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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Stray Cat
is that the pup from your avatar growin up so fast

stress or pain will spike you bp and it sounds like a minor wound but wtf 911, pick up your phone
kepp it clean and he should heal up just fine
/he might have a scar but teh chicks dig scars

just a couple random thoughts on some of the taeks im seeing
/this thread moves fast so remember nothing i say here means s* and i hold the right to say im wrong at any time

el salvador?! = shit hole with all the gang/ hooligan violence
/seen how they cracked down on that sh!t?
costa rica= nice!

@Gypsy Nirvana wealth and its distribution
like you said there will always be the haves and the have nots
a lot of it comes down to effort
if we took some of the indigent and put them to work it would not only teach them valuable life skillz but give them a chance to function like the rest of society
if you notice in that vid (i liked it, short and to the pint)
a lot of those bazillionaire$$ are rulers of countries, the entire wealth of the nation (see what i did there) is counted as their fortune
in the west we have the rich and the uber rich but they actually earned their money
look at the fancy computer you are typing on right now, who do you have to thank for that?
/the gates donate a ton to charity
but they changed society and mankind as a whole
sure as hell beats my contributions, but im living the good life, double wide trailer and all!

but if someone has given up on themselves, what can you do to lift their lot?
/some problems cant be fixed by just throwing money at it, but i live amongst the over educated librullz and they say my methods are too... extreme
i say f'm

if i had a bazzillon $$ i would open up a no kill dog ranch, where any dog (or other animals for that matter*) can come and live its life out in peace; that or buy up all the wild land i could and just let nature run free
i would say say this will be forever and ever wild and free land

*except for cats
View attachment 18983520

pictured for reference:
hes not a real Dr but he is a real cloud
xoxo kittehz
No cats, no peace. Once you exclude, the war begins. No free lando for you.
I'd place my Cardboard Box - Stray Cat's Shelter - right by your side. Dogs allowed.
Dr Cloud is being recruited as a double agent.
Your ranch will be Jones ranch from Orwell's Animal Farm.
Graaaab the enemy by the balls.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member


I thought pure bred humans were no bueno these days or is that only for white populations?
I also always assumed the desired diversity was of thought..........boy did I have that fuckered up.
Turns out homegeny in both genetics and appearance is what makes a harmonious society.
America has the most diverse population in the world and we are floundering as any perceived difference is used by the power elite as a divider.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I thought pure bred humans were no bueno these days or is that only for white populations?
I also always assumed the desired diversity was of thought..........boy did I have that fuckered up.
Turns out homegeny in both genetics and appearance is what makes a harmonious society.
America has the most diverse population in the world and we are floundering as any perceived difference is used by the power elite as a divider.
What a mess


Well-known member
I thought pure bred humans were no bueno these days or is that only for white populations?
I also always assumed the desired diversity was of thought..........boy did I have that fuckered up.
Turns out homegeny in both genetics and appearance is what makes a harmonious society.
America has the most diverse population in the world and we are floundering as any perceived difference is used by the power elite as a divider.
It's still prevaliant down south

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Throughout history humans have been bred and “managed” for only one purpose. To make a few individuals very rich. All of humanity is a “slave society”. The ancient Romans knew that it takes a lot of money to keep slaves (food, housing, ect…). Now the slaves keep themselves but “think” they are free. This world has one goal. GREED. There is no thought about the betterment of humanity. 🌈
As the kids say these days, _not_ ... "true that" 😂

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Wealth - and it's distribution - makes you think 🤔 after looking at a short video on the 10 wealthiest families in this world - 🌎 -

- What would YOU do - with such incredible wealth? - would you try to change the fortunes of millions of people by just giving it away - to those much less fortunate than yourself? - or would that act cause more problems than it solves? -

Personally I'd like to see everyone on the planet with food - water - energy - educational - and medical security - as a basic human right - and if I had $5 TRILLION - I could free up so many people/families from that sort of poverty -

* after thinking a bit more on the topic - would you also fund the idea - of giving a home/house to everyone too?

Here's how it's working out in America:


Then look and see how much federal taxes these corporation paid and then look at what percentage of _your_ wages went for fed taxes.

This ain't politics, it's fucking capitalism at its worst.

Now, let's get back to the titties. I know I'm an FNG here in this thread/site and don't know shit, but why are Party Boobs selfie's _not_ okay in here, yet others post all this sweet, nipply goodness every morning?

I like titties as much as the next guy but seeing Subgirls beefcake shots really didn't do much for me. :ROFLMAO:

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