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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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I know people that use it in almost every sentence. Even elementary school teacher girls. Funny as heck.
Funny ,my Goddaughter ( DR. of Sociology) allows her young kids to curse .My Bro ,their grandfather is appalled. Wait till Uncle Joe comes there and uses his curse words. You cant let some used and not others.
All or none and preferably none. But their woke family with all their education cant stop cursing either.


Well-known member
Premium user
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?
l Like Doggey


Well-known member
Premium user
Funny ,my Goddaughter ( DR. of Sociology) allows her young kids to curse .My Bro ,their grandfather is appalled. Wait till Uncle Joe comes there and uses his curse words. You cant let some used and not others.
All or none and preferably none. But their woke family with all their education cant stop cursing either.
Both my daughter’s kids cuss bad. They know Oma don’t allow that round here but slip up when playing Mario or whatever and something does not go their way in the game. Oh, sorry Oma…


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Found this book from 1978 stashed away in a box of stuff I've gone through.
Potbook 1.jpg



Well-known member
Hows it going thought you got lost haven't seen you lately?

He is magnificent!

You have no idea let me tell you.

For everything.
Yeah @dogzter, been busy between work starting to pick up and working out in the yard when I get home now that we have longer days. I had a bunch of trees blow down over my trails in the high winds.


I harvested my land race...


It is surprisingly strong and two pulls will hit me with perma grin

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Have any of you ever had a "bad trip" on cannabises?
I have not.......a couple disappointing experiences but no bad ones.
I have never had any bad "trip" type experience with either LSD or cannabis. But I've been around people who get paranoid as shit, and just like with drunks who get rowdy and want to fight, whenever anybody goes through a _personality_ change under the influence, I get real concerned. :cautious:

Only time I've ever had a bad experience with cannabis... I had just scored some "meshmacon", rolled up a normal size joint, smoked about a half of it and got stoned as shit, not high but _stoned_. Driving home, I ran over a pot hole at the exact, same time a drive-in movie theater was advertising a horror movie.

All I heard was a big, blood curdling scream. Freaking out thinking I ran over somebody, I slammed on the brakes, got out and looked all around the road and in the ditches.

For a person who did not exist, except in my mind. :eek:


I have never had any bad "trip" type experience with either LSD or cannabis. But I've been around people who get paranoid as shit, and just like with drunks who get rowdy and want to fight, whenever anybody goes through a _personality_ change under the influence, I get real concerned. :cautious:

Only time I've ever had a bad experience with cannabis... I had just scored some "meshmacon", rolled up a normal size joint, smoked about a half of it and got stoned as shit, not high but _stoned_. Driving home, I ran over a pot hole at the exact, same time a drive-in movie theater was advertising a horror movie.

All I heard was a big, blood curdling scream. Freaking out thinking I ran over somebody, I slammed on the brakes, got out and looked all around the road and in the ditches.

For a person who did not exist, except in my mind. :eek:
One of my brothers could freebase a qp of blow over a week with no sleep and be totally chilled out zero noia.
Ome hit off a joint and he would be peeking out the blinds for hours.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Words are just words - and they are kept alive - by their very use - so many words there are - so many we don't know - and are not often if at all used these days - in dusty old decaying books and dictionaries - within the ever decreasing libraries and book stores around this funny old world - 🌎 - so find an old word - and bring it back to life - as a sort of preservation project -

My word of the day is TODGER - What's yours?
Is that the same as pee pee?
I really try not to curse and very rarely in front of a woman absolutely not in front of kids.
You are a prince among men brother!

l Like Doggey
As in style?
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of them all?” “
OK, could you step aside a bit? I can’t see, you’re too fat.”
View attachment 18984317
Does the outfit make my ass look big?


Well-known member
Yeah @dogzter, been busy between work starting to pick up and working out in the yard when I get home now that we have longer days. I had a bunch of trees blow down over my trails in the high winds.

View attachment 18984320

I harvested my land race...

View attachment 18984322

It is surprisingly strong and two pulls will hit me with perma grin
That is some nice looking buds. I like the out-of-the-ordinary stuff. Nice work!


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Yeah @dogzter, been busy between work starting to pick up and working out in the yard when I get home now that we have longer days. I had a bunch of trees blow down over my trails in the high winds.

View attachment 18984320

I harvested my land race...

View attachment 18984322

It is surprisingly strong and two pulls will hit me with perma grin

yeah Baby!

everything does not have to be rock hard , big as a baseball , and have all the colors of the rainbow

in my opinion , the best weed I ever smoked was ugly larfy fluffy buds




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