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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Glad you found a musical instrument! I wanted a violin and got one for Christmas...it's cool to get high and play around. I play guitar so the fingerings for chords on the violin is not alien. Unique but not alien. I was gifted a Uke (pronounced ooo-ka) but sold it for $50 at a store when I needed weed money. Played in Harvard Sq trying to get money, never got anything. Started playing spanish-style tunes when Hispanic people came close but still no tips. Damn. Violin is awesome. I have a carrying case with backpack straps. I'm missing a string now, it broke while I was tuning it. Yup need it tuned, too. After that I'll be high and playing some violin. Here I am figuring out some tango or something

That got the Papillon all excited.
my doctors never gave a second thought to my liver until Dutch began licking me on the liver...the HEPC for 2 decades did it's quiet damage but it was
dutch that alerted me...4 days later I had a chunk of the 6th lobe removed and I've been doing fine other than the nerve damage done when they pulled out the drain hose...
i'm off to consult with a lawyer about the dead beat tenant...this is gonna be a costly affair...
I was down to 20% function myself doing much better without the hep!
Sucks you gotta do that shit maybe get her done rehab the building and sell the headache?


Well-known member
Ahoy me O'l Farties!

I'd drop more likes around the place, but this ancient chromebook just sits hanging, apologies I'm not ignoring you lot.

I like my uke, alas my dumbass dog doesn't so starts dumbassing around when I pick it up. :biglaugh: I love him, but man I need 5 minutes away from him sometimes, he's glued to me. He just met the local politician out on his doorknocking rounds for the general election coming up and got lots of belly rubs so he's destroying the house playing now.
He's a real nice guy is our MP, Ben Lake who stands for Plaid Cymru (the Welsh party). He is probably one of the most professional politicians in that Westminster place. He's got my vote. Plus they'll decriminalise cannabis,.

My sister learnt to play the violin as a child, we all called it the "Vile Din"... sounded like she was murdering cats.



Ahoy me O'l Farties!

I'd drop more likes around the place, but this ancient chromebook just sits hanging, apologies I'm not ignoring you lot.

I like my uke, alas my dumbass dog doesn't so starts dumbassing around when I pick it up. :biglaugh: I love him, but man I need 5 minutes away from him sometimes, he's glued to me. He just met the local politician out on his doorknocking rounds for the general election coming up and got lots of belly rubs so he's destroying the house playing now.
He's a real nice guy is our MP, Ben Lake who stands for Plaid Cymru (the Welsh party). He is probably one of the most professional politicians in that Westminster place. He's got my vote. Plus they'll decriminalise cannabis,.

My sister learnt to play the violin as a child, we all called it the "Vile Din"... sounded like she was murdering cats.

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Looks like he doesn't sit still much!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Funny the things we do to keep us from going mad. Big is into sail boats, Boo is into antique cars, DB is into a violin, Dogbis into dogs.... imagine that... Funny how we occupy bout down time.
Funny 😁 - my sons been plinking away at the ukulele for weeks now - and lately he's been getting me to sing along to 'Should I Stay or Should I go' - great way to clear a room - 😄 - I guess that we ain't all that - yet - and people are thinking that they should go - lol


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Premium user
I still play a little drums. It was my life for a while. Really loved being on stage and gigging. Trying to put something together in my new home but I get older every day. LOL

At one time I had about 40 to 50 full sets and about 150 snare drums. Here is an old pic of some of my snares.



Well-known member
Looks like he doesn't sit still much!
No, no he doesn't! 🤣

He will just flop on me at 8pm when it's TV time, then he's so deep asleep it takes a mission impossible effort with the wife and I to softly lift him off my lap so I can at least go for a pee.
If we wake him, he's off again!

Who put 50 pence in the dickhead? Is a phrase used around here quite a lot.

Mostly about me normally, but the mutt has taken my crown.


Well-known member
I tried to learn to play the drums in grade school.... wasn't my cup of tea..... couldn't sit still long enough to practice.....

Fly tying became my passion.....then growing anything fromveggies to marijuana.

I wanted to play drums, but one of the posh kids got that gig at 11 years old, and I was given a trombone.

The case was bigger than me and I had to lug it into school weekly for music lesson. The older kids on the bus would put me in the case and sit on it most weeks so I couldn't get out.

I soon gave that up.


Well-known member
Yeah -- Amazon -- just type in the bolded titles, and you can read five chapters of each by clicking on the book's picture.

Faerie Diamonds <-- Based on a real, giant diamond. There's excitement and wonder and... fairies? Not really... But? The bad guys are really bad, the good-bad guys are funny, and the redhead on the cover is my beautiful Scottish Witch.

The Bat and Balloon War -- An Alternate History of WWII <-- Based on actual history that was changed to our timeline because a GI left a cage of bats open which caused the commanding officer's car and house to burn down (FACT! snork) <-- This caused the cancellation of an official program. This novel has the program continued... as well as another genuine-but-cancelled program with balloons. Battle scenes in Europe and Pacific. I created the cover. The sub is real.

The Cadet -- The Adventures of a New World Pioneer in the 17th Century <-- Unique in that every event happened as depicted, and all the characters are real. That's me on the cover, dressed in 17th Century Amsterdam Militia clobber. I will lay confident claim to it being a gripping novel: 87% of respondents said they cried at least once while reading it. Both for sad and for happy. One guy wrote in total: "You sonuvabitch. You got me on the last page!"

If you look at what an e-book costs (99 fargin cents for Faerie Diamonds, fer gosh sakes! Can you snicker spare it?), you can see I make zerio money on sales. I just like folks to have the fun of reading my novels.
Thank you Unca Walt for your reply, my wife as an e reader. I will see if I can get my library card up and working. Faerie Diamonds sounds like where I would start.


Well-known member
I love to sing too always have but was never good at it but it never bothered me. I too sing to my dogs making up something with their name in it. If it’s good enough, sometimes Maryjane wants to dance 😁 I play ukulele and sing to my plants too. They are my audience and I can hear them cheering and saying more more…🤣😂🤣
Morning Sub...I made up a song for my last cat, I believe he knew it was for him.

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