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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
late bkfst and then LIV Golf where Sergio is in the lead and 15 others right behind him breathing down his neck

this was taken about 17 years ago when I first took up golf and I was giving my granddaughter a few pointers

Pute knows where this course was , WSU campus……it’s gone now…made my first birdie there


does it look like I love golf?…



Well-known member
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
late bkfst and then LIV Golf where Sergio is in the lead and 15 others right behind him breathing down his neck

this was taken about 17 years ago when I first took up golf and I was giving my granddaughter a few pointers

Pute knows where this course was , WSU campus……it’s gone now…made my first birdie there

View attachment 18984336

does it look like I love golf?…

View attachment 18984335
You sir, like me, are certainly a contradiction of common assumptions in many aspects of your life. (y)

A union man, biker, and master grower... who plays a game where rich, white boys dressed in colorful, sissy-like outfits, are carted around by dumbass teenagers like me... who was a caddy at the Big Springs Country Club for all of one _week_. Got fired for not picking up a fucking club that an asshole threw across the putting green, when a trucker blew his horn as he was driving by. I couldn't stop laughing. :ROFLMAO: 😂 :ROFLMAO:

At least you dress normal!!! ;)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
You sir, like me, are certainly a contradiction of common assumptions in many aspects of your life. (y)

A union man, biker, and master grower... who plays a game where rich, white boys dressed in colorful, sissy-like outfits, are carted around by dumbass teenagers like me... who was a caddy at the Big Springs Country Club for all of one _week_. Got fired for not picking up a fucking club that an asshole threw across the putting green, when a trucker blew his horn as he was driving by. I couldn't stop laughing. :ROFLMAO: 😂 :ROFLMAO:

At least you dress normal!!! ;)

let’s roll Amigo!


this is what happens when I smoke to much Durban Poison



Well-known member
Have any of you ever had a "bad trip" on cannabises?
I have not.......a couple disappointing experiences but no bad ones.
BrassNwood, Jan 15, 2020
Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
Once again I had a "Close Encounter of the Cannabis Kind"
3 of the newly made RSO caps at 4pm as I was still feeling a few twinges from the old Stoma site after my transplanting adventures.

I was fine for a couple hours until just about exactly the last bite of the fabulous Del Taco dinner we were having. 6pm or so.

Suddenly Mr. Velvet Sledgehammer snuck up and Whacked me upside the bloody head to where it was lay down or fall down. I'm stoned off my ass and have the overwhelming urge to pee.

Even then I was OK. Keep thinking I just took a bit to much and it'll ease up in a bit. NOPE, nada, Kept building and building and I reached that moment when you think I really misjudged the dose and I'm in serious trouble. And over riding it all was the urge to take a whizz. But I can't. It's just urge and it is really a pressing I'm going to pee myself URGE!

Vision went tunnel, Audio was way to loud, Skin had the crawlies, Hot flushed then freezing cold the next moment.
I still need to PEE

Spins came on and I thought I was going to lose my dinner when the room started to get cranked up and I had to hold on as the damn planet tried it's best to throw me off.
GOD let me just PEE !!

Now I really don't feel well. My belly hurts and I'm FUCKING Miserable and have been for 3 hours now. Keep biting my tongue and chanting to myself " I will NOT call 911 and report a Cannabis overdose. NOPE !!!"
I still have to FUCKING PEE !!!

Somewhere around 1 am in flat out exhaustion I passed out and didn't wake till 6am.
WHEW !!!!! Mother of God what a Ride.
Damn I think this one gets moved up to the #1 slot of Wow did I ever misjudge that dose.
I never did get to Pee.
The dirty RSO I make from the bud scraps has this side effect in high doses as my goddaughter also reported it at doses of 300mg and higher. My total for that day was in the 750mg range near as I can figure.
Miscounted how much coconut oil I should have added, and they were double strength, and I took them untested on top of my daily dose. Holy Hell what a trip.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
poor Earlene passe away this morning, interred he among the bamboo groves...at least now she's not in pain...she was a good girl, mild temperment and a caring mom...she left me 3 of the progeny...
Sorry Boo....sad to hear.
you win a big trophy for that one Amigo!!…

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Wow you guy's know some big words ....all I see is some big hooters

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