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The Original O'l Farts Club.

puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
10.15 am - GMT - already was up and about at 4am - me and the boy walked to the gym at 8am - did an hour weight training and stretching - then half an hour getting clean and shaved - under a power shower - walked back along the Thames - nice spring day with sunshine - lots of geese and ducks and grebes and beautiful swans on the water - home now - and packing a wheelie bag full of stuff I'll need for my hospital stay - get to use my 1st class Emirates pajamas - wash bag - change of cloths - and 2 liters of Sumutran coffee - in thermos's - tablet and phone - charger etc -

Will take the train from Surbiton to Waterloo at around 2pm with all my immediate family in tow - then walk 10 minutes to St Thomas's Hospital 🏥 - and check in - the letter says I have to report to Becket Ward - 5th Floor - East Wing - at 3pm -
Good luck with the trip and hospital!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
10.15 am - GMT - already was up and about at 4am - me and the boy walked to the gym at 8am - did an hour weight training and stretching - then half an hour getting clean and shaved - under a power shower - walked back along the Thames - nice spring day with sunshine - lots of geese and ducks and grebes and beautiful swans on the water - home now - and packing a wheelie bag full of stuff I'll need for my hospital stay - get to use my 1st class Emirates pajamas - wash bag - change of cloths - and 2 liters of Sumutran coffee - in thermos's - tablet and phone - charger etc -

Will take the train from Surbiton to Waterloo at around 2pm with all my immediate family in tow - then walk 10 minutes to St Thomas's Hospital 🏥 - and check in - the letter says I have to report to Becket Ward - 5th Floor - East Wing - at 3pm -
Best of luck with your procedure brother! We will be here rooting for you!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good luck brothers and sisters!

A partially cloudy day starting at 47F and predicted to reach 68F.

I found my water leak without a lot of digging, but I had to do part of it sitting down because of back pain. It was broken exactly where I thought it was and was caused by exactly what I imagined it was. One of the lads cleaning the gutters pulled hard on the hose and broke the plastic pipe where it attaches to the metal riser.

This morning, I will saw out the bad portion, glue it back together, and drive a metal stake to attach the riser to, so there is no strain of the piping if someone gets overly rambunctious.

I was reminded that sometimes I reinvent the wheel after Dogzster turned me on to a site that offered the same piece that I just designed. I bought the piece there instead of having one made.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good luck brothers and sisters! View attachment 18987478 View attachment 18987479

A partially cloudy day starting at 47F and predicted to reach 68F.

I found my water leak without a lot of digging, but I had to do part of it sitting down because of back pain. It was broken exactly where I thought it was and was caused by exactly what I imagined it was. One of the lads cleaning the gutters pulled hard on the hose and broke the plastic pipe where it attaches to the metal riser.

This morning, I will saw out the bad portion, glue it back together, and drive a metal stake to attach the riser to, so there is no strain of the piping if someone gets overly rambunctious.

I was reminded that sometimes I reinvent the wheel after Dogzster turned me on to a site that offered the same piece that I just designed. I bought the piece there instead of having one made.
Yeah - I knew a bloke like you once Wolfie - his name was Mc Guyver - he was always fixing things -

I've got a few screwdrivers and a box of spanners - that I often try and fix things with - which usually ends up with steam venting thru me ears -
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
While we are on the subject of Tulpinwindhandel <-- AKA: The Tulip Craze...

I see a very powerful Tulip Craze in our world today. Imagine something with absolutely zero value being sold back and forth for carloads of money.

Like... Bitcoin.

WAIT!! Don't scream yet. Let's examine Bitcoin by whatever name:
It is not something you can hold in your hand. In case of EMP, or power outage either from accident, sabotage, or war, Bitcoin ceases to exist. <-- It disappears instantly.

Yes, you bought a bitcoin for $35, and it is now selling for $70K. Wow. Impressive.

I truly wish I had gotten in then. But I would be getting out right now, just like the one person in a hundred that got out of the Tulip Craze at the top.

If you sold your Bitcoins for $70K, and they go to $100K and then disappear one fine morning, you are a winner.

If you held, and the power grid failed (by sabotage from the 100,000 enemy troops already welcomed across our southern border) or by Carrington Event, or by war... then you have a double handful of air.

Nothing but air. Your "wallet" would be the equivalent of a tulip bulb that once was worth a mansion, and is now a... tulip bulb.

This happened to the vast majority of investors in the Tulpenwindhandel.

The parallels to Bitcoin and its cousins are cast in concrete. They are right there to see.

PM's do not change if the power goes out. PM's can be carried on your person, and used anywhere in the entire world. Try trading what is simply a complex number (your Bitcoin wallet) to a farmer for a gallon of millk or a bushel of corn. You won't get either.

But -- Silver or gold... have been traded without a single break ever since Ur of the Chaldees.

I you want to be a Bitcoin winner, sell your Semper Augustus tulip bulb NOW. It could be gone forever by noon tomorrow. PM's remain.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
While we are on the subject of Tulpinwindhandel <-- AKA: The Tulip Craze...

I see a very powerful Tulip Craze in our world today. Imagine something with absolutely zero value being sold back and forth for carloads of money.

Like... Bitcoin.

WAIT!! Don't scream yet. Let's examine Bitcoin by whatever name:
It is not something you can hold in your hand. In case of EMP, or power outage either from accident, sabotage, or war, Bitcoin ceases to exist. <-- It disappears instantly.

Yes, you bought a bitcoin for $35, and it is now selling for $70K. Wow. Impressive.

I truly wish I had gotten in then. But I would be getting out right now, just like the one person in a hundred that got out of the Tulip Craze at the top.

If you sold your Bitcoins for $70K, and they go to $100K and then disappear one fine morning, you are a winner.

If you held, and the power grid failed (by sabotage from the 100,000 enemy troops already welcomed across our southern border) or by Carrington Event, or by war... then you have a double handful of air.

Nothing but air. Your "wallet" would be the equivalent of a tulip bulb that once was worth a mansion, and is now a... tulip bulb.

This happened to the vast majority in the Tulpenwindhandel.

The parallels to Bitcoin and its cousins are cast in concrete. They are right there to see.

PM's do not change if the power goes out. PM's can be carried on your person, and used anywhere in the entire world. Try trading what is simply a complex number (your Bitcoin wallet) to a farmer for a gallon of millk or a bushel of corn. You won't get either.

But -- Silver or gold... have been traded without a single break ever since Ur of the Chaldees.

I you want to be a Bitcoin winner, sell your Semper Augustus tulip bulb NOW.
Yeah - I grew up with farthings - half pennines - and thrupenny bits - half-crowns - florin's and shillings - ya don't see them coins around any more either -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Yeah - I grew up with farthings - half pennines - and thrupenny bits - half-crowns - florin's and shillings - ya don't see them coins around any more either -
Yowza... Those were real coins. Made of real copper. <-- That had to be mined, refined, and manufactured. They had value. Even out of circulation, they are accepted as money.

Now, just about all coinage is, essentially, fake reproductions of real coins. Base metal.


Well-known member
Premium user
10.15 am - GMT - already was up and about at 4am - me and the boy walked to the gym at 8am - did an hour weight training and stretching - then half an hour getting clean and shaved - under a power shower - walked back along the Thames - nice spring day with sunshine - lots of geese and ducks and grebes and beautiful swans on the water - home now - and packing a wheelie bag full of stuff I'll need for my hospital stay - get to use my 1st class Emirates pajamas - wash bag - change of cloths - and 2 liters of Sumutran coffee - in thermos's - tablet and phone - charger etc -

Will take the train from Surbiton to Waterloo at around 2pm with all my immediate family in tow - then walk 10 minutes to St Thomas's Hospital 🏥 - and check in - the letter says I have to report to Becket Ward - 5th Floor - East Wing - at 3pm -
We will be thinking of you. We are sending you the pink lady for a special sponge bath during your recovery. Good luck and you got this brother. 🥰


Well-known member
Premium user
Ah yes - Chin Up! - and Stiff Upper Lip Sir! - those bloody body mechanics don't scare me - unless my surgeon has been up 3 days on a yayo extravaganza - with 4 bottles of Jim Beam Whisky - snorting rail lines off some shameless hussies gluteus maximus -
All the best and hope all goes well.
I am canceling the yodeling class till you get better.☝️😊


Well-known member
he is very fickle if you ask me🙃😊☝️
I would go with bar dominium over boat. I would go insane on even a large one. That plus knowing a large portion of what I'm worth would be locked up on this prison. My cats would revolt. Rent the boat when needed. Boats are great for someone you know to own, similar to house, hole to throw money in, except worse!

Barndominium all the way. I've seen people build homes like a pole barn cheaper and stronger than typical construction, once finished you have no idea.


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Got to thinkin'... I remember being in Lost Wages, NewVada, in the early sixties. I was attending another of my brother's weddings (he had so many, at the last wedding reception -- we had leftovers).

Where was I? Oh, yeah. So somehow I wound up with about thirty silver dollars in my pocket. That is going on two pounds of metal in my pocket. What a PITA.

I was glad to change them even-steven for some dollar bills.

Nowadays, they are going for about $30 a pop.

What, Pilgrims, does that tell you about the hollowed-out and almost-gone-to-vapor fiat dollar bills? 1/30th of what they were worth?

Or just buy 30 silver dollars for $30 each... That equals $900 donnit?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Got to thinkin'... I remember being in Lost Wages, NewVada, in the early sixties. I was attending another of my brother's weddings (he had so many, at the last wedding reception -- we had leftovers).

Where was I? Oh, yeah. So somehow I wound up with about thirty silver dollars in my pocket. That is going on two pounds of metal in my pocket. What a PITA.

I was glad to change them even-steven for some dollar bills.

Nowadays, they are going for about $30 a pop.

What, Pilgrims, does that tell you about the hollowed-out and almost-gone-to-vapor fiat dollar bills? 1/30th of what they were worth?

Or just buy 30 silver dollars for $30 each... That equals $900

We will have to restore @Gypsy Nirvana's will to live; to reach for new goals:
View attachment 18987515
She'd be welcome to help out with the restoration - but might have to compete with the Mrs - who excels in restorative techniques -