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The Original O'l Farts Club.



Cats are acting like the floor is made of lava lately for some reason.
Baby is excellent with cats but gets excited and defensive if she see's a horse in "her zone" which is in eyesight.
So that's on todays agenda learning to walk on a lead and ignore livestock.


Well-known member
Glad you found a musical instrument! I wanted a violin and got one for Christmas...it's cool to get high and play around. I play guitar so the fingerings for chords on the violin is not alien. Unique but not alien. I was gifted a Uke (pronounced ooo-ka) but sold it for $50 at a store when I needed weed money. Played in Harvard Sq trying to get money, never got anything. Started playing spanish-style tunes when Hispanic people came close but still no tips. Damn. Violin is awesome. I have a carrying case with backpack straps. I'm missing a string now, it broke while I was tuning it. Yup need it tuned, too. After that I'll be high and playing some violin. Here I am figuring out some tango or something

55 years ago when we wanted to score pot & acid we would go to Harvard Square. Was an open drug market then but kind of shady (had to go down an alley or to someone apartment to get the goods)


Well-known member
Ahoy me O'l Farties!

I'd drop more likes around the place, but this ancient chromebook just sits hanging, apologies I'm not ignoring you lot.

I like my uke, alas my dumbass dog doesn't so starts dumbassing around when I pick it up. :biglaugh: I love him, but man I need 5 minutes away from him sometimes, he's glued to me. He just met the local politician out on his doorknocking rounds for the general election coming up and got lots of belly rubs so he's destroying the house playing now.
He's a real nice guy is our MP, Ben Lake who stands for Plaid Cymru (the Welsh party). He is probably one of the most professional politicians in that Westminster place. He's got my vote. Plus they'll decriminalise cannabis,.

My sister learnt to play the violin as a child, we all called it the "Vile Din"... sounded like she was murdering cats.

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I love that dogs eyes.