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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I recently purchased a Uke at the thrift store for $3+.
It's not fancy but in good shape. Thought I might
teach myself how to pluck out a few tunes :)
Not sure if it's even a realistic goal and may
just prove to be a fantasy as my hands are
shit these days, sigh.

I just picked it up on my own too. Something to have fun with after I retired.
I think as long as we speak to our animals in a
kind voice, that's all they care about.
Scooter loves for me to hold her and
dance her around.
Yes my MJ loves dancing in the kitchen too

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Keep us abreast as this unfolds.
Will be bombarding you with positive thoughts from across the pond :)
In hopes that they do not find anything of any negative significance 🤞🤞🤞

Always 2nd Soprano for me. Now, cuz if ya don't use it... ya loose it...
my voice has gone to crap. My dog still loves for me to sing to her so,
that's enough encouragement to sing aloud these days (in the privacy
of our own home that is haha).
Well - I chatted with a doctor for a while - then she wanted me to have some sorta ultrasound liver scan - to see if I've got much if any scaring on it - then some other nurse took my blood - and said I could go - back on the train now - headed home -

- I'll find out about the tests later - although the liver scanning lady did say that what she saw wasn't abnormal particularly -


Well - I chatted with a doctor for a while - then she wanted me to have some sorta ultrasound liver scan - to see if I've got much if any scaring on it - then some other nurse took my blood - and said I could go - back on the train now - headed home -

- I'll find out about the tests later - although the liver scanning lady did say that what she saw wasn't abnormal particularly -
Livers a tough organ so aside from cancer if you stop or address what's harming it it will rejuvenate to a remarkable degree.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I just picked it up on my own too. Something to have fun with after I retired.

Yes my MJ loves dancing in the kitchen too

Glad you found a musical instrument! I wanted a violin and got one for Christmas...it's cool to get high and play around. I play guitar so the fingerings for chords on the violin is not alien. Unique but not alien. I was gifted a Uke (pronounced ooo-ka) but sold it for $50 at a store when I needed weed money. Played in Harvard Sq trying to get money, never got anything. Started playing spanish-style tunes when Hispanic people came close but still no tips. Damn. Violin is awesome. I have a carrying case with backpack straps. I'm missing a string now, it broke while I was tuning it. Yup need it tuned, too. After that I'll be high and playing some violin. Here I am figuring out some tango or something


Cabana’s bitch
Livers a tough organ so aside from cancer if you stop or address what's harming it it will rejuvenate to a remarkable degree.
my doctors never gave a second thought to my liver until Dutch began licking me on the liver...the HEPC for 2 decades did it's quiet damage but it was
dutch that alerted me...4 days later I had a chunk of the 6th lobe removed and I've been doing fine other than the nerve damage done when they pulled out the drain hose...
i'm off to consult with a lawyer about the dead beat tenant...this is gonna be a costly affair...


Well-known member
Glad you found a musical instrument! I wanted a violin and got one for Christmas...it's cool to get high and play around. I play guitar so the fingerings for chords on the violin is not alien. Unique but not alien. I was gifted a Uke (pronounced ooo-ka) but sold it for $50 at a store when I needed weed money. Played in Harvard Sq trying to get money, never got anything. Started playing spanish-style tunes when Hispanic people came close but still no tips. Damn. Violin is awesome. I have a carrying case with backpack straps. I'm missing a string now, it broke while I was tuning it. Yup need it tuned, too. After that I'll be high and playing some violin. Here I am figuring out some tango or something

That’s great doober. Your fiddle sounds good. It’s nice that you like to pick it up and make some noise with it 😊. I’ve done a few YouTube songs to send my momma and my Brother and grandkids. My grandkids tho have outgrown my ukulele playing 😞


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
That’s great doober. Your fiddle sounds good. It’s nice that you like to pick it up and make some noise with it 😊. I’ve done a few YouTube songs to send my momma and my Brother and grandkids. My grandkids tho have outgrown my ukulele playing 😞
Funny the things we do to keep us from going mad. Big is into sail boats, Boo is into antique cars, DB is into a violin, Dogbis into dogs.... imagine that... Funny how we occupy bout down time.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Glad you found a musical instrument! I wanted a violin and got one for Christmas...it's cool to get high and play around. I play guitar so the fingerings for chords on the violin is not alien. Unique but not alien. I was gifted a Uke (pronounced ooo-ka) but sold it for $50 at a store when I needed weed money. Played in Harvard Sq trying to get money, never got anything. Started playing spanish-style tunes when Hispanic people came close but still no tips. Damn. Violin is awesome. I have a carrying case with backpack straps. I'm missing a string now, it broke while I was tuning it. Yup need it tuned, too. After that I'll be high and playing some violin. Here I am figuring out some tango or something

Well that certainly made the hairs stand up - on the back of my neck -