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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
It suppose it depends on how you define intelligence. Is it common sense? adaptability? ability to pass on your genes and survive? Ability to do complex maths and reasoning? Ability to find water?

Intelligence in our world is highly refined and defined so i suppose if you take such a narrow definition and breed for that you risk bottle necking a population which may have undesirable consequences.


it takes practice to tell the difference between education and intelligence , many people confuse the two

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yes - but most breeding is random and if even selective is often done from smaller populations - and for reasons other than intelligence - maybe love - or lust - financial gain - the need to procreate - size/physical strength - potency or yield even -

If just one group or band of humans - team - family - tribe etc - were to practice selective inbreeding for intelligence - over centuries and because of it their outcomes/achievements were far greater than other groups/tribes etc -

Would it not be better for all of humanity to practice that sort of behaviour - to try and even things up - and even get ahead? -

It suppose it depends on how you define intelligence. Is it common sense? adaptability? ability to pass on your genes and survive? Ability to do complex maths and reasoning? Ability to find water?

Intelligence in our world is highly refined and defined so i suppose if you take such a narrow definition and breed for that you risk bottle necking a population which may have undesirable consequences.

The average intelligence is accepted as 100, with 3.89 standard deviations of about 15 points. That means there are close to 60 points above and below 100 and about 120 points difference between high and low, which is a greater spread than the average intelligence.

"The Bell Curve", by Richard Herrnstein goes into detail discussing the statistics surrounding human intelligence and wellbeing. What is shows is that on average, more intelligent people do better in life.

Unintelligent people do better than they would in nature, because civilization makes a concerted effort to see that everyone survives, even those too stupid or infirm to make it on their own, yet who continue to breed.

In fact, statistics show that those least able to take care of themselves and their offsprings are having more offsprings than the pinnacles of intelligence.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Mr sub took a fall at the park today on our morning dog walk when Maryjane saw a squirrel and his ankle slipped off the sidewalk. He did a full fall with 180 roll. He got up and said he was ok as I gathered the dogs. I noticed his hand bleeding and gave him the paper towel I had in my pocket As he was wiping it he passed out. He woke up then passed out again. I managed to get his cell phone and call 911. A machine picked up saying they were busy but not to hang up. I then shouted HELP HELP. A lady heard me and I asked her to call 911. Someone finally answered Not really that long but it seemed long with him laying in the grass nonresponsive. He finally came to and I leaned him up against a fence post. The neighbor that came out husband brought a first aid kit and water. By then the ambulance came, he was ok except for his busted hand. They took his vitals and gave him a bandage and told Is to clean it and rebandage it when we got home and said it was probably from all the shock of it. We did come home, clean him up and rebamdage it. He’s been fine since but why a day
You poor darlin'... The 911 thing -- how unnerving and frustrating. I wonder if there is some noise you could make about it?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The average intelligence is accepted as 100, with 3.89 standard deviations of about 15 points. That means there are close to 60 points above and below 100 and about 120 points difference between high and low, which is a greater spread than the average intelligence.

"The Bell Curve", by Richard Herrnstein goes into detail discussing the statistics surrounding human intelligence and wellbeing. What is shows is that on average, more intelligent people do better in life.

Unintelligent people do better than they would in nature, because civilization makes a concerted effort to see that everyone survives, even those too stupid or infirm to make it on their own, yet who continue to breed.

In fact, statistics show that those least able to take care of themselves and their offsprings are having more offsprings than the pinnacles of intelligence.
Well - we are talking about the betterment of humanity via breeding for intelligence - so selective breeding - which brings us to the much maligned topic of eugenics - breeding humans to create a better world for all - and perhaps this has only been done by certain sectors of humanity via arranged marriages for hundreds or thousands of years already - but not throughout all of humanity - which would benefit the whole - rather than just a part of the worlds populace -

- some sectors seem to go in the opposite direction and inbreeding (first cousin marriages eg) - often produces people who have multiple congenital abnormalities - that can be a life time burden for their families and society in general -

Shouldn't then there be some aim and direction in breeding further generations of humans - to prevent producing people who are detrimental to humam progress and development? -

But then a whole litany of questions come into play surrounding 'ethics' - and religious beliefs - in regards to forming some sort of global understanding and planning concerning this VERY sensitive issue -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around and gropes where proper and deeply appreciated. 

Cloudy with showers today starting at 40F and predicted to reach 51F.

Miracles of miracles! City engineers and skilled craftsmen are hard at it across the street at the park, weaving their magic.

The city installed disabled ramps to all the sidewalks here, but some of them flood when it rains, so two years ago they replaced the worst flooded ramp across the street at the park to eliminate the lake there and created a worse huge shoe top high lake where the sidewalk used to be, euphemistically thereafter referred to as "Grant Park Reflecting Pond".

This will be their third run at creating a dry disabled ramp and sidewalk. I'm rooting for them and hope they get it right this time.


Well-known member
Premium user
Wealth - and it's distribution - makes you think 🤔 after looking at a short video on the 10 wealthiest families in this world - 🌎 -

- What would YOU do - with such incredible wealth? - would you try to change the fortunes of millions of people by just giving it away - to those much less fortunate than yourself? - or would that act cause more problems than it solves? -

Personally I'd like to see everyone on the planet with food - water - energy - educational - and medical security - as a basic human right - and if I had $5 TRILLION - I could free up so many people/families from that sort of poverty -

* after thinking a bit more on the topic - would you also fund the idea - of giving a home/house to everyone too?

If I had that kind of $ come into my life would be to buy new batteries for my cordless drill😊


Well-known member
Premium user
That chokes me up every time I see it.
View attachment 18983517

Pretty amazing results from such a easy fix imo!
Wish all disease was that easy to address.
View attachment 18983518
Starting to get a face that's not just a black shadow......who's a good boy!
@SubGirl had a bullshit day I hope your hubby and tomorrow are much better!
There is no help coming for us from the government we gotta do that for ourselves.
Look at that cute face. Never get tired of looking at him. Thanks so much dog. We are planning a much less eventful day and he feels normal again. The gash on his hand is all cleaned up and looks good well for a gash anyways he should heal fine I think. 🥰


Well-known member
Premium user
That chokes me up every time I see it.
View attachment 18983517

Pretty amazing results from such a easy fix imo!
Wish all disease was that easy to address.
View attachment 18983518
Starting to get a face that's not just a black shadow......who's a good boy!
@SubGirl had a bullshit day I hope your hubby and tomorrow are much better!
There is no help coming for us from the government we gotta do that for ourselves.
Still handsome A F
watta face!


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around and gropes where proper and deeply appreciated.  View attachment 18983788 View attachment 18983789

Cloudy with showers today starting at 40F and predicted to reach 51F.

Miracles of miracles! City engineers and skilled craftsmen are hard at it across the street at the park, weaving their magic.

The city installed disabled ramps to all the sidewalks here, but some of them flood when it rains, so two years ago they replaced the worst flooded ramp across the street at the park to eliminate the lake there and created a worse huge shoe top high lake where the sidewalk used to be, euphemistically thereafter referred to as "Grant Park Reflecting Pond".

This will be their third run at creating a dry disabled ramp and sidewalk. I'm rooting for them and hope they get it right this time.
Good Morning GW and friends.
If your city needs advice Im sure me and Big could help.
After second breakfast of course😊


Well-known member
Premium user
Yeah same pup they grow like weed!
There will never be equality of outcome as we all have differing motivation and drive.
Soon as you hold one peson back by making them give to someone else you have oppressed them both.
No such thing as equality in nature I am aware of.
Even amoung worker insects there are castes.
Having my Mother wield a #4 wooden spoon in response to something I did young, made me realize that early in life,


Well-known member
Premium user
yes and no brother
we were all born with our lot in life, but some of us were able to rise above and make something of ourselves
at least with capitalism everyone has a chance to create success; it up to you to do it
i just try and be the best me i can and am happy with what i have
but what about the people who dont even want to try?
life isnt about equality, its about what you make of it

eta: who is that sexxy devil?!?
Its not Keith Richards☝️

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Eat the stupid!

Or sacrifice them?

Or maybe more sensibly part them out for usable organs and make Soylent Green with the balance. Probably in a panoply of different colors and flavors, because as we all know, even intelligent people's tastes vary as well as their need for variety.

Alas, it is sad to realize how many of them are gorgeous and a joy to behold, but they might even fetch a higher price per pound if the label included their nude picture on a scratch and sniff label.

The other thing is there are other studies that suggest that both Intelligence Quotient, and Emotional Quotient impact how smoothly we deal both life's opportunities and vicissitudes, including winning with our less gifted brethren without having to kill them and instead letting nature in concert with the laws of karma take its course.

Sadly, extreme highs in either IQ or EQ also appears to typically lower the other. Some brilliant people are insufferable azzholes that no one can stand to be around, or they turn their gifts to ill-gotten gains. I figure we ought to figure out a way to vote them out too.

I do think it is important to not standardize our tribal concept of perfection too far though, lest us man child's end up killing each other off for the same perfect woman.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good Morning GW and friends.
If your city needs advice Im sure me and Big could help.
After second breakfast of course😊
Good morning brother Jokerman! Joy to the World!

I submitted your names! Maybe I can get a finder's free from them for solving their problems for them and donate it to the pardy fund.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The other miracle is that Oracle Glass did finish my custom parts yesterday and are available for pickup today, so I can finish assembling the cooling portion of my new vaporizer design.

As long as I'm in that neighborhood picking them up, I will also swing by Otto's Sausage Kitchen and grab some Andouille and some chicken liver pate.

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