on lakes. It's fun walking and meeting friendly people.

One of the parks has a doggy park on the edge of the lake, it's fenced in so people can let their dogs loose on the beach and in the lake. After being tired from walking we will sit and watch the dogs play in the water.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
GMO. My friends love it and it yields better than the cut I got from Cannarado years ago. Next time you come west I can get you clones or cuts....what ever is available.


my c91 came from insane seed posse

we made some seeds 🤓😁🤓

Chem 91 (clone only) aquired in NYC in late 1993, crossed to a Pre-Invasion Afghan (obtained on the Indus River in late 77 / early 78) during a hash deal. Large selection pool, all offspring tested. The best male from that cross was repeatedly back crossed to the Chem 91 (clone only) mother, to produce Chem 91 BX1, BX2, and BX3.

This strain is made up of ISP's Chem 91 BX2 (f) x ISP's Chem 91 BX3 (m).
Plain & simple, she's a Chem 91 on Pre-Invasion Afghan Steroids. All the potency, but with better yields.

This strain does not like: soggy grow mediums / being rootbound / or large pH swings. Does best grown in soil, peat moss, or coco. Hydro only for experienced growers.

Describe each phenotype expression:

Pheno # 1 (70 %) : looks like a 50/50 mix of Chem 91 & a Pre-Invasion Afghan. Requires a 30 to 40 day veg, and 63 to 70 days of flowering for best yields.

Cal-mag fed lightly from veg, thru the 4 th week of flowering. Feed moderate to heavy in both veg / flowering. Forms large main cola, with smaller golf ball sized buds on side branches. Heavy odor during flowering,

predominantly Chemical Smells / Diesel Fuel with hints of Fruit / Citrus with Sweet & Sour undertones. Intense up high, followed a short time later by heavy body relaxation. Occasional smokers may puke from the rush of THC.

Pheno # 2 (30 %): looks more Pre-Invasion Afghan dominant, but veg's faster (than a typical Afghan), she also stretches more once put into flowering.

Great potency, like Pheno # 1. Requires a 30 to 40 day veg, 58 to 63 days of flowering for best yields. So, she's a week faster than Pheno # 1. Same feeding requirements.

Best topped to form several large colas (improves yield). Heavy odor during flowering, predominantly Fruity odors / Diesel Fuel / Citrus (sweet oranges & tangy lemons) / with sharp undertones that make your nose tingle / burn.

Very nice up high that builds over time, with more body effect earlier in the ride. Occasional smokers may puke if they over indulge (watch out, the flavor lures you in).

Stretch: 1 to 1.5

Resin Profile: High resin

Odour Score: 8

Odour Description: Cleaning Chemicals / Diesel Fuel / Burnt Rubber / Skunky / Fruit / Citrus, with Sweet & Sour, or Sharp Undertones ...

Flavour Score: 8

Flavour Description: Diesel Fuel / Ripe Fruits / Citrus / with Sweet & Sour undertones

Potency Score: 8

High Type: Intense up high, with lot's of body relaxation.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Yeah, I know, after 2 years of being sedentary because of the hernia, it's going to take time to get back some endurance. I have been out doing the grocery stores, flea market and walking the parks in the city. Yesterday after my 2 load laundry day and bed making I was done in. Today many body parts are not working well, I need to pace myself.

In the city we love the parks, 4 of them are on lakes. It's fun walking and meeting friendly people.

One of the parks has a doggy park on the edge of the lake, it's fenced in so people can let their dogs loose on the beach and in the lake. After being tired from walking we will sit and watch the dogs play in the water.

good morning old man in bc
