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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thanks for the reply pop_rocks - so there will always be those that have the resources to survive and prosper - and those that thru birth or misadventure - or stupidity - false belief - negative indoctrination - or some disability - do not - and all can be given equality of opportunity - but will never produce or have equality of outcome -


is that the pup from your avatar growin up so fast

stress or pain will spike you bp and it sounds like a minor wound but wtf 911, pick up your phone
kepp it clean and he should heal up just fine
/he might have a scar but teh chicks dig scars

just a couple random thoughts on some of the taeks im seeing
/this thread moves fast so remember nothing i say here means s* and i hold the right to say im wrong at any time

el salvador?! = shit hole with all the gang/ hooligan violence
/seen how they cracked down on that sh!t?
costa rica= nice!

@Gypsy Nirvana wealth and its distribution
like you said there will always be the haves and the have nots
a lot of it comes down to effort
if we took some of the indigent and put them to work it would not only teach them valuable life skillz but give them a chance to function like the rest of society
if you notice in that vid (i liked it, short and to the pint)
a lot of those bazillionaire$$ are rulers of countries, the entire wealth of the nation (see what i did there) is counted as their fortune
in the west we have the rich and the uber rich but they actually earned their money
look at the fancy computer you are typing on right now, who do you have to thank for that?
/the gates donate a ton to charity
but they changed society and mankind as a whole
sure as hell beats my contributions, but im living the good life, double wide trailer and all!

but if someone has given up on themselves, what can you do to lift their lot?
/some problems cant be fixed by just throwing money at it, but i live amongst the over educated librullz and they say my methods are too... extreme
i say f'm

if i had a bazzillon $$ i would open up a no kill dog ranch, where any dog (or other animals for that matter*) can come and live its life out in peace; that or buy up all the wild land i could and just let nature run free
i would say say this will be forever and ever wild and free land

*except for cats
View attachment 18983520

pictured for reference:
hes not a real Dr but he is a real cloud
xoxo kittehz
Yeah same pup they grow like weed!
There will never be equality of outcome as we all have differing motivation and drive.
Soon as you hold one peson back by making them give to someone else you have oppressed them both.
No such thing as equality in nature I am aware of.
Even amoung worker insects there are castes.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah same pup they grow like weed!
There will never be equality of outcome as we all have differing motivation and drive.
Soon as you hold one peson back by making them give to someone else you have oppressed them both.
No such thing as equality in nature I am aware of.
Even amoung worker insects there are castes.
Good response dogzter - so there will always be families - tribes - castes - ethnicities - groups and gangs formed in some pecking order of precedence - those at the top of the human race or game - and those at the very bottom - some with most of the resources - and those with little or none -

- Now is that success of the few but weathy due to correctly applied intelligence? - since Intelligence+education+finance - should equal success - and so security - power even - the power of having security -


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yes and no brother
we were all born with our lot in life, but some of us were able to rise above and make something of ourselves
at least with capitalism everyone has a chance to create success; it up to you to do it
i just try and be the best me i can and am happy with what i have
but what about the people who dont even want to try?
life isnt about equality, its about what you make of it

eta: who is that sexxy devil?!?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
yes and no brother
we were all born with our lot in life, but some of us were able to rise above and make something of ourselves
at least with capitalism everyone has a chance to create success; it up to you to do it
i just try and be the best me i can and am happy with what i have
but what about the people who dont even want to try?
life isnt about equality, its about what you make of it

eta: who is that sexxy devil?!?
Ah - are you insinuating that the picture of the man above is a 'sexxy devil?' - if so then I should be flattered - although I put my picture there from 2 years ago - to say that at that time - I was in the Emirates first class lounge in Dubai - a sort of Palace for the opulent and wealthy - I'm not often in such places - in fact it's very rare for me to be there - having a more basic down to earth existence generally - but I occasionally do the odd close-personal-security jobs - that put me in such places - at the behest of and paid by the wealthy - for their own security -

- anyway I digress -
Do you think or know that intelligence is hereditary? - and if so - would you not want to breed a smarter tribe or gang or nation etc? -

- as you most probably would do - with a cannabis plant or a dog as a breeder - to preserve and continue certain traits that are beneficial to you and yours -
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
wink, wink!
i was going to mention the posh furniture! but that would just make me seem desperate

sure, intelligence is hereditary but it comes down to a nature v nurture thing too, dosnt it?
/good schools, active parents and an environment that nurtures thought
having a good education is the first place to start not everyone is college material (so they dont need to take an advanced maths class), but if they are good at something else why not nurture that
but, who am i to say
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
wink, wink!
i was going to mention the posh furniture! but that would just make me seem desperate

sure, intelligence is hereditary but it comes down to a nature v nurture thing too, dosnt it?
/good schools, active parents and an environment that nurtures thought
having a good education is the first place to start not everyone is college material (so they dont need to take an advanced maths class), but if they are good at something else why not nurture that
but, who am i to say
Yes - of course - correctly cultivated/curated or nurtured soil - or environment - would ensure that whatever intelligence you have is applied correctly - to increase the opportunity of good outcomes - for the group - or tribe - or family - gang - troupe - nation - race - human or alien 👽 - plant or dog etc - lol - etc

So the question arrises - is selective breeding -(or inbreeding ) - for intelligence - - the solution to the better advancement of cannabis plants 🪴 - dogs 🐕 - and even the human race?
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Surely if selective breeding had any influence on intelligence, then Surely all the dumb ass's would've been been bred out by now. Its all nuture imo.
And good morning good people.
Yes - but most breeding is random and if even selective is often done from smaller populations - and for reasons other than intelligence - maybe love - or lust - financial gain - the need to procreate - size/physical strength - potency or yield even -

If just one group or band of humans - team - family - tribe etc - were to practice selective inbreeding for intelligence - over centuries and because of it their outcomes/achievements were far greater than other groups/tribes etc -

Would it not be better for all of humanity to practice that sort of behaviour - to try and even things up - and even get ahead? -
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Well-known member
Yes - but most breeding is random and if even selective is often done from smaller populations - and for reasons other than intelligence - maybe love - or lust - financial gain - the need to procreate - size/physical strength - potency or yield even -

If just one group or band of humans - team - family - tribe etc - were to practice selective inbreeding for intelligence - over centuries and because of it their outcomes/achievements were far greater than other groups/tribes etc -

Would it not be better for all of humanity to practice that sort of behaviour - to try and even things up?
Yes. I agree completely! If people are going to do anything in a well thought out and purposeful manner, they should breed the next generation to be more physicaly fit and intelligent. To just leave things to pure chance or “the luck of the draw” is insanity! People dont think about the future. They only think about what they want now.


Well-known member
If just one group or band of humans - team - family - tribe etc - were to practice selective inbreeding for intelligence - over centuries and because of it their outcomes/achievements were far greater than other groups/tribes etc -

It suppose it depends on how you define intelligence. Is it common sense? adaptability? ability to pass on your genes and survive? Ability to do complex maths and reasoning? Ability to find water?

Intelligence in our world is highly refined and defined so i suppose if you take such a narrow definition and breed for that you risk bottle necking a population which may have undesirable consequences.



Well-known member
Yes - but most breeding is random and if even selective is often done from smaller populations - and for reasons other than intelligence - maybe love - or lust - financial gain - the need to procreate - size/physical strength - potency or yield even -

If just one group or band of humans - team - family - tribe etc - were to practice selective inbreeding for intelligence - over centuries and because of it their outcomes/achievements were far greater than other groups/tribes etc -

Would it not be better for all of humanity to practice that sort of behaviour - to try and even things up?
I see that..
intelligent people being attracted to other intelligent people; however it doesn't mean their offspring will be just as intelligent. They will certainly have an advantage over the less fortunate ones, being able to access certain educational advantages etc..
We've had, 'supposedly ' intelligent people controlling our society now for centuries, and look where we are.🤣. Rothchilds, rockerfellas, and the likes, and look at the mess they've produced.
Just my dumb ass thoughts.
It's all subjective ain't it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It suppose it depends on how you define intelligence. Is it common sense? adaptability? ability to pass on your genes and survive? Ability to do complex maths and reasoning? Ability to find water?

Intelligence in our world is highly refined and defined so i suppose if you take such a narrow definition and breed for that you risk bottle necking a population which may have undesirable consequences.

I guess that you would breed the sort of intelligence that is useful to the further advancement of humanity - once curated and nurtured sufficiently well enough - to produce what you are looking for - if you needed more and better physicists - then you would breed for that sort of intelligence initially - and then training the progeny in physics education -


Well-known member
I see that..
intelligent people being attracted to other intelligent people; however it doesn't mean their offspring will be just as intelligent. They will certainly have an advantage over the less fortunate ones, being able to access certain educational advantages etc..
We've had, 'supposedly ' intelligent people controlling our society now for centuries, and look where we are.🤣. Rothchilds, rockerfellas, and the likes, and look at the mess they've produced.
Just my dumb ass thoughts.
It's all subjective ain't it.
Throughout history humans have been bred and “managed” for only one purpose. To make a few individuals very rich. All of humanity is a “slave society”. The ancient Romans knew that it takes a lot of money to keep slaves (food, housing, ect…). Now the slaves keep themselves but “think” they are free. This world has one goal. GREED. There is no thought about the betterment of humanity. 🌈

Unca Walt

Well-known member
We saw porcelain bidets scattered all over Europe and North Africa, I attached a picture of one with gold plated fixtures from my hotel room in Tunis, but there is also a bidet hose that all old farts should be aware of, which is the answer to a maiden's prayer when it comes to the heartbreak of anal pruritus aka itchy butt.

I found the bidet hose in every restroom that I was in in Tunisia and after trying it out, my chronic anal pruritus was cured, where baby wipes and ointments only controlled it.

I bought two hose systems while I was there and installed them here at home, never to be bothered with an itchy butt thereafter.

View attachment 18983277
Just from a hygiene POV: If you had a bit of poop on your arm, would you be satisfied with removing it with a piece of tissue... or would you prefer washing?

There is a 10-mnute install gadget sold in hardward stores. It makes a combo crapper/bidet. Sixty bucks. Five stars.

Well, poop. I can't give the Amazon link on this software. Just go to Amazon, look at the Omigo Element Bidet Attachment
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
what chu’ talkin’ bout Willis

The cost of living in South Dakota is $2033, which is 1.08 times less expensive than the average in the United States. South Dakota ranked 35th most expensive and 47th best state to live in the United States.

The average salary after taxes in South Dakota is $3999, which is enough to cover living expenses for 2 months.

El Paso, located in the westernmost part of Texas, boasts one of the lowest humidity levels in the state. With an average summer humidity of just 28%, residents of El Paso enjoy dry and comfortable conditions.
When these folks rank the states, I think they miss reality by homogenizing the data. By that, I mean Miami and environs are considered another state by folks living in real Florida like Boo and Himself. And the folks in the Panhandle are country -- some of them are even in the Central Time Zone.

So when they take all the people in a state, all the numbers of stuff, and mix them all together... They come up with a ranking.

GIGO <-- There's a term.