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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I picked the Jeep up on the third day of a one-day turnaround to address two factory recalls, and in addition to taking longer than estimated, they tried to upsell me by telling me that based on my 140K mileage, my fluids need replacing, my serpentine belt is showing excessive wear, and I need new sparkplugs. I asked if they checked the condition or if they were just going by milage and was told they checked.

As they quoted $298 just to replace the serpentine belt and the rest of the prices were about equally absurd, I declined and checked out the serpentine belt when I got home. We just recently bought the car used, but as I remembered correctly, the belt was virtually new and I the transmission fluid is still bright and clear with good smells, as it was when I checked it out before buying it. I haven't checked the differentials but I'm pretty sure they didn't even bother to check either, just automatically went for my throat and wallet.
Did they check the blinker fluid? If they didn't check that it's obviously a scam. Funny thing though, if they did check that is even more obviously a scam. :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Zig is great with other dogs though I can’t take any credit. I think the family that had him before we adopted him did a good job with that. Even dogs acting hostile towards him get his puppy dance. He got bit a few weeks ago, shrugged it off and ran off to play with a couple of other friendly dogs. I got lucky with Zig.
As well, Zip got lucky with you. :biggrin:


Well-known member
Getting old isn't fun. Aches and pains become a normal part of life. I like Magu do my very best to face each day with a good attitude. Some days are harder than others though.
Gotta just suck it up buttercup w/ as much grace as possible :D

NOW... that said, I perhaps am one of the luckier (?) of the old farts here.

I've never had a major illness (yet?). I've broken a few bones and have
had 2 near death experiences (due to my own stubbornness and refusal to
go to the ER, smh).
Outside of gaining and maintaining 50-100 lbs of excess fat for nearly 25 years of my life,
I have still maintained good health over all.

My family back ground on both sides is riddled w/ heart disease, cancer
and diabetes. Some how my sibs and I have not had any of these and
we are all into our 60's now. So, perhaps we somehow got the healthiest
of genes when the primordial goo was assembled?

This does not mean I do not have my challenges as I move forward w/ aging.
However, over all I think I have much less in this area to complain about
than some of the folks here. That alone may create an atmosphere that
allows me to be a happy gal most of the time.

Even with a current resp. infection and the fact I could not walk for an entire day,
I still chose to be happy. To slow down and do what I was able and
HOPE the pain did NOT continue. Luckily, it did abate over time.

What I did discover about happiness/ joy is that it is a choice.
We build neural pathways in our brains w/ our thoughts/ habits.
The more often we trip the negative pathways we teach our brains
to go there 1st.
So... I just lean into the positive to build more positive pathways so my
brain will then learn to strengthen those pathways... use them 1st. rather than the negative.
If that makes sense :)

Edited auto fill to correct term: neural pathways :)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Haven't been getting much sleep due to the canceled surgery mess. Realized the self-donated blood is aging out and called to see what the deal is. Good news is we have a new projected surgery date, and the blood doesn't expire until a few days past that.

Think we are still going to try for a 3rd pint as the new date is the 25th assuming the room table parts arrive and get installed. They'll move me up if things get fixed sooner so it's like standby for an airline flite.


Well-known member
Gotta just suck it up buttercup w/ as much grace as possible :D

NOW... that said, I perhaps am one of the luckier (?) of the old farts here.

I've never had a major illness (yet?). I've broken a few bones and have
had 2 near death experiences (due to my own stubbornness and refusal to
go to the ER, smh).
Outside of gaining and maintaining 50-100 lbs of excess fat for nearly 25 years of my life,
I have still maintained good health over all.

My family back ground on both sides is riddled w/ heart disease, cancer
and diabetes. Some how my sibs and I have not had any of these and
we are all into our 60's now. So, perhaps we somehow got the healthiest
of genes when the primordial goo was assembled?

This does not mean I do not have my challenges as I move forward w/ aging.
However, over all I think I have much less in this area to complain about
than some of the folks here. That alone may create an atmosphere that
allows me to be a happy gal most of the time.

Even with a current resp. infection and the fact I could not walk for an entire day,
I still chose to be happy. To slow down and do what I was able and
HOPE the pain did NOT continue. Luckily, it did abate over time.

What I did discover about happiness/ joy is that it is a choice.
We build nephropathy in our brains w/ our thoughts/ habits.
The more often we trip the negative pathways we teach our brains
to go there 1st.
So... I just lean into the positive to build more positive pathways so my
brain will then learn to strengthen those pathways... use them 1st. rather than the negative.
If that makes sense :)
Makes sense to me 🥰



Got all super pretty last night.
Already 80 out now but not supposed to be as warm today with tomorrow back in the 60's low 70's.
Should go water and do some puttering about but feeling a bit lazy.
Perhaps some hits from the bong will help.


Well-known member
Just in case this has not been noted by anyone:

In just TWO DAYS the US dollar is going to take the biggest, hardest hit** in its history.

** The Petrodollar will have ceased to exist this coming Monday morning.

For 50 years, the Saudis have made the entire world use US fiat for their oil. That deal is OVER. [door slams shut]
Well instead of putting all the chicken poo in the garden. That I'm cleaning out ATM. I should bag it up. It will be worth its weight in silver. I'm also collecting seed from all my veggies. (been for years) They will be worth more than gold.....
Please show a pic of the canned potatoes in the jars when they are done 😊
That was the plan along with the beans we're canning.

Back to slinging chicken chit and tilling it in. Then planting more veggies...


Well-known member
Years ago my sister rented her house to our cousin. He paid rent the first 2 months and then just stopped. I guess he decided it was as much his as it was hers because they were related. 6 months later my dad handed him an eviction notice. The poor dumb bastard looked like he had been drop kicked into the outhouse. 🤣
Maybe he should have been drop kicked in the outhouse?

Both tenants and landlords need protection against those with unethical needs.
It's such a shame that people can't seem to do what's best for all. It's not that complicated.


Well-known member
While living in FL, out drinking one night, we decided to go get a bag of weed.
Along some road, we pulled over so I could pee.
Being a bit tipsy, I fell backwards into on of those basitd cactus's.
Yeah, my night out was over. They were in my back and ass.
I couldn't even sit down in the car, I road facing backwards on my
knees. It hurt so bad just to pull my pants up. Even drunk, I wanted
to cry.
Took my roomie over an hour just to pull all those fucking spikes out.
Then I sat in a cool bathtub and passed out after the ordeal.

Moral of the story:
Don't get drunk and piss on the roadside in FL ;)
I sure have some sympathy for your roadside dilemma, my worst experience was a flat hand into a patch of prickly pear, I know how much that hurt. You must have been in agony. They have those little barbs like a fish hook making it difficult to pull out. OUCH!

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