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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Premium user
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user


That is my word of the day and I am sticking with it!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I've been tryna stay outa the word thing.

Since I have returned from orbit, I have a bit of control.

Good thing, becuz while still plevisable I had forgotten my mogigraphia, and started a sentence with:

We enter a time of abligurition wherin my scevity eviscerated my emacity to where my usual rhathymia is rawky...
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Gypsy. You said that you had lost some bodyfat by working out. Have you had to change the way you exercise as you get older? I am still holding as much muscle as I had when I was younger ( im 57 ) but im starting to get arthritis in my joints. Are you doing anything special? 🌈
Ya - was on a keto diet for just over a year - combined with intermittent fasting - did not eat for 18 hours of every day - just in a 6 hour window - then an hour walking fast - an hour moving about - swimming - and aqua aerobics in the pool - then after 2 months or so - started doing 1 hour of weight training in the gym too - all combined with lots of stretching - and body weight (calisthenics) exercises -

After the first year of doing all that - lost about 55lbs in weight - brought my muscles back out of hiding under it - by lowering my body fat considerably - went from a 50 inch waist - back down to a 34 inch waist - and have managed to stay there for 2 years now - feel much better for it - can easily walk 5 miles fast - and am much stronger and more flexible than before -

I too have just a little arthritis - but all the training and dieting has kept it at bay it say - no progression of it I can see -

And I started all that when I was 61 years old - just in time I reckon - now it's just about consistency with the exercise - to stay all firmed up - but with age we do slowly lose muscle mass - much more slowly - if you take the best medicine around - EXERCISE!
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Well-known member
Premium user
I've been tryna stay outa the word thing.

Since I have returned from orbit, I have a bit of control.

Good thing, becuz while still plevisable I had forgotten my mogigraphia, and started a sentence with:

We enter a time of abligurition wherin my scevity eviscerated my emacity to where my usual rhahthymia is rawky...
You can only pick one word unca 😳


Well-known member
We used to pick wild hemp when I was in high school in Kentucky. Shelby county Kentucky was the number one hemp producing county, in Kentucky, which was the number one hemp producing state, in the entire _country_.

Our tolerance were so low at the time, we'd get a slight buzz off of it. Don't know whether it was from the smoke/carbon monoxide, hyperventilating while smoking it, or actually being high. o_O

We didn't care, it was free! (y)
It was a slight headache, used to live in a section of Illinois same dealio