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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
The first comment was supposed to be a joke, but I admit that my sense of humor suffers from a certain acidity.

Without external interference, the countries of Central America all tend to be tourist paradises, except Haiti, the first country to be independent in Americas in 1789 (or 92), where never there was peace for even a decade. Hope the good fortune lasts forever in El Salvador. Maybe Carib (also Central America) be a better shot, un poco más caro. There will always be a place in Venezuela to fight Borat-Maduro.

Personally, I think Costa Rica is much cooler. I was in Honduras, a wonderful place, but things are bad there.
I like cold places. Montevideo is the best place of the Americas. Good people, good weed, good wine, the best food in the world.

Politics will never dictate what I'll do in my life. Left and right are both different sides of the same coin. I'm out of this toss. Fu3k the believers.
Costa Rica is very cool. My wife and I are vacationing here now. We are in the Manuel Antonio area now. A bit too busy for me. Osa Peninsula was very chill and very rural. Heading to Monteverdi in a few days. Being an Ex Pat here looks like it may be an option for us.


Well-known member
Premium user
ecuador has had a lot of turmoil with the c i of a stirring g the pot for regime change…what else is new?

but yeah , I would take a a beach hut in Olon before Malibu any day of the week

i do not understand your reasoning on comparing anything to El Salvador?..not even economic strategies?…only someone with a closed mind couldn’t see that

and I did say SD and Texas were my 1 and 2 choices….

do you have any places that you would recommend for an expat?….
Port Jefferson Long Island New York?🙄


Cold front with snow
coming in.
Hope we're done walking till the rains done and the snow starts I like walking in the snow.


Well-known member
Someone should warn Old Fogey...

Got it. Thx. We are thinking of doing a night time tour. There was a bio fluorescence kayak trip I thought would be cool but my wife was terrified and I was frankly spent after 3 hours of mangrove kayaking in 95 deg heat. Trying to pack a ton of shit into a 5 lb sack here. Glad the misses is getting her bucket list scratched.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Mr sub took a fall at the park today on our morning dog walk when Maryjane saw a squirrel and his ankle slipped off the sidewalk. He did a full fall with 180 roll. He got up and said he was ok as I gathered the dogs. I noticed his hand bleeding and gave him the paper towel I had in my pocket As he was wiping it he passed out. He woke up then passed out again. I managed to get his cell phone and call 911. A machine picked up saying they were busy but not to hang up. I then shouted HELP HELP. A lady heard me and I asked her to call 911. Someone finally answered Not really that long but it seemed long with him laying in the grass nonresponsive. He finally came to and I leaned him up against a fence post. The neighbor that came out husband brought a first aid kit and water. By then the ambulance came, he was ok except for his busted hand. They took his vitals and gave him a bandage and told Is to clean it and rebandage it when we got home and said it was probably from all the shock of it. We did come home, clean him up and rebamdage it. He’s been fine since but why a day
Sorry you two had to go through that SG! Did the doctors proffer a guess as to what happened?
AND when Hawiian came into town made you want to do hula dance☝️
Maui Wowee, Alaskan Thunder F.uck, and Columbian were all good too!

Interestingly, not as good when we grew the same strains at SPR.


Well-known member
Premium user
Sorry you two had to go through that SG! Did the doctors proffer a guess as to what happened?

we didn’t actually go to th doc. The parimedic suggested that it was probably caused by the stress of falling then seeing a gash in his hand. Maybe like vasovagal syncope She said he may need to visit his doc to relook at his BP meds his BP was something like 160/72 but he was fine after the event

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Wealth - and it's distribution - makes you think 🤔 after looking at a short video on the 10 wealthiest families in this world - 🌎 -

- What would YOU do - with such incredible wealth? - would you try to change the fortunes of millions of people by just giving it away - to those much less fortunate than yourself? - or would that act cause more problems than it solves? -

Personally I'd like to see everyone on the planet with food - water - energy - educational - and medical security - as a basic human right - and if I had $5 TRILLION - I could free up so many people/families from that sort of poverty -

* after thinking a bit more on the topic - would you also fund the idea - of giving a home/house to everyone too?

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Wealth - and it's distribution - makes you think 🤔 after looking at a short video on the 10 wealthiest families in this world - 🌎 -

- What would YOU do - with such incredible wealth? - would you try to change the fortunes of millions of people by just giving it away - to those much less fortunate than yourself? - or would that act cause more problems than it solves? -

Personally I'd like to see everyone on the planet with food - water - energy - educational - and medical security - as a basic human right - and if I had $5 TRILLION - I could free up so many people/families from that sort of poverty -

* after thinking a bit more on the topic - would you also fund the idea - of giving a home/house to everyone too?

The problems I see with that idea 💡 - are that unless you could manage to give EVERYONE ON THE PLANET - that sort of security - at the same time ⏲️ - and equally - you would have millions of people who feel shut out - and are still in poverty of some sort or another -

- so technically you would still have - THE HAVE'S and the HAVE NOT'S - and so the have's would have to then have the security - to protect themselves - from the have not's - which could lead to a whole lot of death and destruction - as the have not's will think that its unfair - and thru necessity - they will try to take what they need from the have's - so still we would have a battle for resources going on - Hmmmm - it does make you think -
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That chokes me up every time I see it.
006 (3).jpg

Pretty amazing results from such a easy fix imo!
Wish all disease was that easy to address.
005 (5).jpg

Starting to get a face that's not just a black shadow......who's a good boy!
@SubGirl had a bullshit day I hope your hubby and tomorrow are much better!
There is no help coming for us from the government we gotta do that for ourselves.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The problems I see with that idea 💡 - are that unless you could manage to give EVERYONE ON THE PLANET - that sort of security - at the same time ⏲️ - and equally - you would have millions of people who feel shut out - and are still in poverty of some sort or another -

- so technically you would still have - THE HAVE'S and the HAVE NOT'S - and so the have's would have to then have the security - to protect themselves - from the have not's - which could lead to a whole lot of death and destruction - as the have not's will think that its unfair - and thru necessity - they will try to take what they need from the have's - so still we would have a battle for resources going on - Hmmmm - it does make you think -
Even if you did equally share the wealth - you would have many people that either thru accident or stupidity squander or lose what they have been given - and would still have to be supported to keep them on the side of the have's - and them not feel that they have not something that they want or need - and so have not -

Would the have's have to support those who were equal but lost - and continue to lose? - even if those losses were the fault of the now relegated people in society - that no matter what opportunities they are given - they always seem to have a negative outcome - what would you do with these people? - would you unconditionally continue to support them - or just let them fall by the wayside?

The story of the prodigal son is in here somewhere -
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
That chokes me up every time I see it.
View attachment 18983517

Pretty amazing results from such a easy fix imo!
Wish all disease was that easy to address.
View attachment 18983518
Starting to get a face that's not just a black shadow......who's a good boy!
@SubGirl had a bullshit day I hope your hubby and tomorrow are much better!
There is no help coming for us from the government we gotta do that for ourselves.
is that the pup from your avatar growin up so fast

stress or pain will spike you bp and it sounds like a minor wound but wtf 911, pick up your phone
kepp it clean and he should heal up just fine
/he might have a scar but teh chicks dig scars

just a couple random thoughts on some of the taeks im seeing
/this thread moves fast so remember nothing i say here means s* and i hold the right to say im wrong at any time

el salvador?! = shit hole with all the gang/ hooligan violence
/seen how they cracked down on that sh!t?
costa rica= nice!

@Gypsy Nirvana wealth and its distribution
like you said there will always be the haves and the have nots
a lot of it comes down to effort
if we took some of the indigent and put them to work it would not only teach them valuable life skillz but give them a chance to function like the rest of society
if you notice in that vid (i liked it, short and to the pint)
a lot of those bazillionaire$$ are rulers of countries, the entire wealth of the nation (see what i did there) is counted as their fortune
in the west we have the rich and the uber rich but they actually earned their money
look at the fancy computer you are typing on right now, who do you have to thank for that?
/the gates donate a ton to charity
but they changed society and mankind as a whole
sure as hell beats my contributions, but im living the good life, double wide trailer and all!

but if someone has given up on themselves, what can you do to lift their lot?
/some problems cant be fixed by just throwing money at it, but i live amongst the over educated librullz and they say my methods are too... extreme
i say f'm

if i had a bazzillon $$ i would open up a no kill dog ranch, where any dog (or other animals for that matter*) can come and live its life out in peace; that or buy up all the wild land i could and just let nature run free
i would say say this will be forever and ever wild and free land

*except for cats
dr cloud.jpg

pictured for reference:
hes not a real Dr but he is a real cloud
xoxo kittehz

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