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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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Conservatives have controlled the presidency of the most powerful country in the history of the world for most of the last 50 years. Now they feel like they can’t even express their opinions without losing their jobs. Ever think a movement this pathetic deserves cancellation?


Active member
Pc , woke culture is an assult on common sensean assult on the constitution
an assult on liberty,freedom and the pursuite of happiness...
Today as an American I had the opportunity to defend these right's against the very face of pc woke culture and I took that oppertunity ...
A mid age Hispanic woman of fair complexion asked me to get her a can of white spray paint.
I work in a ghetto store and the paint is locked up.
I get her the can and she walks away.Within seconds I hear her yelling in Spanish so I go to see what's up.low and behold there is a 20ish pasty white punk dressed all in black and wearing a biker jacket in 88 degree weather the jacket had a BLM logo on the back and this punk had on a black mask with the phrase i can't breath on it.On his black 700 dollar pair of designer jeans he had the anarchy symbol on his right leg and antifa written on the left..This punk had yanked the paint out of the womans hand and started to bully and harass her screaming how she's a white supremacist and is inherently racist for chosing the color white I walked over and asked what the problem was the spanish lady who barely speaks english was terrified and sobbing and this punk is going on about systemic racism.
I laughed at him and that really triggered him. I yanked the paint from his little sissy ass weak grip and handed back to the woman and told her to walk away this kid was still trying to follow her but I blocked his path when he says to me better get outta my way old man before he end's me I smiled and put my finger through the quater size hole in his ear lobe and yanked him forward he tried to break my grip but I tugged harder while he winced, I walked him to the exit and threw his ass out.
About 10 min later i'm going out to have a smoke and see this kid demanding I get fired to the manger talking about if they dont fire me his social media followers were going to cancel the store...
He looks at this kid perplexed for a second and then shows him the recording of the incident and say's the only thing being canceled was his welcome to the store and his freedom that's when the cop showed up and dragged him out in cuffs mr toughguy antifa punk is crying like a bitch I pulled out my phone and snapped his picture and said follow me on twitter for updates..
Sorry for the rant I wanted to share my 1st hand expierence ..
1 more thing my mgr called me in to take my statement after I gave him my account he say's to me can you believe this kids getting arrested for being misled and lied to by his parents and teachers and media then he say's This is not the country we grew up in...I said well the President is on our side...
He says to me as much as he hate's Trump he has to vote for him in Nov said he's been a democrat his whole life and now he's walking away cause of garbage just like this...
Wonder how many more regular folks there are just like him that are walking away and voting with their conscience my guess ...Millions


Active member
I don't know the brand but they smelled like privledge and failure.I can't wait till Nov. I'm going to particularly enjoy your personal meltdown immensely when Trump win's

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- I thought that I would drop a proper pic of who you lot are all talking about -

- Note the carefully trimmed and maintained facial topiary - especially the rolled moustache - now residing in Highgate Cemetery in North London, England -

* was never one of the Marx Brothers -



Active member
Looking like the left shot their wad to early...
Comin back to bite em in the ass...

Liz Peek: Democrats beware – Backlash against leftist mob rule growing. Here's what polls show



Active member
Couldn't not smell them. apparently,doing laundry contribute's to evil capitalism or Donald Trump has laundry done so everyone who dose laundry is a white supremacist nazi loving fascist.or some other perfectly reasonable excuse to not do laundry maybe laundry got canceled


Active member
Couldn't not smell them. apparently,doing laundry contribute's to evil capitalism or Donald Trump has laundry done so everyone who dose laundry is a white supremacist nazi loving fascist.or some other perfectly reasonable excuse to not do laundry maybe laundry got canceled

Nothing new...them antifa faggots have always smelled like hot sour garbage....BLM are even worse
Like a dead coon on hot tar pavement....you gotta change mask after being around them

Mr. J

Well-known member
I find it hilarious that anything that’s said about Joe’s cognitive abilities could be said about bunker boi.
You can say anything you want but it doesn't make it true. You're just being dishonest because it's clear to even the biggest Lefty's that Joe Biden is much, much more demented than Donald Trump.


ICMag Donor
"The CDC is lying to you about covid."

Does he really think America is stupid enough to believe this.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You can say anything you want but it doesn't make it true. You're just being dishonest because it's clear to even the biggest Lefty's that Joe Biden is much, much more demented than Donald Trump.

So your post is more true than others lol. Any could say the same about your posts. Stop with the 5th grade whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you crap.


Active member
You can say anything you want but it doesn't make it true. You're just being dishonest because it's clear to even the biggest Lefty's that Joe Biden is much, much more demented than Donald Trump.

We can agree to disagree.

I’ve listened to trump at his press briefings and he is a babbling moron. He is also corrupt and incompetent to the point that he has wrecked our economy and is responsible for covid19 spreading like wild fire. He seems to care more about his golf score and his ego than he does about American lives. Many people share these opinions. I am far from alone.

btw, did he play 9 or 18 rounds this weekend?

PS. With any luck, this will be the last time we have two old white men at the top of the ballots.


ICMag Donor
By waving the bible around and making divisive statements trump preys on those who favor belief and religion over science and fact. It works on racists, supremacists and haters too. Why do you think he is turning a blind eye on Faucci - science and fact.

Good time to have a covid party.
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