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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Blood pressure was good this morning - 112/70 - 48 beats per minute heart ❤️ rate 👌 sweet - should be checking into St Thomas's Hospital in exactly 24 hours from now - still got a bit of the Heebie-Geebies -
I used to be athletic and have a low resting heartbeat as well, which can be a problem when wired to monitors in intensive care following surgery. I finally asked them to set the low heart rate alarm at 45 bpm because as soon as I would start to fall asleep and my heart rate fell, the alarms would go off and wake me up again.


On a mailtrain.
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Old school



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I used to be athletic and have a low resting heartbeat as well, which can be a problem when wired to monitors in intensive care following surgery. I finally asked them to set the low heart rate alarm at 45 bpm because as soon as I would start to fall asleep and my heart rate fell, the alarms would go off and wake me up again.
Yeah - same with me Wolfie - my resting heart rate is usually around 45-50 - I'll remember now to tell them that it's normal for me - due to all the cardio/strength training I do - and then maybe they will have to reset their gadgets - as they did with you -


Well-known member
Premium user
Denver is a sanctuary city and we have almost 40,000 of illegals now roaming our streets.

We take pride in keeping the state clean....not anymore!!!! Piles of trash are showing up all over the place. Plus we are spending so much $$ on housing and feeding them we can't afford to maintain things. Our streets are full of pot holes that are now not being maintained!

The state can't afford this mess!
The effin country cant afford this shit.
Thats really something to talk about other than 45

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Me and my boy just took a lovely walk up into Surbiton - and on the main drag they have a Pound Store - so I bought one bag - 40 liters - of general garden compost for £3.50 - (he carried it all the way home - strong kid ) - might help to prevent the slugs we had last year in the 'erb crop - if I just use this cheap compost this year - and not the soil from around the apple tree downstairs - 😀

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Know how you are feeling. Not nearly on the same level, but going in for sinus surgery in the morning. Watched a you tube video. Big mistake.
Yeah - good luck 👍 with the sinus surgery mate - anyone going 'under the knife' - has my sympathies right now - due to my fast approaching time of surgical eviceration - (Monday morning GMT)


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Blood pressure was good this morning - 112/70 - 48 beats per minute heart ❤️ rate 👌 sweet - should be checking into St Thomas's Hospital in exactly 24 hours from now - still got a bit of the Heebie-Geebies -
Best of luck boss! We will all be thinking about you and sending you lots of good vibes.

Don't worry about the forum. The staff has it all under control. Focus on your health for the time being. It will all be alright.

Try to spend the time tomorrow with you family.

When you feel back capable to, please drop us a post.

Cheers and many of good vibes.

The Staff

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The effin country cant afford this shit.
Thats really something to talk about other than 45
The Kalergi Plan - in operation mate - got me interested in how/why these mass unfettered immigrations were happening years ago - and it all started 100 years ago with the book ' Practical Idealism'

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