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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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ICMag Donor

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Thanks I just laughed so hard I coughed up a bong hit.

Tucker is the saddest wet bag I've ever heard. He's obviously never got the beatings he so desperately needs.


Active member
Wow so many salty crybabies in here today ...Is it because you're all getting nervous about Nov ?
I'm not...wanna know why ?
Cause Trump is 100% getting re elected
And you'll still be insignificant wind bags...



Well-known member
some of these guys hate trump so bad.
could not be good for you. where will they express
there anger ? after 4 more years of trump.
also if he wins, will be lame duck. so he can do more
for the country. trump 2020


Active member
No irony at all.Here I'll explain not that it will help.
unlike the major majority of this thread I don't take myself too seriously
I know i'm an insignificant windbag.That's why it's so profoundly funny to me that I trigger you all so badly...Like you people litterally spend energy getting worked up over a strangers opinion...
So either I'm not nearly as igsignificant as I think or many here are bigger ego maniac's than Trump.
I'm leaning towards the latter...
It's tough love unc.I'm trying to toughen you snowflakes up so in Nov when Trump wins (which is a 100% certainty) you guys don't go chugging bleach...But I'm already getting tired and bored with the same people spewing their same hatefull nonsense every single day.So I'll probably dip out again pretty soon.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
so i see trump is trying to force the schools to open in spite of setting yet another daily record in new infections...i wonder how that's going to go? schools a just big petri dishes at the best of times,these certainly aren't the best of times...

not gonna look good for trump if a bunch of kids start getting sick...


Active member
99.9 % of people that get covid make it out just fine.99.999% of children without preexisting conditions who test positive report they either had zero symptoms or very mild symptoms like the sniffles...You can do better than this I hope.
At least fear monger something worthy of fear...I mean are you running out of msm talking points to bash Trump or do you just enjoy being humiliated and proven wrong ?


Active member
Hello all,

ICUs in Florida reach capacity amid coronavirus surge


Guess they are the unlucky 0.1%, ay?

99.9% my lily white ass...is that your feelz or do you have a source? I got $5000.00 that says you don't.


Data is nearly two months old....

Findings In this cross-sectional study of 46 North American PICUs, between March 14 and April 3, 2020, 48 children were admitted to 14 PICUs in the US and none in Canada. A total of 40 children (83%) had preexisting underlying medical conditions, 35 (73%) presented with respiratory symptoms, and 18 (38%) required invasive ventilation, and the hospital mortality rate was 4.2%.

May 11, 2020
Characteristics and Outcomes of Children With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection Admitted to US and Canadian Pediatric Intensive Care Units



Active member
So 1 state out of 50 And yeah ppl get it then get better just like I said ...
Kids don't even get sick .
You're a lilly white loser bro .
You hate your dad
You hate yourself
You hate your country.
You hate success
You hate everything and you're obsessed with Trump ,he lives in you're head but good news,
His lease is getting renewed in Nov...So you have 4 more years to squirm with hate

Deep State

So 1 state out of 50 And yeah ppl get it then get better just like I said ...
Kids don't even get sick .
You're a lilly white loser bro .
You hate your dad
You hate yourself
You hate your country.
You hate success
You hate everything and you're obsessed with Trump ,he lives in you're head but good news,
His lease is getting renewed in Nov...So you have 4 more years to squirm with hate

:biglaugh: :yikes:

You take care of yourself George.... maybe pamper yourself for once?
Get a massage, maybe a pedicure.... idk, get laid?
Just take care of yourself, give the Tucker show and the Gavin McInnes show a pass for a few days maybe?
I'm cheering for you. Not Trump, but you. :ying:


Well-known member
The only state declining in COVID cases is NH or RI lol i dont remember which off hand. Literally every other state has increased cases.


Active member
Hello all,

Buahahahahaha, no source, ay? Guess it was your feelz after all.


Bro how dumb are you ? for real !
If the mortality rate is less than 1% and it is Fact then 99% Of the ppl who get it recover.My god you're literally one of the dumbest people I've ever talked to...Look at you all trying to gang up on me
How dare I come in here with common sense ...

Nothing has changed covid shmovid
Kiss my ass it's a little flu that got way over hyped
People see that now
The economy sees that too your sunk libs...
Trump got y'all frothy and shakin'
Trump got you babbling incoherently,going round in circles
Trump got the election both the popular vote and electoral college
well in hand.
That makes you crazy and that,makes me laugh..


Active member
Bro how dumb are you ? for real !
If the mortality rate is less than 1% and it is Fact then 99% Of the ppl who get it recover.My god you're literally one of the dumbest people I've ever talked to...Look at you all trying to gang up on me
How dare I come in here with common sense ...

Nothing has changed covid shmovid
Kiss my ass it's a little flu that got way over hyped
People see that now
The economy sees that too your sunk libs...
Trump got y'all frothy and shakin'
Trump got you babbling incoherently,going round in circles
Trump got the election both the popular vote and electoral college
well in hand.
That makes you crazy and that,makes me laugh..

Hello all,

Sources, bro....otherwise it's your tortured feelz bro, ay...buahahahahahaha

Can you do math? cause 100 * 166k deaths / 3.05M confirmed cases = 4.4%

You can do math right? right?


PS...you are going to need a much sharper instrument, bro


Active member
Nothing tortured about my anything bro ay .My source is google just like yours ay
Guess it comes down to where you go from there ay.
So bro thats that ay
Trump's got you a stuttering mess ay ?
You're all wound up , triggered even AY ?


Active member
Nothing tortured about my anything bro ay .My source is google just like yours ay
Guess it comes down to where you go from there ay.
So bro thats that ay
Trump's got you a stuttering mess ay ?
You're all wound up , triggered even AY ?

Hello all,

And yet, not one credible source to rest your feelz on, ay? How can anyone take you seriously?

And what has me wound up is pointing out your absurd proclamations. So do please continue for much like with tRump, the more you talk the more you show your diminished cognitive abilities, ay? But what is more interesting in your anger laden rhetoric is the window that opens to the anti-social caverns of your personality. Simply fascinating, ay?

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