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The Original O'l Farts Club.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Blood pressure was good this morning - 112/70 - 48 beats per minute heart ❤️ rate 👌 sweet - should be checking into St Thomas's Hospital in exactly 24 hours from now - still got a bit of the Heebie-Geebies -
The heebie-jeebies?

You'll gain "control" in the situation you're facing by letting go of the "control" and taking it one _moment_ at a time and then rolling with they punches as the come.

You're going to be just fine!(y)
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ya - but that's all kinda down-side - thinking about our own mortality - so here's something to cheer us up - its all in the language - now 'regulators' - are trying to regulate our language - what a loada BOLLOCKS!

Well then - I must be an OFSTED master criminal - using 'Jap's Eye' - in reference to the top end of the Urethra - and 'Gyppo' - in reference to myself amongst other very naughty words too numerous to reiterate right now - in very recent memory -

- So should I expect a knock on the door from The Word Police - any time soon?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The heebie-jeebies?

You'll gain "control" in the situation you're facing by letting go of the "control" and taking it one _moment_ at a time and then rolling with the punches as the come.

You're going to be just fine!(y)
Ya - I've got this - when faced with such adversity - my natural reaction - is to laugh in the face of it - which may sound kinda ridiculous to some - but it works for me -


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Dutch is 12 years old today, the glucosamine I am giving him seems to help quite a bit......I just gave him a really nice t-bone that was loosely trimmed just for him...Ivan got a lot of scraps and they both loved it...he's still gnawing on the bone, Ivan watches jealously...I got one of those bucket trap door doohickus units that has yielded 4 mice in 24 hours...gotta love a gimmick that works...
Happy Birthday Dutch. 🥰


Well-known member
I logged in on a teaching video of what is to be done to me and I had to stop watching after a few minutes. Way to damn detailed and far more then I cared to know.

All the best in your upcoming adventures. :)

Exactly... LOL
Told ya it weren't gonna be pleasant.
My bosses wife had them so bad she'd be in every year finally they made it ez on them selves and had a cheek bone taken out for easier access then she had a prosthesis. The other guy I know that got them went in every 2 years.
It's a bitch but you'll have pain killers and such.
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Well-known member
Premium user
is it dinner time yet?



Well-known member
Ya - I've got this - when faced with such adversity - my natural reaction - is to laugh in the face of it - which may sound kinda ridiculous to some - but it works for me -

You've got this you're in good health have taken care of yourself.
My mom was mid 70's when valve went bad while in there they did a double bypass.
Then a month later her charrotted arteries both sides had to be cleaned out.
She's been in and out recently so many times I think they named a wing after her.

Remember if he brought ya to it he'll bring ya back out of it.
Good luck!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You've got this you're in good health have taken care of yourself.
My mom was mid 70's when valve went bad while in there they did a double bypass.
Then a month later her charrotted arteries both sides had to be cleaned out.
She's been in and out recently so many times I think they named a wing after her.

Remember if he brought ya to it he'll bring ya back out of it.
Good luck!
It'll be a BIG change in my usual life - once the cutting and stapling is over - during recovery - won't be allowed to carry anything - or lift anything - have to laze around like some sorta recalcitrant reprobate - most of the day - being waited on hand and foot - at first - having to rely on others to assist my own mobility perhaps - and all dizzy on pain killers and pain itself -

- Ahh - I'll just have to 'Roll With It' -
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Well-known member
It'll be a BIG change in my usual life - once the cutting and stapling is over - during recovery - won't be allowed to carry anything - or lift anything - have to laze around like some sorta recalcitrant reprobate - most of the day - being waited on hand and foot - at first - having to rely on others to assist my own mobility perhaps - and all dizzy on pain killers and pain itself -

- Just have to 'roll with it' -

Both my parents went thru open heart know exactly what you're about to embark on.
Just another chapter for your book


Well-known member
It'll be a BIG change in my usual life - once the cutting and stapling is over - during recovery - won't be allowed to carry anything - or lift anything - have to laze around like some sorta recalcitrant reprobate - most of the day - being waited on hand and foot - at first - having to rely on others to assist my own mobility perhaps - and all dizzy on pain killers and pain itself -

- Ahh - I'll just have to 'Roll With It' -

You might be surprised about the pain you're thinking it's gonna be bad.
Mom and dad both had little pain if you got good doctors.
Chill brother you're expecting the worse might not be that bad for you with modern day medicine.
Main thing is not using your arms getting out of a chair it's all linked together.
I suggest you get one of them stand up chairs, you can rent them.
That's what my folks went to but I'm sure you got stronger legs than they do.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You might be surprised about the pain you're thinking it's gonna be bad.
Mom and dad both had little pain if you got good doctors.
Chill brother you're expecting the worse might not be that bad for you with modern day medicine.
Main thing is not using your arms getting out of a chair it's all linked together.
I suggest you get one of them stand up chairs, you can rent them.
That's what my folks went to but I'm sure you got stronger legs than they do.
Maybe it's one of those situations whereby the thought of the pain - is worse than the pain itself - from a STERNOTOMY - an incision around 25cm - 30cm (1ft) - along the sternal bone -

‐ and yup - me legs are good - can do about 200 standing deep squats - in just one set -
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Well-known member
It's like knee surgery some will say it's a piece of cake others will say it's the worse thing they've ever had done.
Your doctor is the deciding factor, all doctors are not the same.
Some like to separate muscle some don't give a shit and cut right thru it.

Just like my wife on her tumor they took their time and separated her stomach muscle. Healing time greatly reduced


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I used to be athletic and have a low resting heartbeat as well, which can be a problem when wired to monitors in intensive care following surgery. I finally asked them to set the low heart rate alarm at 45 bpm because as soon as I would start to fall asleep and my heart rate fell, the alarms would go off and wake me up again.
I used to be an athlete in my youth, more of an indoor one than an outdoor one🙄

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