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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Spent about an hour on my knees praying to the potato gods.... It was fruitful. Got 105 lbs of reds from 10lbs. Not bad ratio. Canning some and eating the rest. Just wish I had a cellar. I would keep some for next years seed. One day....

105 lbs.jpg
big reds.jpg


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Bunch of conservative stoners! That's an oxymoron!

Thing is, conservatives just want to be left alone. Keep the government out of our personal lives!

What we do is our business. We already know the government lied to the nation about 'demon weed' and we also know the REAL reason Dupont criminalized hemp and it's byproduct.

Hopefully, 2024 will be the change we want to see in the world.
Good post


Well-known member
This is the last year I will be able to enjoy my beautiful hydrangeas that pour over the back fence as well as the azaleas flowers bushes and trees not to mention three flowerbeds in my backyard. The city plans to fill in the lake tributary that my yard backs up to because of drainage problems. The tributary was dug in the 70s but has not been maintained and now erosion has caused some problems with yards like mine draining off into the lake. They plan to put a temporary road in on our side of the 20 ft waterway to bring in their heavy equipment taking out our fence and shed and anything else 20 ft into our yard and will take from October till January they say. I will miss the wildlife the lake brings and will be looking at a privacy fence instead of our water view today. It is better for our property tho I guess if we don’t want to get washed out and the up side is I will have some sun in my back yard so maybe my cannabis plants can actually grow outside now I will have actual sun all day in places. the city said we could use the property after they cover it up but no buildings. Maybe I could put a veggie garden back there. Who knows…
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In some ways Sub, it sounds like a win win. Who knows what new plants you will find to your liking.
Is that the natural color of the Hydrangeas, it is very pretty color. My wife is very fond of hydrangeas.

I have a creek at the back about 25' from the door.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
so our little town has a garage sale and we did about $200 so far with one more day

got rid of a lot of junk

funny story , when I was remodeling my old house , I stuck a baggie of weed and some papers in the wall and sheet rocked over it

today the couple who bought my place stopped by at our garage sale

they are doing a complete remodel , gutted the entire house

well guess what they found?

they told me that they laughed about it for two days and when I told them I did it , they laughed even more

i had forgotten about it , done it about 8 years ago



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user


Well, I fell asleep in the hot tub.

I woke up to bubbles, and it was a fart.
Whew........could go either way some naps.

I’m one of those guys that have head full of hair and choose to cut it down to 1/16” myself while I’m leaning over the bathtub to catch the hair… I am completely hairless except for the hair on my junk and I keep that pretty tight…


Well-known member
don't forget all the welding you've done over the years...those fumes from the stick will kill you...

after the last 6 months of testing and many doctors, I know I'm toast...they wont come out and say it but I google the shit out of everything and what I've discovered is far more to the point that my doctors let on...so far these last few years, especially the last 4 months, I realize there are far more years behind me that in front...I'm counting on at least 5 years but I then wonder what quality of life I would have in those 5 years...I can't even pronounce the stuff I've got no less try to live with it...
i have watched several neighbors that worked at the local enrichment plant , that had a bad case of asbestoas,the oldest feller was about 75 when he couldn;t breath any longer, i watched as he went from doing his own mechnic work to not being able to walk 40 ft. to his garage ,he was so starver for air he would forget what he was doing ,his son died three years later from the same thing, both worked at the same place for years!


Well-known member
@ oldmanbc this somthing is good for me to know, after a lifetime of working on all sorts if equipment .it's strange that ,after all these years that a lot of people have no idea at the dangerous crap they have walked thru ,then drug it home on their clothing and shoes with kids crawling around on the floor!
I answered your post but somehow didn't apply it to this post, It's here somewhere.


Well-known member
Spent about an hour on my knees praying to the potato gods.... It was fruitful. Got 105 lbs of reds from 10lbs. Not bad ratio. Canning some and eating the rest. Just wish I had a cellar. I would keep some for next years seed. One day....

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Since your so good at growing spuds, I'd like to put in an order for some fingerling potatoes.