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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Dutch is 12 years old today, the glucosamine I am giving him seems to help quite a bit......I just gave him a really nice t-bone that was loosely trimmed just for him...Ivan got a lot of scraps and they both loved it...he's still gnawing on the bone, Ivan watches jealously...I got one of those bucket trap door doohickus units that has yielded 4 mice in 24 hours...gotta love a gimmick that works...
You may be sitting on a fortune providing mice to the snake food market.


Well-known member
Dutch is 12 years old today, the glucosamine I am giving him seems to help quite a bit......I just gave him a really nice t-bone that was loosely trimmed just for him...Ivan got a lot of scraps and they both loved it...he's still gnawing on the bone, Ivan watches jealously...I got one of those bucket trap door doohickus units that has yielded 4 mice in 24 hours...gotta love a gimmick that works...
A steak cake is the way to go. Happy birthday to Dutch.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Happy birthday Dutch!



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
She's my rock mate - and in good control of things at home and with the kids - when very occasionally - I am not around

- when I get back from the hospital - after about 5 days in there - she will be my primary carer - and will take a week off work - just to look after me -
You are a lucky man Gypsy. When Mrs Pute had breast cancer years ago I was by her side every minute. She had a terrible attitude and I had to be her cheerleader. She came through it like a champ though. I have to commend her for doing her due diligence. As a result it was caught at an early stage one. No chemo just radiation after the surgery. So far no signs if it coming back.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You are a lucky man Gypsy. When Mrs Pute had breast cancer years ago I was by her side every minute. She had a terrible attitude and I had to be her cheerleader. She came through it like a champ though. I have to commend her for doing her due diligence. As a result it was caught at an early stage one. No chemo just radiation after the surgery. So far no signs if it coming back.
Well - there ya go - and I'm sure she will return the favour - if ever you need some special care and attention - it should be a two way street - and comes naturally if there is reciprocal love between you -

'in sickness and in health - till death do us part' - has some real meaning -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Well - there ya go - and I'm sure she will return the favour - if ever you need some special care and attention - it should be a two way street - and comes naturally if there is reciprocal love between you -

'in sickness and in health - till death do us part' - has some real meaning -
Believe me, she has nursed me back to life several times in our marriage. 50 years in July.


Cabana’s bitch
I took Linda to be my wife because one I loved her and two she’s 11 years younger than I… we got back from the cabin and the next morning I went to church and she didn’t. I got out of church. My phone was hot from her calling me to get her to a hospital hospital… that’s the day that both our lives changed dramatically for the worst… she died and now I suffered by myself…I now realize I have absolutely no control over my life, but I do the direction which it takes…

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I took Linda to be my wife because one I loved her and two she’s 11 years younger than I… we got back from the cabin and the next morning I went to church and she didn’t. I got out of church. My phone was hot from her calling me to get her to a hospital hospital… that’s the day that both our lives changed dramatically for the worst… she died and now I suffered by myself…I now realize I have absolutely no control over my life, but I do the direction which it takes…
Yeah Boo - all the best laid plans - can get dashed against the rocks of life - sometimes I wonder if what happens to us is just random - or if there is some fate driven engine behind it all -

- My own Father married a lady 20+ years younger than him - (not my Mum) - in later life - and she died 4 years before he did - my Mrs was born in 1983 - and me in 1960 - and I'm still hoping that she outlives me because - YOU NEVER KNOW -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Back around 2007 - when I was 47 - I had an epiphany 💜 - wondering if I would be alone in my old age - since past marriages didn't seem to have worked out - and the kids from them had grown up already - and lived away from me anyway - in another country -

So I set out on a mission of love and procreation - to find a lovely lady - who would want to make some kids with me - and live happily as a family - and 'By Jimminy!' - I found the treasure! - and that treasure is my real wealth today -
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For dry sieve or bongs?
Both of course.
Dutch is 12 years old today, the glucosamine I am giving him seems to help quite a bit......I just gave him a really nice t-bone that was loosely trimmed just for him...Ivan got a lot of scraps and they both loved it...he's still gnawing on the bone, Ivan watches jealously...I got one of those bucket trap door doohickus units that has yielded 4 mice in 24 hours...gotta love a gimmick that works...
Happy Birthday Dutch!
You are a lucky man Gypsy. When Mrs Pute had breast cancer years ago I was by her side every minute. She had a terrible attitude and I had to be her cheerleader. She came through it like a champ though. I have to commend her for doing her due diligence. As a result it was caught at an early stage one. No chemo just radiation after the surgery. So far no signs if it coming back.

Believe me, she has nursed me back to life several times in our marriage. 50 years in July.
That's what it's all about!
I took Linda to be my wife because one I loved her and two she’s 11 years younger than I… we got back from the cabin and the next morning I went to church and she didn’t. I got out of church. My phone was hot from her calling me to get her to a hospital hospital… that’s the day that both our lives changed dramatically for the worst… she died and now I suffered by myself…I now realize I have absolutely no control over my life, but I do the direction which it takes…
Life is fucking brutal sadly eventually someone usually ends up alone.......I couldn't pick one or the other if I had to.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yeah Boo - all the best laid plans - can get dashed against the rocks of life - sometimes I wonder if what happens to us is just random - or if there is some fate driven engine behind it all -

- My own Father married a lady 20+ years younger than him - (not my Mum) - in later life - and she died 4 years before he did - my Mrs was born in 1983 - and me in 1960 - and I'm still hoping that she outlives me because - YOU NEVER KNOW -
I've outlived my first two wives and my third of 40 years is five years younger than me. She's got long life genes and could go over 100. No man child in my family has made it past 89.


Cabana’s bitch
All my grandparents died at 60 years old and my father passed away at 42. My mother who was a physical wreck lived to be 83 so I have no idea what cards I’ve been dealt… if the last nine years are any indication of what the future holds, I don’t know that I want to be me… if it weren’t for my boys, I don’t know what kind of shape I would be in, physically or mentally…

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I've outlived my first two wives and my third of 40 years is five years younger than me. She's got long life genes and could go over 100. No man child in my family has made it past 89.
Ahh - yeah - you never know when that grim reaper - is gonna come a'knock'in at your door - or mine - let's just be grateful 🙏 for this day - and any joy we might find within it ❤️ - there's alot of love on this thread - I can feel the good vibes - all around -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I've outlived my first two wives and my third of 40 years is five years younger than me. She's got long life genes and could go over 100. No man child in my family has made it past 89.
None of my immediate family has seen 80! I will be 74 this summer.......long term outlook doesn't look good. But I take much better care of myself that any of them did. Kansas diet and pills did them in.

I watch my diet and don't do pills. Hopefully I will live long past 80....but only if I am reasonably healthy.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Believe me, she has nursed me back to life several times in our marriage. 50 years in July.
Jeez - that's a long time Pute - CONGRATULATIONS! - longest a woman has put up with me for - is with my current wife Leah - 7 years together as BF/GF - and then 10 years married this coming November - and remarkably - still going strong 💪 -


Well-known member
Yeah mate - I'll muck-on-thru - as I've always managed to in life - the hospital gave me this written manual of all the stuff going on with this type of heart surgery - and what to expect - so I'm slowly getting edumacated about it all - doesn't really make ya feel any better psychologically - can make it worse - knowing all the gory details - ah well -
I logged in on a teaching video of what is to be done to me and I had to stop watching after a few minutes. Way to damn detailed and far more then I cared to know.
Blood pressure was good this morning - 112/70 - 48 beats per minute heart ❤️ rate 👌 sweet - should be checking into St Thomas's Hospital in exactly 24 hours from now - still got a bit of the Heebie-Geebies -
All the best in your upcoming adventures. :)
Know how you are feeling. Not nearly on the same level, but going in for sinus surgery in the morning. Watched a you tube video. Big mistake.
Exactly... LOL

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
None of my immediate family has seen 80! I will be 74 this summer.......long term outlook doesn't look good. But I take much better care of myself that any of them did. Kansas diet and pills did them in.

I watch my diet and don't do pills. Hopefully I will live long past 80....but only if I am reasonably healthy.
My Dad made it to 81 - can't think of any other males in my lineage who managed to live that long - usually the women outlived the men - so I'm resigned to living at least another 17 years - unless ofcourse - The Grim Reaper - comes a'knock'in before - lol
<scarey organ music)
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