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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Out of respect for my wife's wishes - I always try and keep expletive laden language - to the absolute minimum in our home - always telling the kids to NEVER swear around their Mother - but occasionally my wife does swear 🤬 - only in some dialect from Bicol in the Philippines - and none of us understands what she's saying - so can't really take offence -


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Ya - the memory comes back to me now - the oldie guy was born in 1899 - and had lived thru 2 world wars - he had so much to share about what he had gone thru - and me having no family in the states - he was kinda like my Grandpa for a while there - but he was so lonely - his wife kid and all his lifetime buddies had already died - and he was left in this world alone - he would really appreciate it when I would visit - although he was wracked by cancer - and soon passed on - but he felt a strong need to pass on his stories verbally to me - as if to say - 'Yeah - I was the man who lived thru all these trials and travesties in life - and I ain't ready to go yet - till I pass the stories of them - onto this young man here' - (and that was me - listening intently - fully entertained) - RIP Jim 🙏 I remember you well -
@Gypsy Nirvana
and now his story still lives on through you!
/im raising one to Jim right now!
born in 1899 i cant even imagine the changes he saw in his lifetime and what he has been through
/ i hear one day electricity will light up our nights and we will all bask in its warming glow,
plus this will be the war to end all wars

@dogzter dont make me roll up a newspaper
like gypsy said you dont swear or smoke around gam-gams
/at least not my gam
its just a respect thing and in some cultures respect still carries a lot of weight
/f'n pootang ah na mos! (phonetic spelling of course

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
@Gypsy Nirvana
and now his story still lives on through you!
/im raising one to Jim right now!
born in 1899 i cant even imagine the changes he saw in his lifetime and what he has been through
/ i hear one day electricity will light up our nights and we will all bask in its warming glow,
plus this will be the war to end all wars

@dogzter dont make me roll up a newspaper
like gypsy said you dont swear or smoke around gam-gams
/at least not my gam
its just respect and in some cultures respect still carries a lot of weight
/f'n pootang ah na mos! (phonetic spelling of course

My Mum was just the same - she would hit you with the first available blunt instrument - if you had the sheer ordasity to dare to swear 🤬 in her presence -

She would say - 'Can't you be more original - than regaling people with foul common words!' - and - 'We have many words in the English language - don't let me hear of those words - that give the other ones - a bad name' -

I guess that we didn't have such a thing as 'Free Speech' - in our home back then - or you'd get clobbered with a mallet - or whatever was handy - lol
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Youngest son came by today to say hi and celebrate Moms Bday.
He has grown quite a bit since he was a baby but he will always be our baby.
I asked him now his workouts were going and he said like this.
😆 View attachment 18984121
Good looking kid takes after me like a mirror.
View attachment 18984122
I like to tell him struggle all you want this is your future if you are lucky.
that is a good looking kid and happy birthday to your mrs! my friend
looks like someone lifts
/pops haz to do a dbl taek!
so now im the least best looking guy in this thread?!

so just to rank
#1 gypsy
#2 your boy (nice hat fag)
#3 your pup
#4 Dr.Cloud
#5 and now you, loose the freaking tie dye you hippy
/is that chicken?

pops unfiltered.jpg

im not here for my looks but i seems im the ugliest one of all !



That's very kind of you and its a cinnamon roll the wife asked for instead of cake.
Finally made a list that doesnt involve a government agency.
that is a good looking kid and happy birthday to your mrs! my friend
looks like someone lifts
/pops haz to do a dbl taek!
so now im the least best looking guy in this thread?!

so just to rank
#1 gypsy
#2 your boy (nice hat fag)
#3 your pup
#4 Dr.Cloud
#5 and now you, loose the freaking tie dye you hippy
/is that chicken?

View attachment 18984135
im not here for my looks but i seems im the ugliest one of all !


In my empire of dirt
Premium user

That's very kind of you and its a cinnamon roll the wife asked for instead of cake.
Finally made a list that doesnt involve a government agency.

dont get too cozy in your spot! there still might be a unicorn who comes through
/just pushes pops lower in the rankings
show us your tits!

that was a pro move by the mrs right there because f'cake!
well played 11!!
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Well-known member
I knew a real oldie Americano that I used to visit in Fresno California - many years ago when I was in my early 20's - he had a bottle of this Brown's Solution that he swore by as a heavy pain reliever - one day I read the bottle tag - and it had cocaine and laudenum in it - kinda like the speedball - that John Belushi died of - mixing coke and smack - this old guy had all sorts of antique pain relievers - and would take them - then rail off all sorts of great stories from his past - he was a natural storyteller - and I could listen to him for hours and hours and not get bored -
I have family that live north of Fresno. A little town called Atwater. I had a lot of good times there. I guess its not so little now. 😁🌈


Well-known member
Ya - the memory comes back to me now - the oldie guy was born in 1899 - and had lived thru 2 world wars - he had so much to share about what he had gone thru - and me having no family in the states - he was kinda like my Grandpa for a while there - but he was so lonely - his wife kid and all his lifetime buddies had already died - and he was left in this world alone - he would really appreciate it when I would visit - although he was wracked by cancer - and soon passed on - but he felt a strong need to pass on his stories verbally to me - as if to say - 'Yeah - I was the man who lived thru all these trials and travesties in life - and I ain't ready to go yet - till I pass the stories of them - onto this young man here' - (and that was me - listening intently - fully entertained) - RIP Jim 🙏 I remember you well -
That is a heartwarming story. You are a good soul Gypsy. 🌈


Well-known member
Out of respect for my wife's wishes - I always try and keep expletive laden language - to the absolute minimum in our home - always telling the kids to NEVER swear around their Mother - but occasionally my wife does swear 🤬 - only in some dialect from Bicol in the Philippines - and none of us understands what she's saying - so can't really take offence -
My language can be considered very offensive, as i cus and swear like it's going out of fashion. However, as soon as I'm around my 2 boys and their partners, I completely switch into very respectful mode.
Probably why I spend so much of my time alone 😅. Ahh well.
Good morow..pissing down yet again.
Imagine living in a world without geo engineering..

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My language can be considered very offensive, as i cus and swear like it's going out of fashion. However, as soon as I'm around my 2 boys and their partners, I completely switch into very respectful mode.
Probably why I spend so much of my time alone 😅. Ahh well.
Good morow..pissing down yet again.
Imagine living in a world without geo engineering..
Ah - so you can turn 'The Gentleman' on at will - that's a good tool to have -
🔧 in your social interaction toolbox 🧰


Well-known member
Ah - so you can turn 'The Gentleman' on at will - that's a good tool to have -
🔧 in your social interaction toolbox 🧰
I must state, I'm only like that when I'm on my lonesome. Swearing at the TV and the like. But don't we all..
I've got this feral cat, that's been visiting my garden for a considerable amount of time now. It's so nervous. But I feed it everyday with proper meat ( my leftovers from dinner. I eat a lot of fresh meat). Gradually it's getting used to me. Sometimes it'll even let me fuss her. But the slightest movement or noise and its gone.
I'm not really a cat person, but this one has me.
I'm going to persevere, I have too. So far, it'll venture as close to the backdoor buts it's so so nervous. But everyday I think I'm gaining ground, gaining its trust but its extremely wary.
Should I stop. Should I carry on.
Any tips, appreciated. Thanks.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well - we are talking about the betterment of humanity via breeding for intelligence - so selective breeding - which brings us to the much maligned topic of eugenics - breeding humans to create a better world for all
Gypsy -- Just saw this as I was trying to catch up.

You have not thought the concept through. Grand, noble idea. Except for the REAL part of humanity... and the idea they will get and implement, also:

Breed for slaves. Worker bees. Submissives.

Dorothy and companions tried to take a short cut in Oz, remember?

Do you really think humanity would not have an iron-bound caste system?

The icing on your selective breeding cake conceal Dachau.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Here's how it's working out in America:

View attachment 18983833

Then look and see how much federal taxes these corporation paid and then look at what percentage of _your_ wages went for fed taxes.

This ain't politics, it's fucking capitalism at its worst.

Now, let's get back to the titties. I know I'm an FNG here in this thread/site and don't know shit, but why are Party Boobs selfie's _not_ okay in here, yet others post all this sweet, nipply goodness every morning?

I like titties as much as the next guy but seeing Subgirls beefcake shots really didn't do much for me. :ROFLMAO:
This guy is channeling yer Unca Walt.

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