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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Family gathering today. My 53 year old niece is graduating from college. Took her awhile but she did it!

Have to commend her. Working full time and living life then getting a college degree has to be tough.
Kudos and accolades to your niece!
You got a pretty good idea of what I'm talking bout then.

Big 63 today, by what's happening these days don't know if I want to see anymore
Happy birthday brother!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Not sure if this is gonna make since but I had 15 jars holding product that still needed cleaning. So, I transferred the product into clean jars so I could clean the jars and make more concentrate.

The stuff I made the other day is still tacky and needs to dry longer so I will wait to make the last batch....


Well-known member
I am not the landlord, only the upstairs tenant in this 101 yo house, turned duplex.

What is left to do is cosmetic. A 2nd. coat of paint in a few places, changing the toilet seat,
mounting closet, bath and kitchen cabinet hardware, etc.
He has experience and is a friend of the LL.

I'm just the person who helped by choosing the flooring, paint, hardware, ceiling fixtures
and blinds then, I purchased them w/ the LL $ :)
Did a lot of stripping, sanding, painting old wood, some small repairs, some cleaning etc.
It was a rush job and I wanted to lend my experiences to my landlord as... he is awesome.
He trusts me and my judgement, we make a good team, so he says.

Also, it was therapeutic for me in many ways as I love that kind of work
it was my way of purging the negative vibe from the previous evil entity (tenant) out of this house.
To make anew and dispel the old in a positive fashion.

Edit to add:

In a different setting, tenants would not move into a unit until reno's are completed.
This is privately owned property. I have been here 15 yrs. The previous DS tenant
for 16. There was a lot of updates to be made, and contractors did all that. I basically
oversaw the project and suggested all the work that was done. LL is clueless to cosmetic
aesthetics and the necessity of attention to details. That's my dept. and I loved it :)
OOhhhhhhhhh ok! I thought that was yours. Didnt mean to come off as a dick.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My momma taught me to waltz too. But to something like this

she also taught me to polka. I have great memories of this…

Ahh - we call that Polka music 'Oom pah-pah music' - and ya they have many waltzes -

- I have many treasured memories of dancing 💃 with Mum - bless her soul ❤️ - and RIP 🙏 - taken too early from us - when she was only 71 years old in 2009 -

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